Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Perceptions and Experiences of Prenatal Care Providers in Communicating about the HIV Test with Pregnant Latinas in South Carolina, Edena Guimaraes Meetze
Cycle Scheduling and Design of Pressure Swing Adsorption (Psa) Cycles For Carbon Dioxide Capture From Flue Gas, Amal Mehrotra
"Reading Is Meant For Training": Maps, Nation, and Empire In British Children's Literature, 1800-1940, Corey Meissner
Flood Processes, Forest Dynamics, and Disturbance In the Congaree River Floodplain, South Carolina, Kimberly Michele Meitzen
Sickness of the Spirit: A Comparative Study of Lu Xun and James Joyce, Liang Meng
Effects of Welding Parameters On Mechanical Properties of Aa7050 Fsw Joints, Sinan Meric
Evaluation of A New Power-Hardware-In-The-Loop (Phil) Interface Algorithm For Current Controlled Amplifiers, Richard Mack Mersenski
Parenting Profiles of Academic and Racial Socialization: Associations With Academic Engagement and Perceptions of Academic Ability of African American Adolescents, Isha Walwina Metzger
The Representation of Gender in Hermann Hesse's Novels Demian and Narziß und Goldmund, Isabel Meusen
Longitudinal Associations Between Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes During Childhood, Jonathan Mitchell
Network Based Prediction of Protein Localization Using Diffusion Kernel, Ananda Mohan Mondal
The Growth of Third Stream Music In the Wind Band Repertory: A Study of Jazz Influences In Three Selected Compositions, David Wilson Montgomery
An Examination of School Counseling Interns' Satisfaction With Their Career Choice as Predicted by Self-efficacy And Roles Performed in Internship, O'Tasha Lashanta Morgan
A Grounded Theory Study of Practicing Counselors Professional Identity Development, Julie M. Moss
Don't Take It Personally: An Exploration of Student Perceptions of Interpersonal Relationships In School Settings, Sheryl Cowart Moss
An Innovative Coupling Scheme of FEM And BEM Solvers, Jeffrey Scott Mulliken
Chemical Weathering History of Antarctica During A Late Eocene Glacial Event, Gabrielle Hayes Munn
The Rescuer in Danger: A Scholarly Performance Edition of Franz Xaver Süssmayr's Secular Cantata, Der Retter in Gefahr, Mark Nabholz
DNA Damage and Cell Death Mediated by Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors: Role of UNG and SMUG1 DNA Glycosylase, Pratik K. Nagaria
Termination Rates Following Prenatal Diagnosis For Down Syndrome: A Systematic Review, Jaime Lynn Natoli
Synthesis and Activation of Nanoscale Dendrimer-Derived Supported Noble Metal Catalysts, Zahra Nazar Poor
Cultural Pluralism, Migration and Ceramics: Reconsidering An Eighteenth Century Yuchi Settlement On the Savannah River (9Ef169), Maggie Marie Needham
Association Between Low Vitamin D Status and Colorectal Cancer, Tanishah Nellom
Greedy Algorithms and Incoherent Systems, Jessica Lee Nelson
A 2-D Time-Dependent Ripple Prediction Model for Wave Dominated Flows, Timothy Robert Nelson
Search For Solar Axions, Seth Newman
Confiding History: Stories We Lived When No One Was Watching, Heidi Gabrielle Nobles
A Versatile and Computationally Efficient Condition Indicator for AH-64 Rotorcraft Gearboxes, Praveen Kumar Nooli
Autonomous Nurse Practitioner Practice: A Position Paper and Action Plan for Change, Patricia Susan Noser
Folate Deficiency and Its Effect On Dna Repair, Virginia Noxon
The Ashley Series as Native American Persistence: Lowcountry Indians in the Period of European Expansion, James Allan Nyman
Wil Lou Gray and the Politics of Progress In South Carolina, Mary Macdonald Ogden
Late Summer Weather, Zachary O'Neill
Inferential Methods For Quantile Regression With Applications to Infant Birth Weight, Andrew Ortaglia
Criminologists' Opinions On Correctional Rehabilitation, Heather M. Ouellette
Conjugation of Biological and Carbon Nanoparticles For Applications In Electronics and Cell Imaging, Jerry Richard Oxsher
A Framing Analysis and Model of Barack Obama in Political Cartoons, Anthony Palmer
Lis1 and Ndel1 Regulate Dynein-Mediated Organelle Transport In Adult Neurons, Jai P. Pandey
Cultural Politics of South Korean Ngos In Neoliberal Era, seo yeon Park
Jist Lak...De White Folks': 'Jumping theBroom As A Case Study In Exploring theIntercultural and Atlantic Dimensions of Southern Society, Tyler Dunsdon Parry
Rapid Classification of Imaged Objects Using Molecular Factor and Multivariate Optical Computing, Megan Renee Pearl
Linking Local Knowledge and Satellite-Derived Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Information In Krabi Province, Thailand, Elitsa Ilieva Peneva-Reed
Effects of Mica On Soil Properties For Embankment Construction, Angel Ari Perez Mejia
Alterations in the Hippocampal Epigenome as a Result of Alcohol Exposure During the Perinatal Period of Development in Rats, Amy Elizabeth Perkins
Folk Music As A Cultural Signifier In the Contemporary American South, Kyle Petersen
The Role of Self-Efficacy As A Mediator Between Parent Social Support and Physical Activity In Male and Female Adolescents, Michelle Segal Peterson
Fomc Dissenting: Is the Chairman Conducting the Music?, Wade Michael Petty
Whatever Force Necessary: The Politics of Police Brutality In the Post-Jim Crow South, 1968-1971, Caroline Peyton
Truck Queuing At Seaports Using Terminal Webcam, Quyen Thi Pham
Composite Structural Health Monitoring With Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Patrick Pollock
Analysis of the Transcriptional Regulation and Bidirectional Nature Of the Promoter of the p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene, Amanda Faith Polson
The Censored Heterogeneous Negative Binomial Model, Candace N. Porter
The Deposition Characteristics of Zrc On Uo2 Kernels Produced For Advanced Triso Fuels In Gen-Iv Reactors, Ian Edward Porter
A Case Study Analysis of One Suburban High School's College Preparation Program, Sandra R. Pound
The Effect of Optimism, Hope, and Religion On Mood and Anxiety Disorders Over Time In Women With the Fmr1 Premutation, Emily Eileen Powell
Effects of Elevation and Nutrient Availability On the Primary Production of Spartina Alterniflora and the Stability of Southeastern Coastal Salt Marshes Relative to Sea Level Rise, Brant Matthew Priest
A Detailed Investigation of the Group Exercise Experience from the Participant Perspective, Krista L. Prince
Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Changes Associated With the Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Aimee Elizabeth Pusz
Microcantilever Based Potentiometric Sensors For Harsh Environment Applications, Muhammad Qazi
A Study of The Role of The Human Complement C8α AND C9 MACPF Domains in Membrane Pore Formation, Yu Qian
Homeland Security: Institution Building and Agency Cooperation, Darwin-Tamar Ramsey
Relationship Between Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Cancer: A Nested Retrospective Longitudinal Cohort Study, Gowtham Rao
Fuel Cycle Modeling Improvements and Multi-Tiered Recycling With A Sodium-Cooled Heterogeneous Innovative Burner Reactor, Carey McIlwaine Read Jr.
Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation of Bimetallic Catalysts Prepared by Electroless Deposition Methods, Jayakiran Rebelli
'A Deep and Imperturbable Joy': Saving Christianity from Postmodern Evangelical Heresy, Timothy Scott Reeves
Computational and Pharmacological Approaches to Design Novel Allosteric Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors, Jayanthi Repalli
The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Stress, and Academic Performance, Vanessa Williams Rettinger
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B-Induced Acute Lung Injury:Mechanism and Treatment of Disease, Sadiye Amcaoglu Rieder
Designing and Introducing New Startegies to Optimize the Molecualr Imprinting Process, Diana Rishmawi
Fully-Integrated Control: Noise Filtering, Parameter Estimation, Disturbance Determination and Predictive Control of Biological Nonlinear Processes, Alexis Alberto Rivera-Montalvo
Essays In Corporate Governance, Sorin Rizeanu
Proepicardial Cell Differentiation During Cardiac Development, Andrea Roberts
Access to Success: Truman, Obama, and the Evolution of Presidential Agendas for Community Colleges, Thashundray Robertson
Dryden and the Solution to Domination: Bonds of Love In the Conquest of Granada, Lydia FitzSimons Robins
Physiological Correlates of Maternal Responsivity In Mothers of Preschools With Fragile X Syndrome, Ashley Nicole Robinson
Vibration Analysis Processes In Noisy Environments For thePurposes of Condition Based Maintenance and theSignificance of Regime Recognition, Trevor Douglas Roebuck
Identifying the Needs of Fathers Raising Children With Autism and Children With Down Syndrome, Emily Olivia Rosebrough
Surface Modification of Nanoparticles Using Controlled Radical Polymerization For Designed Interfaces, Atri Rungta
Demonstrating Long-Term Primary Care Need For Medically Vulnerable Populations Post-Disaster, Jennifer Davis Runkle
A longitudinal investigation of coping and life satisfaction in adolescents., Runa Saha
Characterization of Fe-S Cluster Assembly On the Sufbc2D Complex, Avneesh Kumar Saini
Study of Porous Materials Incorporating Boronate Esters, Kevin Scott Sapp
AlGaN/GaN HFET with composite 'slow/fast' gate, Ajay Kumar Sattu
A Prospective Investigation of Pain And Development Effects On The Health-related Quality of Life of Children With Sickle Cell Disease, Alyssa Schlenz
The Relation of Depressive Symptoms and Body Image to Sexual Risk Taking In College Women, Sara Cohen Schmidt
The Rule of Law In Times of War: A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of War On High Court Decision-Making, Susanne Schorpp
The Role of Caregiver Contingent Responsiveness In Promoting Compliance and Preventing Verbal and Physical Aggression In Preschool-Aged Children, Christie Marlena Schueler
John Gary Cook: Methodology of A Master Music Educator, Mohamad S. Schuman, Jr.
Bodies, Identities and Behavioral Choices: How Focusing On the Contextual Factors that Contribute to Swazi University Students' Sex-Related Decisions Could Enhance On-Campus HIC/AIDS Campaigns, Sarah Elizabeth Schwartz
Valorizing theCitizen Soldier: Veteran Testimony, Public Display, and the Creation of the National D-Day Museum, Sarah Michel Scripps
Josiah Morse, the First Jewish Professor At the University of South Carolina: The Role of Mixed Bias In the American University System, Amy Posner Scully
3-D Computational Investigation of Viscoelastic Biofilms using GPUs, Paisa Seeluangsawat
Doubly Marginalized: The Representation of Female Adolescence and 'Otherness' In Several Contemporary French Novels by Women of Non-French Origin, Andrea Ruth Sell
Time to Sodium Absorption At Rest Between Three Different Beverages, Rachel Leanne Sharpe
Sources and Export of Dissolved Organic Matter In the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River System, Yuan Shen