Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Potential Role of Insulin (and Stress Response) Pathway Components In Breast Cancer Development and Progression, Monica Yvette Ragin
Impact of Psychometric Decisions on Assessment Outcomes in an Alternate Assessment, Vasanthi Rao
Voices From the Field: The Perspective of Leaders From Service Learning Partner Organizations, Mary McLeod Rawls
Variable Selection for DNA Methylation Data Using Model-Based Clustering, Genevieve Ray
Cerebrovascular and Neuronal Cellular Consequences of Amyloid-β Induced Nuclear Factor-κB Activation, John Will Reed
Mechanisms of Enhancement in Dual Pulse Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Quantitative Measurements of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Bulk Aqueous Solution, Janna Kathleen Register
Voxel-Based Lesion Symptom Mapping as a Predictor of Motor Impairment after Stroke, Alexandria Marie Reynolds
From L.A. to Breakfast, Chad Rhoad
Gaslight, Progress, and the Old South, 1801-1865, Phillip Richardson
Traditional Versus Simulated Guided Methodology In Teaching Vital Sign Assessment of the Normal Newborn to the Nursing Student: A Clinical Outcome Evaluation, Joynelle LaShea Rivers
Graduation Rates in South Carolina Public High Schools: The Effect of School Size and Socioeconomic Status, Thomas Rivers
In-School Suspension: An Effective Deterrent of Student Misbehavior or Just Another Form of Discipline, William Farris Roach, Jr.
Test-Retest Reliability of Coherence Measures of Qeeg During Resting State, Alycia M. Roberts
Handling Multiple Failures in IP Networks, Glenn Scott Robertson
Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Operations and Supply Chain Practices, Complementary Assets, and Performance, Carol J. Robinson
Self-Concept and Perceived Parental Relations Among Children With and Without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Lindsay Chanel Robinson
Misforecasting Positive Affective Responses to Prosocial Behavior, Stefanie Robinson
The Effects of Agglomeration On the Likelihood and Frequency of Patenting In U.S. Counties, Dustin Neil Rogers
Modification of Instructional Delivery and Student Learning With the Use of Educational Technologies, Jeffrey R. Rogers
Examination of Individual, Formal Meditation Practice Among Participants of A Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Laura Jane Rooney
Parent-Child Health Communication From the Perspectives of Young African American Men Who Have Sex With Men and the Parents of Young African American Men Who Have Sex With Men, India Dorothy Rose
Giving Voice to the "Insufficient Sample": A Phenomenological Study of African American Students Attending A Predominantly White High School, Akil Edward Ross
Security and Privacy Analysis of Embedded Wireless Systems, Ishtiaq Rouf
Brand Building in Three Public Libraries: Live Oak Public Libraries, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, and Richland County Public Library, Patrick Francis Roughen
The Effects of Immunomodulatory Agents On the Development of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Michael Rouse
Synthesis and Recognition Properties of Functionalized Nanomaterials From Pyridyl Urea Macrocycles, Kinkini Roy
State Implementation of the Children's Health Insurance Program: Analyses of Variation In Policy Adoption, Rebecca Layne Russ-Sellers
The Conditions of Kindness In Politics, Susan Marie Ryan
Characterization of Everolimus In Biodegradable PLAF/PLEOF Nanoparticle, Fatma Saaoud
Microenvironmental Modulation of Breast Cancer Stem Cells Through Biological Matrix, Sharmistha Saha
Associations of Fish Consumption During Pregnancy with Birth Outcomes, Alysa Joy Sampson
Frequencies of Bound Geodesics, Angle of Deflection For Null Geodesics In Kerr Space-Time, and Gravitational Anomalies In Gravastars., Andres Sanabria
Quantitative Analysis of Normal-Appearing White Matter In Pediatric Phenylketonuria, Carmen Elisabeth Sanchez
An Examination of the Academic Networking Site Edmodo on Student Engagement and Responsible Learning, K'Shaun Sherice Sanders
The Effect of Sex and Exercise Training During the Progression of Cancer Cachexia In the Apc Min/+ Mouse, Shuichi Sato
White Devils and So-Called Negroes: Jehovah's Witnesses, Southern Baptists, and the Early Nation of Islam In Detroit, Nathan Joseph Saunders
The Role of Family Context in Moderating Treatment Effectiveness for an Adolescent Family-Based Health Intervention, Elizabeth Marie Schneider
The Impact of Sample Size, Prevalence, Estimation Method and Other Factors When Estimating Multilevel Logistic Models, Jason Schoeneberger
The Late Unaccompanied Choral works of Ralph Vaughan Williams: A Conductor's Analysis and Performance Guide, David Lee Schroeder
Effectiveness of Medicare's Nonpayment Policy On Hospital-Acquired Conditions, Kristin Schuller
Male Subjectivity and Twenty-First Century German Cinema: Gender, National Idenity, and the Problem of Normalization, Richard Sell
Column Store Database - A New Approach to GIS Application, Biswa Ranjan Senapati
Separation and Coordination Chemistry of Actinides, Rachel Charlotte Severance
What's Mine is Yours: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Conceptions About Online Personal Privacy In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Patrick Sharbaugh
Quantifying the Constraint Effect of Three-Dimensional Specimens with Biaxial Loading Using the J-A2 Method, Larry Sharpe
Multiple Protein Structure Alignment and its Applications, Paul Shealy
Investigating the White Identity of Historically White Fraternity Members: A Descriptive Study, Daniel James Shelnutt
The Availability of Semantic and Syntactic Information and Their Use As A Structural Predictor In the Real-Time Processing of L1 and L2 Korean, Eun Young Shin
An Analysis of Academic Peer Leaders' Perceptions of Academic Skills and Performance, Jaime Shook
Use of Technology for Physical Activity Assessments and Intervention Applications, John Christopher Sieverdes
Perspectives on an Induction Process for international exchange teachers: A Leadership Perspective, James Thomas Siler
Flying' Female Sex Workers in Kolkata, India: Using "Cultural Biography" to Understand HIV Risk Perceptions, Sunny Sinha
Neutronic Characteristics of Using Zirconium Diboride and Gadolinium in a Westinghouse 17 X 17 Fuel Assembly, Charlie Sironen
The Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 4 Channel: A New Player in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle Function, Amy Charlene Smith
An Intersectional Analysis of Nella Larsen's Quicksand, Anna Rebecca Smith
Retrospective Practice Histories of Division I and Division II Female Basketball Players in the Carolinas, Anthony Steven Smith
A Comparison Study of Depression and Wellness Among Undergraduate College Students Seeking Degrees in the Helping Professions, Nicole Willis Snell
Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle: Functional Role and Potential as Therapeutic Targets for Overactive Bladder, Rupal Pandey Soder
Exploration of Differences in Food Environment Perceptions and Shopping Behaviors among Residents of Low Food Access Versus High Food Access Areas, Inderbir Singh Sohi
Differences in Interventions for Children With ADHD Their Relationship to Contact with the Juvenile Justice System in SC, Samuel Lee Soltis
The Rhetoric and Realities of Literacy Coaching: An Autoethnography, Sara Hellen Somerall
Back from Costa Rica: A Perspective on Migration from Nicaraguan Sending Communities, Micah Kristin Sorum
Maternal Immune Markers In Serum During Late Gestation and In Breast Milk and the Risk of Asthma-Like Symptoms At Ages 6 and 12 Months: A Longitudinal Study, Nelís Del Carmen Soto-Ramírez
The Intricate Molecular Landscape of Insect Chemosensation: The Sensory Neuron Membrane Protein Gene Family, Jackson Thomas Sparks
Improving Outcomes by Improving Practice: Evidence-Based Assessment, Prevention and Documentation of Pressure Ulcers In the ICU., Kristy Fry Speronis
MCP-1, Macrophages and Tumorigenesis in the C3(1)/Sv40Tag Mouse Model of Breast Cancer: Benefits of Quercetin, Jennifer Steiner
The Relationship Between Mathematical Knowledge of Numbers and Operations and Mathematics Beliefs of Prospective Teachers, Cindy Kay Stiegelmeyer
Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion with Probabilistic Evader Models, Nicholas Michael Stiffler
Vasculogenic Scaffolds: How Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions Regulate Vascular Differentiation and Morphogenesis, Samantha Jo Stinson
"an identification and a plan for action to supplant a plan for action": EPIC Conventions Transformed in Williams, Zukofsky, and Olson, Graham Buckner Stowe
Properties of Galaxies Detected in Emission and Absorption with Background Quasars, Lorrie Straka
Burn: A Novel, Alexis Loring Stratton
Road Noise, Ashley Lauren Strosnider
Longitudinal Analyses of Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Adiposity and Glucose Levels, Xuemei Sui
Micro/Nano-Scale Investigation on SN Alloys and SNO2 Nanowires, Yong Sun
Increasing Awareness of Fertility Preservation Options in Cancer Patients & Survivors, Norma Sweet
Identification, Prevention and Treatment of Children with Decreased Bone Density, Laura Lee Szadek
Adult Amateur Musicians and Melodic Error Detection, Matthew D. Talbert
Cross-Listing and Corporate Risk Taking: Legal Bonding or Reputation Bonding, Masoud Tavazoei
Improving Wetland Mitigation in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina With the Watershed Planning and Mitigation Banking Aspects of the New Mitigation Rule, April Lynne Taylor
Paradoxical Religious Posture: Occupying the Liminal Space, Mindy Elaine Taylor
Development and Validation of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Methods for the Analysis of Aqueous Solutions, Amelia Simms Taylor-Perry
Characterization and Chemical Activity of Titania-Supported AU-Based Bimetallic Clusters, Samuel Adam Tenney
Relational Identity Negotiation: Redefining the Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship, Bryant Thompson
Athletic Participation and the Achievement Gap: A Comparative Analysis of Select African-American Males in South Carolina Rural High Schools, Rodney Thompson
Female Legislators and the Power of the Purse: Does Gender Affect Government Spending? A Cross-National Analysis, Jennifer Suzanne Tison
Examining Community Integration of Individuals With Psychiatric Disabilities Residing In Supported and Non-Supported Housing, Greg Townley
Cardiometabolic Diseases and HIV Infection: The Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, Avnish Tripathi
An Investigation of Theatrical Phenomenology, Clarke O'Neal Tucker
A Cost Comparison of a Low Impact Development to traditional Residential Development along the South Carolina Coast, Joel A. Tupper
Synthesis and Characterization of Pt-Ru-Sn Catalysts, Karen Jeaneen Uffalussy
Thermal Management In Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys, Piyush Upadhyay
A Phenomenological Study Examining Classroom Teachers' Perceptions of The Roles of Professional School Counselors and School Counseling Programs In RAMP Designated Schools, Calvin Bryan Vacchio
Official Social Studies Curriculum Standards: An Analysis of Southern Political, Cultural, and Historical Contexts, Charles Franklin Vaughan
Synthesis of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Designed For Radiation Detection, Luminescence, and Gas Storage, Shae Anne Vaughn
The Influence of Quercetin, Curcumin, and Resistance Exercise On Anabolic Signaling In the Skeletal Muscle of Cachectic Mice, Kandy Tawany Velazquez-Figueroa
Classifying Polynomials With Reducible Nonreciprocal Parts and the Factorization of Values of Polynomials, Andrew Fletcher Vincent
Women Superintendents In South Carolina: Numbers and Perspectives, Anita Paulette Walker
Analysis of Hospital-Based Emergency Department Visits for Dental Care Services in the United States in 2008, Willie A. Walker