Browse by Research Unit, Center, or Department
Scholar Commons is an Institutional Repository to preserve, collect and disseminate the research and scholarship of the University of South Carolina. With scholarly content contributed by faculty, researchers and students associated with the University, this repository will expand the visibility, access and influence of the University. It will also support efforts to increase collaboration and cross discipline research within the University and with other organizations. Content posted here has been selected and deposited by the individual campus groups. For more information, see About the Repository.
- Open Educational Resources
- USC Aiken
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Communication Department
- English Department
- History, Political Science and Philosophy Department
- Sociology Department
- Student-Veteran Oral History Project
- The Oswald Review: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English
- Visual and Performing Arts Department
- Colleges of Sciences
- Gregg-Graniteville Library
- School of Business Administration
- School of Education
- School of Nursing
- South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education Journal
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- USC Beaufort
- Business Administration and Communication Studies, Department of
- Education, Department of
- English, Theater & Interdisciplinary Studies, Department of
- Hospitality, Resort, and Tourism Management, Department of
- Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of
- Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Department of
- Natural Sciences, Department of
- Nursing and Allied Health Professions, Department of
- Student Publications
- USCB Library
- USC Columbia
- Arts and Sciences, College of
- Anthropology, Department of
- Athena: Undergraduate Research and Literary Journal
- Biological Sciences, Department of
- Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of
- Comparative Literature, Program of
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Earth, Ocean and Environment, School of the
- English Language and Literatures, Department of
- Film and Media Studies, Program of
- Geography, Department of
- History, Department of
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Department of
- Linguistics, Program of
- Mathematics, Department of
- Philosophy, Department of
- Physics and Astronomy, Department of
- Political Science, Department of
- Psychology, Department of
- Religious Studies, Department of
- Sociology, Department of
- Statistics, Department of
- Theatre and Dance, Department of
- Visual Art and Design, School of
- Women's and Gender Studies, Program of
- Business, Moore School of
- Education, College of
- Engineering and Computing, Molinaroli College of
- Biomedical Engineering, Department of
- Chemical Engineering, Department of
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of
- Computer Science and Engineering, Department of
- Electrical Engineering, Department of
- Integrated Information Technology, Department of
- Mechanical Engineering, Department of
- Nuclear Engineering, Department of
- Graduate School
- Honors College
- Hospitality, Retail and Sports Management, College of
- Information and Communications, College of
- Law, Joseph F. Rice School of
- McKissick Museum
- Medicine, School of
- Music, School of
- Nursing, College of
- Pharmacy, College of
- Public Health, Arnold School of
- Research Centers and Institutes
- Social Work, College of
- Undergraduate Student Works
- University Archives
- University Libraries
- University Publications
- Arts and Sciences, College of
- USC Lancaster
- USC Upstate