Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Transition of Health Care For Adolescent Patients With Neurofibromatosis Type I: Parent Perspectives, Leigh Davidson
Diazotroph Assemblages of Salt Marsh Plants Growing Along An Environmental Gradient: Assemblage Composition and Responses to Environmental Conditions, Debra Aline Davis
Leadership Practices That Enhance Reading Achievement For African American Males: A Case Study, Dawnay Dawson
Exploring Third Grader Students' Perceptions of School Success, Kimberly Lane Deering
Do Baseline Language Impairment Measures Predict Anomia Treatment Outcome?, Rebekah Dianne Degarmo
Marital Attitudes of Never Married Black Women, Kendra Pili DeLoach
A Review of Some Important Conclusions about the Paving Conjecture, Xiaocong Deng
Counterinsurgency Colonels: The Role of the Practitioner In the Evolution of Modern Counterinsurgency, Garrett Scott DeWitt
Legislating Effective Equality: Implicit Biases and Antidiscrimination Policies, Lisa Michelle Dilks
Characterization of the Role of Glutaredoxin 3 and Its Binding Partners In Maintaining Iron Homeostasis In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Nin Nin Dingra
Carbon Dioxide Capture with K-Promoted HTLC at High Temperature, Hai Du
Coating Parameters of Zirconium Carbide On Advanced Triso Fuels, Michael Colson Dulude
Presidential Executive Orders and Energy Conservation In the United States Federal Government: An Analysis of Conservation Methodologies In A Department of Defense Naval Hospital, Onanwa Nneka Egbue
Determining Slipping Stress of Prestressing Strands In Piles Embedded In Cip Caps, Mohamed Khaled ElBatanouny
Affirmation and "Make It New": Nietzsche, Deleuze, and the Great Dictum of Modernism, Jonathan Daniel Elmore
The Road to the New South: South Carolina and the Debate Over I-95, Mark Thomas Evans
A White Slave in America: Hiram Powers's Greek Slave and the Cultural Construction of Race, Beth Fadeley
A Computational Model for Design Optimization of Bioprosthetic Heart Valves, Ahmad Falahatpisheh
Faculty Senators and Their Knowledge and Perceptions of the Governance of Intercollegiate Athletics: the Case of theSoutheastern Conference, Amber Christine Fallucca
Impact of A Primary Care-Based Organ Donation Practice Initiative On Individual Willingness to Donate, Cyndi B. Faudree
Finding Meaning In the Sociopolitical Experience of African American Republicans: A Phenomenological Approach, Cheryl Jamison Fennell
Implementing Response to Intervention: Use of Innovation Configuration Maps Within A Multiple-Case Study Analysis, Sheara Dinushi Fernando
Factors Influencing Pharmacy Students' Intention to Sell Syringes to Suspected Injection Drug Users In Community-Based Pharmacies, Katherine Anne Fiegel
Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints On the Geodynamic Origin of the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone Romania, Melvin Anderson Fillerup
Feeling the Squeeze: A Political Ecology of Development, Race, and Inequality On the South Carolina Coastal Landscape, Michael H. Finewood
'A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Pregnancy Intentions among Black Women Living with HIV in South Carolina', Faith Fletcher
Los Hijos Del Rey Benkos: Afro-Colombian Appropriation of A Historic Palenquero Identity and Its Legacy For Community Mobilization, Genesis Dieveche Francis
Chemical Processes That Govern the Natural Attenuation of Microbial Signals: Environments That Simulate Photosynthetic Biofilms, Rebecca Leeray Frey
The Futility of Conformity: The Danger of Gender Constructs In the Sound and theFury, Ula Gabrielle Gaha
Decision Making Process of Campus Administrators In Building Leed Residence Halls, Tyler Stephen Gailey
Bayesian Measurement Error Modeling, Jianjun Gan
Bridging the Gap between the Reality and the Myth of the American South: Three Authors' Efforts to Recover the Religious South, William Watts Garland
the Overt Pronoun Penalty: A Processing Delay In Spanish Anaphora Comprehension, Carlos Gelormini Lezama
The Development of Student-Centered Teaching Orientations and Teaching Practices Among Stem Graduate Students, Joanna Angeline Gilmore
Incorporating the White Shadow: The Destructive Masculinities of Richard Wright, Steven Michael Gleeson
Raman Studies of Acyl-Homoserine Lactones, Katie Francis Glenn
Colonized by Fear: A Postcolonial Reading of Post-9/11 Theatre, Jennifer Ann Goff
A Comparison of the Effects of Parental Stressors in Parents of Diagnosed Versus Undiagnosed Children, Alicia Gomes
Preparation of Polymer Composites As Dielectric Materials For Capacitors, Shushan Gong
An Early College High School Case Study: Experiences that Impact Self-identified College Readiness, Ryan N. Goodwin
Development and Implementation of A Multimedia Environmental Compliance tool, Belinda Kaye Gravel
East Side Story: Jewish American Writing In New York City, 1898-1934, Ashley F. Grooms
Troubled Times: Desegregation of Public Schools In Chesterfield, South Carolina, 1965-1971, Cheryl Jenkins Guy
Identification and Characterization of Her2/Neu-Transformed Breast Cancer Stem Cells, Yiben Gu
Childhood Obesity and School-Based Interventions: An Evidence-Based Best Practice Guideline, Jessica Guyton
Addressing South Carolina's Secondary Level Teacher Attrition Problem: Examining Teachers' Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, and Assertions, Trisha Hargett Guy
P-Values For Multiple Testing Procedures, Joshua Habiger
Dueling and Identity: Constructions of Honor Violence In Nineteenth-Century Southern Letters, Todd Hagstette
"Perennial Miracle of Modest Interpreters": Charlotte Delbo's Théâtre Concentrationnaire, Miriam Hahn
An Investigation of the Experiences of African American Female Counselor Educators Who Teach Multicultural Counseling Courses in Traditionally White Institutions, Markesha Miller Hall
Lyric Transcendence: the Sacred and the Real In Classical and Early-Modern Lyric., Larry Grant Hamby
Religion, Rewards, and Prosocial Behavior, Lauren Ashley Harrell
Goodbye Now, Goodbye!, John A. Harrison
An Examination of Student Situational Interest and Contextual Variable Preference in Physical Education, Rachel Lynn Harvey
Hydrocarbon Potential of Ne Libya (Cyrenaica): Sedimentology, Seismic Interpretation and Petroleum System Study, Hassan Salem Hassan
An Examination of the Relative Wage Rate of Artists, Syed Haris Hassan
Moral Panics and the Criminalization of Immigration: America'S Response to Post-9/11 Federal Regulations and the USA PATRIOT Act, Samantha Michael Hauptman
Characterization of Radiation Fields and Dose Assessment From Fuels Manufacturing For Advanced Fuel Cycles, Benjamin James Hawkins
University of South Carolina'S Elementary Professional Development School Partnerships: Conditions Influencing Professional Development of Teachers, Doris Lackey Hawkins
The Composition of Postsecondary Institutions: An Ecological Approach to Pedagogy, Brian Robert Henderson
A Dynamic Examination of the Disparity in African-American College Enrollment, Jon Anthony Hermesch
"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Japs": Japanese American Internment During World War II and Its Challenge to Americanism, Kyna Ranell Herzinger
Allure and Ideology in the Poetry of Gabriele D'Annunzio: Rediscovering Italian Art Song in Pre-Fascist Italy (1900-1930), Serena Dawn Hill
Abd al-Rahman Al-Kawakibi's Tabai` al-Istibdad wa Masari` al-Isti`bad (The Characteristics of Despotism and The Demises of Enslavement): A Translation and Introduction, Mohamad Subhi Hindi
Role of the COP9 Signalosome In Defense Responses In tomato, Sarah Refi Hind
Growth and Developmental Enhancement of Poplar (Populus Deltoides X Nigra Op-367) by Associated Endophytic Bacteria, Adam Spencer Hoffman
Salt Vessels: Unearthing the Wonder of Salt, Suzette H. Hollins
Resistive Companion Dynamic Phasor Networks and Phasor to Time Domain Network Coupling, Joseph Micah Hood
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks Organized by the Strong π...π Stacking 1,8-Naphthalimide Synthon, Jacob Horger
Psychiatric Genetics: Confidence Levels and Practice Patterns of Mental Health Professionals, Margaret Anne Horton
Block Scheduling and the End of Course Examination Program (ECOEP): A South Carolina Study, Nanci Elizabeth Howard
Candles, Co-Ops and Credit Funds: Exploring the Matrix of Grassroots Development Strategies in a Dominican Batey, Kristen E.G. Hudgins
Investigating Subcellular Thiol Redox Chemistry With Gfp-Based Redox Sensors, Jingjing Hu
Factors Related to Registered Nurse Retention In Nursing Homes: A National Perspective, Selina Roberdeau Hunt Mckinney
An Exploratory Study of Goal Commitment Among Graduate Students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields, Melissa Dawn Hurst
Dismissed! School Board Governance: A Case Study of the Halifax Regional School Board, Carol-Anne Elizabeth Hutchinson
Revisiting First-Year Teacher Burnout: New South Carolina Educators In the Era of Accountability, Daniel J. Ilagan
Patterns of Selection In Hepatitis C and Hiv, Stephanie Jimenez Irausquin
Differential Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity In Epilepsy, Sloka Sampathkumar Iyengar
Hotel Guests' Intentions to Choose Green Hotels, Amy Elizabeth Jackson
P2F: A User-Centric Privacy Protection Framework, Maryam Jafari-Lafti
Clinical Exercise, Stress, and Hiv Infection: Identifying the Associations and Testing theEffects, Jason R. Jaggers
Bohmian Quantum Mechanics with Quantum Trajectories, Yeuncheol Jeong
Green Inside and Out: Case Study On Green Events In Large Public Assembly Facilities, Peyton Jeter
American Alligator Fecal Coliform and Pathogen Identification, Genotypic Fingerprinting, and REP-PCR Bacterial Source Tracking in South Carolina, Michelle Anne Johnston
Measurement and Analysis of High Frequency Resonances In Printed Circuit Boards, Christine Madden Jones
Kinetic, Mechanistic, and Inhibition Studies On the Deiminase Family of Enzymes, Justin Edward Jones
Climate Change and Biogeography In the Marine Intertidal, Sierra Jenell Jones
Understanding of Ammonia Transport In Pem Fuel Cells, Myunghee Jung
Towards An Understanding of Contemporary Korean-American Choral Music: Three Works by Hyun Chul Lee, Nack Kum Paik, and Dong Hwa Shin, Hyun-ku Helen Kang