Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Extending Sample Size Calculation for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model, Songfeng Wang
Simulation Comparisons of Semi-Parametric Accelerated Failure Time Model With Different Bandwidths, Yinding Wang
A Novel Quantitative Mechanical Test of Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability, Ying Wang
Establishing a Unified Model of Academic Literacy and a Method for Measuring Academic Readiness, Sherry Louise Warren
La RepresentaciÓn De La Mujer En Las Novelas Ejemplares De Cervantes, Wendy Waskovich
Exploration of Individual and Organizational Factors In Participation In Professional Networks and Public Health Systems Change, Megan Alice Weis
Evaluating Social Capital Effects On Adolescent Sexual Health Behaviors, Drew Anne Westmoreland
An Assessment of the Level of School Law Knowledge of South Carolina School Principals and the Implications for Litigation and Social Justice, Delaney Batson White
Risk Factors Associated with New Sexually Transmitted Disease Acquisition in HIV- positive Males in South Carolina, Yohance Omar Whiteside
Assessment and Strategic Planning to Determine the Growth Feasibility of a Distance-Based Rural Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Amber Proctor Williams
The Limits of Good Intentions: A Historical Analysis of Pioneering Progressive Educators In Upstate South Carolina (1910-1920), Jenny Williams
Understanding the Association Between Body Image and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Female College Students: The Influence of Race and Sexual Orientation, Leah Renee Williams
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy As An Approach to Developing Intercultural Sensitivity In Early Childhood Preservice Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study, Lisa Elizabeth Wills
Mapping Major Genetic Factors of Obesity, Lauren Rook Wingfield
Breast Cancer and Cortisol Secretion in Relation to the Per3 Vntr, Chronotype, and Sleep, Michael David Wirth
The Heart of the Sectional Conflict: Emotion, Politics, and the Coming of the American Civil War, Michael Eugene Woods
Antihyperglycemic Adherence and Risk of Stroke among Type II diabetes mellitus: A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study, Chuan-Song Wu
High Resolution Paleothermometry Using Biogenic Silica: A Feasibility Study, Gregory Wyche
Rhetorical Perspectives of American Civil-Military Relations, Joseph Leo Wyszynski
Techniques For Alleviating the Inconveniences Caused by Mobility In Wireless Environments, Yi Xian
Three Essays In Finance, Gang Xiao
Covolume-Upwind Finite Volume Approximations For Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Xiao Xiao
Liquefaction Potential of Unsaturated Nevada Sand Considering Different Intial Conditions, Jiting Xu
Fibonacci Sets In Discrepancy Theory and Numerical Integration, Rui Yu
Dawn of Freedom:' The Freedmen's town of Mitchelville On Hilton Head Island, S.C., JoAnn Livingston Zeise
Graph Based Optimization For Scientific Computing, Yiwei Zhang
Object Localization by Combining Shape and Appearance Features, Zhiqi Zhang
Two Essays On Culture and Finance, Xiaolan Zheng
Interlanguage Pragmatics: Invitation Responses by Advanced Chinese Learners of English, Fan Zhu
Role of Interleukin 33 In Modulating Cardiac Fibroblast and Mast Cell Gene Expression and Function, Jinyu Zhu
The Dynamics of Sisterhood In the Modern Chinese Imaginary, 1890S-1930S, Yun Zhu
Anxiety and Life-stressors Surrounding the Telemedicine Versus Traditional Counseling Experience, Elizabeth Hyden Ziglinski
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
A Descriptive Study on Intervention Programs Available for Students Reinstated from Academic Suspension, Kristin Abbe
3-D Numerical Modeling of Turbidity Currents, Sherif M. Abd El Gawad
Predictors of Second Language Reading Span, Jason Ryan Abernethy
Stress, Coping, Social Support, and Psychological Distress Among MSW Students, Frank Patrick Addonizio
Coordinating Transactions For Data Services, Neeraj Agrawal
Direct Comparison of Acute Responses to Isotonic Or Isokinetic Eccentric Muscle Action: Implications For Differential Outcomes In Skeletal Muscle Damage, Joseph Anthony Alemany
The Social Validity of Communication Modalities: Assessing Attitudes of Typically Developing Adolescents toward Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Sally Louise Alexander
Used Nuclear Fuel Actinide Management in a Sodium- Cooled Heterogeneous Innovative Burner Reactor, Kenneth Scott Allen
Detectors in Medical Physics Measuring Dose by Detectors, Ziyad Awadh Alrowaili
Parent- and Family-Based Interventions: An Investigation of Parental Intention to Participate, Vittoria Anello
Playing Gender In the Dramatic Works of Griselda Gambaro, Marcus Dawson Antley III
Controls of Melt Genesis and Evolution at Buldir Volcano in the Western Aleutian Island Arc, Shawn Arndt
Phylogenetic Reconstruction With Gene Order and Content Information, William Matthew Arndt
Measurement of Thermal Impedance of Deep Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes, Fatima Asif
Building an Educated Workforce: Brain Drain and Senior State Merit Scholarship Recipients Studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics, Allison Louise Atkins
The Institutional Contingencies of Business Innovation In Low-Income Markets: The Global Growth and Commercialization of Microfinance, 1998-2008, Joshua Kennedy Ault
Understanding Maternal Demands, Capabilities, and Ability to Feed Children in Bangladesh, Rasmi Avula
Applications of ROMP Polymers, Xiaolong Bai
Polymer Composite Dielectric Materials For Pulse Power Applications, Shivasubramanian Balasubramanian
Electrochemical Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide in Reformate Hydrogen for PEM Fuel Cells, Sivagaminathan Balasubramanian
Decline of the Savannah River Redeye Bass (Micropterus Coosae) Due to Introgressive Hybridization With Invasive Alabama Spotted Bass (Micropterus Punctulatus Henshalli), Max Russell Bangs
Semiparametric Bayesian Joint Model With Variable Selection, Haikun Bao
An Assessment of Obesity Through Lifestyle Self-monitoring and Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Vaughn Wesley Barry
Modeste Mussorgsky's Songs and Dances of Death (A Performer's Guide), Peter Alan Barton
The Spacing of Bodies In Heartbreak Tango (1969) and the Kiss of the Spider Woman (1976) by Manuel Puig., William R. Benner
A Research Utilization Project: Implementation of an Evidence-Based Behavioral Treatment for Students At-Risk of Dropout at Richland Northeast High School, Kathrene Carter Berger
A Cross-case Analysis of The Implementation And Impact of Smaller Learning Communities in Selected S.C. Public Middle Schools, Kandace Rhames Bethea
Odd Nerdrum, Kitsch & Modernity, Sarah Bethea
"Then Came the Peaceful Invasion of the Northerners": The Impact of Outsiders On Plantation Architecture in Georgetown County, South Carolina, Jennifer Lee Betsworth
Identification of Quorum Sensing Genes in Hypersaline Microbial Mats, Benjamin Senyo Bey
Using Media-Based Representations of Reproductive Health Choices to Discuss the Real and Ideal Experiences of Latina Women, Jessica Bichler
Role of Sub-Cellular Localization and Cellular Factors In Regulation of HIV-1 Tat Protein Stability, Shalmali Shirish Bivalkar
Information Literacy In the Composition Classroom: An Annotated Bibliography of Collaborations Between Librarians and Composition Teachers, Elyn Beth Blackman
The Effects of Exercise on Physical Function in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Review, Daniel H. Blackmon
Assessing the Three Pillars of Effective Mentoring: Induction Teacher's Perceptions of Support from the Principal, Colleagues, and Mentor, Linda Larkin Blackwell
Motivational Interviewing with Middle School Students, Robert Anthoney Blank
Positive Affect, Coping, and Student Engagement In Early Adolescence, Sacha Bliss
The Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 On the Evidence Based Practice of Distributive Justice Via Comfort Care In Elderly Burn Trauma Victims, Christina Pacileo Blottner
St. Joseph Iconography In Fifteenth Century Florentine Painting, Janie Boyer
Abundant Rhetoric: Memory, Media, and the Multiplicity of Composition, Casey Andrew Boyle
The Genetic Impacts of Mytilus Galloprovincialis On M. Trossulus In Northern Japan, Pamela Marie Brannock
Colonoware, Creolization, and Interactions Between African Americans and Native Americans During the Colonial Period in the South Carolina Lowcountry, Martha Brooke Brilliant
Career Patterns of State Directors: Federal and State Level Leadership for Community College Systems, Kimberly Anne Britt
From Art to Stage: Finding A Voice In Costume Design, April Janette Brown
Development and Implementation of a Pedometer Tracking System for Afterschool Programs, Ashleigh Nicole Brown
Racial Socialization and the Academic Self-Esteem of African American Adolescents: Racial Private and Public Regard as Mediators?, Charity Lenae Brown
Evaluation of Price Adjustment Clauses for Construction Materials, Larry Randolph Brown II
Rebecca Clarke's Sonata for Viola and Piano and William Walton's Concerto for Viola and Orchestra: A Comparison of Form and Viola Technique, Alvoy Louis Bryan, Jr.
Tracking Changes In Silicon Isotopic Composition During Diatom Descent and Dissolution In the Cariaco Basin., Wayne Patrick Buckley
Implementation of Elderly Club Programs In Thailand, Urarat Buranakongkatree
Understanding the Fate of the Neurotoxin Domoic Acid In Coastal Systems, Christopher Thomas Burrell
Owning Home: African-American Agriculture In Lower Richland County, South Carolina, 1868-1890, Rebecca Elizabeth Bush
The Use of Educational Technology Integration by Special Education Teachers in Rural Schools in South Carolina, Shannon LaShawn Byrd - Jones
Forensic Analysis of Trace Evidence Fibers and Drugs of Abuse In Biological Matrices Using Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Methods, Oscar Gilberto Cabrices
Hearing Africa: Auditory Perception and the Construction of Race In Early Modern England, Amy Long Caffee
The Chemistry of Methanol On Gold and Gold Based Bimetallic Clusters On TiO2 (110) Single Crystal, Brett Allen Cagg
To Partner or Not to Partner: Motivations to Develop Interorganizational Partnerships for the Uninsured in Rural SC Counties, Katora Pettigrew Campbell
The Aptitude Domain: A Componential Analysis of Learner Aptitude in Second Language Acquisition, Marc Canner
Influences on the Food Choice Behavior of Adults with Severe Mental Illness, Nancy Edwards Carson
Hospital Infection Control Practice: Preventing, Identifying, and Measuring Healthcare-Associated Infections in an Ever-Changing Environment, Anna Lang Cass