Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Improving Simulation Performance With Gpus, Jian Shi
Investment, Uncertainty, and the Impact of Real Options, Hubert Shuler
Regulation of Pkr Activation by Pact and Trbp In Response to Stress Signals, Madhurima Singh
Least Knowen and Most In Practice': The Nature and Utility of Practical Music In Early Modern English Thought, Elisha James Sircy
Becoming-Spiritual: Conceiving the Spiritual Family in Post-Reformation England, Jonathan Lawrence Sircy
Leadership of South Carolina'S High School Special Education Teachers, Sarah McDade Slatton
Shall We Gather At the Table?: the Symbolic, Material, and Cultural Significance of the Table In American Life and Letters, Abigail Lundelius Smith
Effect of Werner and Bloom Helicase Deficiencies On Dna Double-Strand Break Repair, Krissy Lynn Smith
Buttitta's Folk Opera Diggin' the Ring: The Ring Cycle, Songs of Protest, and the American Left, Ryan F. Smith
The Effect of Industry Agglomeration On the Survival of New Establishments In South Carolina, William Patrick Smith
Interpersonal Connection As A Vehicle For Empowerment In Mental Health Services, Rachel Smolowitz
A Self-contained Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Tool, Dean Andrew Snelling
Nano-Micromechanics: Modeling theEffective Response of Polymer Nanocomposites, Jennifer Snipes
Between and Beyond Borders: Conflict, International Response, and Forced Migration, Young Hoon Song
Costs of Time Versus Money: A Mental Accounting View of Satisfaction, Robin L. Soster
The Gelatinases and Autoimmune Disease, Kelly Lauren Speiran
When the Soil Was Everything: Unearthing the Roots of American Environmental Writing, Stephen Spratt
Depositional History of Thousand Acre Marsh From Geophysical and Sedimentological Analyses, Abby Lynn Springer
Properties and Applications of Organic/Biodegradable Sorbents (Peat) For Remediation of Hazardous Waste Substances, Edward Michael Stack
Age-Related Alterations in Orexin Modulation of Septo-Hippocampal Neurotransmission, Emily Marie Stanley
Spatial Expression Patterns of theSnmp Gene Family In Drosophila Melanogaster, Jon Staples
Coresidence At the Crash: The Effect of Employment, Marital Status, and Disability On Living With Your Parents, Michael Steketee
The Effects of Minimum Size Limit Regulations On Exploited Fish Populations off the Atlantic Coast of the Southeastern United States, Jessica A. Stephen
Leadership Orientations of Designated Institutional officials At Institutions That Sponsor Graduate Medical Education Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, Katherine Gulledge Stephens
Racial and Ethnic Differences In Correlates of Medication Use Among Youth With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Kristina Storck
Physics-Based Li-Svo Cathode Model, Derek Alexander Strange
The Solo Piano Works of Henri Dutilleux: A Stylistic Analysis, Rosemarie Suniga
Modification of the Stoner-Wohlfarth Astroid by A Spin-Polarized Current, Zhelin Sun
Development of Polymer-Biomolecule Core-Shell Particles For Biomedical Applications, Nisaraporn Suthiwangcharoen
'As Dry Leaves That Before The Wild Hurricane Fly': Negotiating Risk And Reality In The South Carolina Hurricanes Of 1752, 1893, And 1989, Rebecca Cowles Swanson
Recovering From Modesty: A Response to theAlteration of An Old Master At Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery, Sarah Abigail Swinney
Indices of Social Vulnerability to Hazards: Model Uncertainty and Sensitivity, Eric Tate
Best Practices in The Use of Vena Cava Filters oo Prevent Pulmonary Emboli in Trauma Patients, Dennis Absher Taylor
To What Extent Do Mentors and Principals Draw From Best Practices of Mentoring Research During the Induction Process?, Elizabeth Larkin Taylor
The Influence of Parenting On Adolescent Bmi and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Amy M. Teixeira
Distribution of S-(2-Succinyl)Cysteine In the Tissues of Animal Models of Diabetes and Obesity, Sonia Thomas
Eating Marigolds, Sonya G. Thompson
A Journey Through Costumes, Amy Turner Thomson
Adding Tournament to Tournament: The Interactive Effect of Team and Individual Incentives, Yu Tian
Effects of Goal Setting For Children With An Intellectual Disabiliy On Physical Activity and Dietary Habits, Falon Elizabet Tilley
Clustering Analysis of Zernike Coefficients Through Quantile Regression, Xin Tong
Negative Affect Longitudinally Predicts Anxiety, Not Autism, In Young Children With Fragile X Syndrome, Bridgette L. Tonnsen
Re(f)use: The Aesthetics of Waste In American Fiction, Kevin Douglas Trumpeter
Microbial Antibiotic Resistance and Integron Gene Distribution Within An Urbanized Coastal Estuarine Ecosystem, Miguel Ignacio Uyaguari
Systematic Intervention to Increase Parent Involvement In Children's Academic Activity, Sara Wise Van Driel
The Influnence of Empathy Priming and Social Value Orientations On the Motivation For Prosocial Behavior, Leia DeeAnn Velasquez
Channel Processes and form Near the Tidal Limit, Christopher Jason Walker
Thermobarometry of Hawaiian Spinel Peridotites, Shawn William Wallace
A Framework for Combining Logical and Probabilistic Models, Jingsong Wang
Formal Evaluation of Teachers: An Examination of theRelationship Betweeen Teacher Performance and Student Achievement, Andrea Davis Washington
Multi-Parameter Algorithms For Smoothing Data As Applied to Curves, Contours, and Images, Holly Lynn Watson
Creating Industry-Ready Ph.D. Graduates, Joy Watson
Strategic Entry Deterrence In the Pharmaceutical Industry: Revisiting Product Proliferation, Veronica Watson
Real Time Diagnostic Systems For Motors and Drives, Harry H. Weatherford
Behavior of partition values modulo powers of primes, John J. B. Webb
Race and Power: the Myth and Mystique of Robert Shaw Wilkinson, Jean Lynn Weingarth
Seasonal and Annual Variability In Elemental and Isotopic Proxies of Past Ocean Conditions: Results From the Guaymas and Cariaco Basins, Katherine Wejnert
An Investigation of the Effects of Using Strengths-Based Assessment with Latino English Language Learners, Claire Roof Wellborn
Treadmill: A Novel, Robert Lowell Wentworth
Individual- and Unit-Level Coping Among Combat Veterans Subject to Army Force Stabilization System Personnel Policy, Ronald James Whalen
James Woodrow, Teacher of Natural Science: Presbyterians and Science Education In Nineteenth Century South Carolina, Claire Ann White
First Among Equals: A Study of Faculty Trust Levels and Influencing Factors Related to New Deans In Transition Periods, Elizabeth White-Hurst
Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover During Cancer Cachexia In the Apcmin/+ Mouse, James P. White
Bismuth-, Tin-, and Lead-Containing Metal-Organic Materials: Synthesis, Structure, Photoluminescence, Second Harmonic Generation, and Ferroelectric Properties, Arief Cahyo Wibowo
A Population-based Analysis of The Association Between Health Insurance Coverage And Psychological Distress And The Influence of Other Mediating Factors Among Young Adults In The United States, Larrell Le' Jon Wilkinson
Improvement In the Measurement and Control of Glass Melt Temperature of High Strength, Continuous Glass Fiber, Stewart Williams
Successful Student Reintegration: The Relationship Between the Alternative Learning Program and the Origin School, Kenneth Wilson
James Banks' Levels of Multicultural Integration and A Discourse Analysis of Selected Virtual Graduate Level Diversity Courses, Christy Michelle Winchester
African-American School Counselors in Majority School Districts: A Qualitative Perspective of Their Lived Experiences, Crystal Nicole Wingate
A Standpoint for Critique: The Metaphorical Status of Critique in Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason', Mia Claudia Wood
Methods For Constructing Confidence Intervals For Quantile Regression Coefficients, Junlong Wu
Synthesis and Microscopic Characterizations of Virus Nanoparticle-Based Composite Materials, Laying Wu
Bayes Multiple Decision Functions: Theory, Computation and Application, Wensong Wu
Functional Materials From Self-Assembled Macrocycles, Yuewen Xu
Fabrication And Characterization Of Solid Oxide Cells for Energy Conversion and Storage, Chenghao Yang
Greedy Algorithms In Approximation Theory and Compressed Sensing, Mingrui Yang
Regulation of Rad51D In Homologous Recombination Dna Repair by Alternative Splicing and Ubiquitin Modification, Brian David Yard
Causal Web of Association for Influence of Early Life Factors on Pubertal Timing and Adult Lung Volume at Age 18 Years, Mitra Yousefi
Magnetic Images & A Novel Stable Ferro-Magnetic Suspension, Huaizhou Zhang
The Redox Reaction of Anhydrous Hbr For Hydrogen Production and Bromine Hydrogen Flow Battery, Rui Zhang
Development and Characterization of Micro/Nano Scale Biomaterials For Biomedical Applications, Wujie Zhang
Cardiovascular Diseases Factors in Women Enrolled in the Wisewoman Program, Lujing Zhan
Crystal Growth, Structure Determination and Physical Property of Complex Oxides, Qingbiao Zhao
Strength and Erodability of South Carolina Soils for Embankment Construction, Ke Zhou
Man In the Chair, Todd Zimbelman