Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Bionanoparticles as Viable Substrates to Promote Osteogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells, Gagandeep Kaur
Low Frequency Edge Waves and Their Role In Coastal Dynamics, Ziming Ke
The Measurement of Neutrino Induced Quasi-Elastic Cross Section In NOMAD, Jae Jun Kim
A Comparison of the Styles of Liszt, Thalberg, Pixis, Herz, Czerny, and Chopin as Seen in Hexaméron, Seung-Ah Kim
The Geometry of Racial Politics: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs In Fostering Triangulation Among U.S. Racial and Ethnic Groups, 1800-1964, Athena M. King
Prior Experience As A Predictor For Institutional Effectiveness: An Emerging Dynamic For the Community College Presidency, Matteel Deneen King
The Derivation of Ontological Structures From Folksonomies, Shad Kirmani
The Effects of Exercise Training On the Severity and Health Consequences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Christopher E. Kline
Improving total Maximum Daily Load Implementation and Utilization Using Adaptive Management Strategies, Thomas Knight
Romantic-Era Periodicals and the Rise of Population, John Thomas Knox
Punishing the Guilty and the Guiltless: An Investigation of Consumer Deviance Inspired by Company Wrongdoing, Yuliya Aleksandrovna Komarova
Expression of DIO2 in the Porcine Ovary and the Granulosa Cells of Humans, Richard John Kordus
Quartz Crystal Microbalance Analysis of Amyloid-Beta Intermediate Aggregate Assembly: Kinetic Evaluation and theImportance of Physiological Parameters, Joseph Andrew Kotarek
Buried Alive: Gothic Oppression in the Novels of Edith Wharton', Laura Gayle Kotti
Advances in Lithium Ion Batteries Obviate Need for Ultracapacitors in Electric Vehicles, J Stephen Kowski
EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: in complete trust from the writer, Ryan Krause
Thinking Long Distance, Katherine Rose Krueger
3-D Modeling of Nearshore Circulation Using ROMS-SWAN: Model Upgrades and Evaluation, Nirnimesh Kumar
Abnormal Grain Growth of AA2195 Friction Stir Weld Nugget during Solution Heat Treatment, Anupam Kundu
The Effect of Us-Preexposure On Meth-Induced Cta In Periadolescent and Young Adult Rats, Ryan T. Lacy
Associations of Built Food Environment with Dietary Intake and Adiposity Among Youth with Diabetes, Archana Pande Lamichhane
Differential Development of Delinquent Behavior In A Matched Sample of Gang- and Nongang- Affiliated Youth, Andrea Lamont
Teaching Behaviors, Student Motivation and Achievement In the Learning Domains of Physical Education, Jody Leigh Langdon
Knowledge Representation, Communication, and Update In Probability-Based Multiagent Systems, Scott Langevin
Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Boronate Ester-Linked Porous Materials: Covalent Organic Frameworks and Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity, Laura Marie Lanni
Cancer Disability Adjusted Life Years in South Carolina, Sarah Leighann Lashley
Economic Space, Practice, and Identity: Business and Labor In the Qat Industry of Sana'A Yemen, John Alan Lauermann
Social Context, Intrinsic Motivation, and Physical Activity In Underserved Adolescents In the Act Trial: A Mediation Analysis, Hannah Gray Lawman
A Multivalent Ligand Display System with Plant Viruses: A Novel Approach Towards Studying Spatial Effects of Cell Adhesion Ligands, Lim Andrew Lee
Evaluation of Current Thrombophilia Screening Practices of Internists, Family Physicians, and Obstetricians/Gynecologists: Factor V Leiden Genetic Testing and Referral Patterns, Cynthia Stacy Lenarcic
Facilitating Student Engagement: the Importance of Life Satisfaction, Ashley Denice Lewis
Sensor Failure Detection and Reconfiguration For Self-Healing Power Electronics Control, Huimin Li
A Study of Muon Neutrino Disappearance in the MINOS Detectors and the NuMI Beam, Jiajie Ling
Charge Echo In An Electron Gas, Baowei Liu
Claude Debussy's Nocturnes and His Musical Style In the1890s, Chun-Yi Liu
Vapor Phase Batch Hydrolysis of NaBH4 At Elevated Temperature and Pressure, Hong Liu
Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Clustering of Cardiovascular Risk Factors In Adolescents and Young Adults, Roberto Leon Felipe Lobelo
Kickaround Nixon, Eric Lockaby
A Factorial Analysis of School-Related Subjective Well-Being Among A Sample of Adolescents, Rachel Freeman Long
Context and Vocabulary Acquisition: An Eye Movement Investigation, Jon Randall Lowell
Development of Biculturalism In Cross-Cultural Managers In Multinational Corporations: A Cultural Participation Approach, Gundula Lücke
Measurement of Exclusive Photo-Production of K+ Σ*- Quasi-Free off Neutrons In Deuterium, Haiyun Lu
Evolutionary Analysis of Large-Scale Genomic Changes, Haiwei Luo
Magritte and the Muse, Kara Lybarger
Modeling Loblolly Pine Dominant Height Using Airborne LiDAR, Andrew Maceyka
Human Capital: The Importance of Staffing Levels, William Iverson Mackenzie
The Best Practice Guideline For theTreatment of Pediatric Diaper Dermatitis, Kate Hansson Mack
Novel Implant Designs In Magnetic Drug Targeting, Jan O. Mangual
Physical Realizations of Memory Capacitive Systems, Julian Rodrigo Martinez Rincon
Identity Is A Laughing Matter: Humor and British National Identity In the Nineteenth Century, Jennifer L. Martinsen
Modal Identification Using Smart Mobile Sensing Units, Johannio Marulanda
Exploring the Relationships Between Measures of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Adiposity, and Blood Pressure, Andréa Lynn Maslow
Non-Standard Fixed Hsla-V Military Bridge: Fabrication, Testing, and Model Simulation, Grady Frederick Mathews
Modeling Vehicle and Rail Vibrations Due to the Passage of High Speed Trains Using Coupled Traveling and Stationary Finite Element Models, Luke A. Matthews
A Morphological Study of French Neologisms, Marie C. DuBose Maynard
Electromagnetic Exposure In A Phantom In the Near and Far Fields of Wire and Planar Antennas, Md Anas Boksh Mazady
Factors Associated With Maternal Gestational Hypertension and Weight Gain Among Latinas Living In South Carolina, Courtney Mazzoli
Papist Peers and Politics: the English Roman Catholic Nobility, 1688-1719, Donald Lee McAbee
The Lute In Seventeenth-Century Dutch Brothels: A Study of Selected Genre Paintings, Alex D. McAllister
Simulating Anthropogenic and Climatic Influences On Fluvial Sediment Load In the Southeastern U.S. and Central Europe, Kerry McCarney-Castle
The Impact of An Upstate South Carolina High School Ninth and Tenth Grade Academy Program On Student Graduation, Retention, and Attendance, Page B. McCraw
Forensic Discrimination, Age Estimation, and Spectral Optimization For Trace Detection of Blood On Textile Substrates Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics, Jessica N. McCutcheon
An Investigation of the Validity of Best Grading Practices, Fred Glenn McDaniel
A Prospective, Longitudinal Evaluation of Early Temperament Indicators of Autism in Males with Fragile X Syndrome, Lindsay Marie McDonald
Sex Specific Gene Expression Profiles In Fibrosis and Copd, Sean Patrick McGee
Media Representations and Implications For Collective Memory: A Grounded Theory Analysis of TV News Broadcasts of Hillary Clinton From 1993-2008, Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin
Mergers and the Structure of Organizational Populations: Revisiting the Thrift Industry via Peter Blau, Josie Rush McLeod
Joint Music Attention Between toddlers and A Music Teacher, Anne A. McNair
Randomized Evaluation of A Transitional Mentoring Program For First Year Middle School Students, Samuel Dale Mcquillin
Metamorfosis Y Transformación En Holmberg, Lugones Y Cortázar (1906-1956), Clara Mengolini
Functional Self-Assembled Poly (L-Lactide) Nanoparticles For Targeted Delivery of Bioactive Agents, Angel Enrique Mercado Pagan
Cytokine Dysregulation Promotes HPV Persistence, Amy Renee Messersmith
An Evaluation of the Small Sample Size Properties of Tests of Localization, Matthew Young Milnichuk
Genome Signatures Reveal the Importance of Context Dependent Codon Bias In A Range of Bacterial Genomes, Vida Mingo
Systematic Code Partitioning For the Disjoint-Memory Co-Processor Accelerated Execution Model, Tiffany M. Mintz
The Effects of A Year-Round School Calendar In A High-Risk Elementary School: A Comparative Study, Megan Dawn Mitchell-Hoefer
Corporate Legitimacy Across Cultural Contexts: Mapping the Cultural Schemata of Religio-Institutional Actors, Matthew Coy Mitchell
Professional Learning Communities: Do Leadership Practices Impact Implementation and Sustainability and What Is the Relationship Between A School'S Plc and A School'S Climate?, Theresa Jones Moore
Social Vulnerability and Public Health: Developing A Metric For Medical Emergency Management In Florida, Daniel Paul Morath
Physical and Geometrical Aspects of De Sitter Interior of A Gravastar, Pawel Morawiec
Design, Simulation and Analysis of A Low Radar Cross Section Uhf Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna and Radome For United States Naval Fleet Broadcast Applications, William Ray Morris
The Relationship Between Ability Grouping and the Reading Scores of Low Achieving 3Rd Grade Students In High Poverty Urban Schools In Georgia, Brenda Cherokee Morse-Taylor
Dynafold: A Dynamic Programming Approach to Protein Structure Calculation From Residual Dipolar Couplings, Rishi Mukhopadhyay
Kindergarten Children's Conception of Knowledge In Jewish Education, Meir Muller
Debt and Decision-Making: the Impact of Student Loan Debt On Undergraduates' Choice of Major, Vocation, and Post-College Plans, Emily Erin Mullins
Comparison of Instruments to Assess Clinical Behavior In Athletic Training Education, Joseph M. Murphy
The Relationship of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution With Breast Cancer Incidence, Stage, and Histological Grade In South Carolina Women, Shana Lynn Nehls Bogenschneider
Modeling and Simulation of Large Scale Stirred Tank, John Neuville
Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes Catalyzed by Formamide Organocatalysts. Studies Towards The Synthesis of L- Domoic Acid Side Chain, Thi-Ngoc Dieu Nguyen