Theses/Dissertations from 2010
William Averitt's "Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to St. Matthew": An Analysis With Conducting Considerations, Jennifer J. Adam
Experimental Study of Tire Inner Liner, Jon-Michael Adkins
Modes of Feeding and Eczema In Infancy, Saroochi Agarwal
Analysis of Electrode Geometric Parameters on AC Impedance Response, Md. Riaz Uddin Ahmed
The Internet as a Participatory Medium: An Analysis of the Eksi Sozluk Website as a Public Sphere, Hatice Akca
The Spectator, Adam Smith, and the Evolution of Fictionality in Eighteenth-century England, Kyle C. Alexander
Extending Space-Time Putative Hazard Models to Detect Latent Risk Features, Ahmed Yahya Al-Hadhrami
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Copper Nanowires On Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop For A Single Phase Microchannel Heat Sink, Muhammad Yakut Ali
Efficient Identification and Control Methods For Nonlinear Systems Under Uncertainty, Timur Aliyev
An Automated Measurement And Analysis System For Resistivity-Based Monitoring Of Chemical Self-Assembly On Thin Gold Films, Tareif Alkhatib
A Causal-Comparative Model for the Examination of the Relationship of Middle School Level Instructional Scheduling and Social Studies Achievement, Audrey C. Allan
Engaging Men In Violence Prevention: Empirically Examining Theoretical Barriers and Catalysts, Christopher T. Allen
The War On Terrorism In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An Academic Analysis of the Growing Phenomenon of Political Violence In the Kingdom., Faisal M. Al-Madhi
Seeing History In A Wilderness Landscape: Valuing Cultural Resources During the Establishment of Congaree National Park, South Carolina, Elizabeth J. Almlie
The Business of Education: Organizational Capacity In School Districts, Cynthia Leanne Alsip
Field Observations and Numerical Simulations of Groundwater Dynamics Within Cabretta Island, A Georgia Barrier Island, Joseph Landon Anderson
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Composite Materials For Lithium Battery Cathodes and Capacitors, Yogesh Kumar Anguchamy
A Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: Understanding Student Engagement and School Performance Using a Person-Centered Approach, Susan Antaramian
Una Mirada A Través De Los Ojos Del Exilio De Francisco Ayala Y Max Aub, Carolina Arias
Commitment-Based Multiagent Decision Making, Viji Raghu Avali
Sediment Supply Effects On thePlio-Pleistocene Stratigraphic Evolution of the Douala Basin, West Africa, Jose M. Bacale
Testing the Utility of S Receiver Function Analysis For Mapping Seismic Discontinuities In the Sierran Lithosphere, Nickles Bernard Badger
Student Achievement, Personal Achievement Goal Orientations, and Perceptions of Classroom Goal Structures In A Standards-Based Reporting System, Amy Copeland Ballard
On A Conjecture of Pal Turan and Investigations Into Galois Groups of Generalized Laguerre Polynomials, Pradipto Banerjee
Clustering Analysis of Zernike Coefficients From High Order Aberration Patients, Weichao Bao
Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed-Metal Phosphonates For Polymer Dielectric Composite Materials, Arthur Peter Barber III
Online Identification, Monitoring, and Control of A Dc/Dc Converter System Using Digital Network Analyzer Techniques, Adam Benjamin Barkley
Acoustic Emission Techniques and Cyclic Load Testing for Integrity Evaluation of Self-Compacting Normal and Self-Compacting Lightweight Prestressed Concrete Girders, Francisco Alejandro Barrios Illidge
Group Attributes and Group Processes: An Inferential Analysis of Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors For Quality Enhancement Plan Development, Melissa Roberts Batten
Mechanisms In the Water Vapor Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride, Amy Mathis Beaird
Breaking Down the Fear' -- John H. Mccray, Accommodationism and theFraming of the Civil Rights Struggle in South Carolina, 1940-1948, Sid Bedingfield
An Analysis of Nuclear Power's Potential Viability as a Transition Energy Technology in South Carolina, Joshua Berry
Molecular Evolution of Viruses, Priyasma Bhoumik
Proximity Coupled Non-Intrusive Wireless Sensors For Monitoring and Diagnostics, Rashed Bhuiyan
Re-Defining Public Service In An Era of Networked Governance: An Examination of the Influence of Public Service Motivation On Contractors In Homeland Security, Alexa Haddock Bigwarfe
Robustness of Novelty Preference For A Motion-Based One-Trial Object Recognition Task In Male and Female Adolescent Rats, William Lewis Blackmon
On the Finite Axiomatizability of Equational Theories of Automatic Algebras, John Boozer
The Role of Fto-Gene In Adiposity and Insulin Resistance: Interaction With Diet and Physical Activity, Andrey Bortsov
The Family As the New Collectivity of Belonging In the Fiction of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri, Sarbani Bose
The Ripple Effect: the Implications of Shootings At Institutions of Higher Education, Lauren Rose Bosselait
"Casualty of Progress": The Ward One Community and Urban Renewal, Columbia, South Carolina, 1964-1974, Ashley Nichole Bouknight
Characterizing Factors That Influence Intracellular Thiol-Disulfide Equilibrium, Samantha Diane Bouldin
Neutrino Oscillations: Eighty Years In Review, Rebecca Lyn Bowers
Hampton Plantation: Interpreting Slavery In South Carolina, Amanda Bowman
Public School Arts Classes and Academic Achievement: A Study of the Relationship Between Middle School Outcome Measures and the Extent to Which Students Engage In Art Courses, James Joseph Braunreuther
"A More Perfect Indian Wisdom": Transcultural Exchange in the Writings of Henry D. Thoreau, Jessie Nichole Bray
Beyond the Objectivity of Sexual Consent: Toward Rhetorical Expressions of Negotiation, Larissa Amber Brian
Bridging the Modeling-Sampling Gap for Mid-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy of Small Particles, Films, and Fibers, Heather Brooke
Pathways to Power: Physicians In Charleston, South Carolina, 1790-1860, David Scott Brown
Intergenerational Patterns of Sexual Risk Among Adolescents and Their Mothers, Porschia Valenza Brown
An In Vitro Assessment of The Potential for Engineered Nanoparticles to Modulate Innate Immunity, Leslyn Brusch-Richardson
Black Males in Medical School: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Related to Persistence, Willette Sharp Burnham
A Novel Optical Fatigue Monitoring And Crack Sensing System, Jason Lee Burnside
Elegant Complexity: The Presence of Cold War Game Theory In Postmodern American Fiction, Jeremey Edward Cagle
Efficient Modeling of the Lithium Ion Cell Using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method, Long Cai
Todor Popov: A Historiography and A Conductor's Analysis of His Choral Cycles, Matthew Thomas Caine
How Far Is Home: A Novella and Short Stories, Robin Caine
The Art of Self-Making: American Modernist Fiction and the Performances of Identity and Authorship, Kenneth Michael Camacho
New Approaches In Hydrogeophysical Model Predictions: Case Studies From theP Reactor Area, Savannah River Site, South Carolina, Antonio Cameron
An Investigation of Achievement Goals and Time Perspective in Community College Students Engaged in a First-Year Experience Course, Darrin Grey Campen
Do You See What I See?: A Comparative Content Analysis of Iraq War Photographs As Published In the New York Times and the Tehran Times, Garen Cansler
Investigations of the Non-Covalent Interactions of Arenes Using Phencyclone Based Molecular torsion Balances, William R. Carroll
Retrospective Practice Histories of Expert and Novice Baseball Pitchers, Robert M. Cathey
Assessment and Identification of Deliberate Self-Harm in the Adolescent and Young Adult Patient in the Primary Care Population, Courtney Brooks Catledge
Examining Social Studies Teachers' Cultural Competence In A South Carolina Suburban Public High School, Stephanie Lewis Catoe
The Transformation of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells, Binyue Chang
Kate Brew Vaughn: Marketing Domestic Expertise, Ruth Lai Yee Chan
The Endowment Effect: A Self-Enhancement Perspective, Promothesh Chatterjee
The Power and Authority of the Committee On the Rights of the Child, Aleksandra Chauhan
Structural and Morphological Analyses of Aln and Algan Layers, Hung Chi Chen
Physical Modeling of Silicon Carbide Power Junction Field Effect Transistor and Model Levels For Semiconductor Devices, Zhiyang Chen
An Assessment of the Perceptions, Level of Involvement, and Needs of User-Groups for Marine Protected Areas in the Carolinas, Shilpi Chhotray
Examining Community Integration Among Persons With Serious Mental Illnesses Residing In Supported Housing Via the Capabilities Approach, Victoria Ho Chien
High Growth Rate and High Purity Semi-Insulating Epitaxy Using Dichlorosilane For Power Devices, Iftekhar Ali Chowdhury
Theft, Phil Christman
Alumni Association Membership Levels at Public Universities: A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Alumni Association and Institutional Characteristics, Andrew P. Christopherson
A Best Practice Guideline for Screening and Treating Vitamin D Deficiency in a Primary Care Setting: Moving Beyond the Bones, Amy Jeanette Clark
An Examination of the Contradictory Goals of Nation-Building and Neoliberalism of the Education City Project in Doha, Qatar, Andrew Derik Cockram
Providing For Our Communities, Protecting Our Race, Proving Ourselves: African American Activism and Protest In Depression Era New Orleans, Michele Grigsby Coffey
The Neural Correlates of Spatial Language, Julie A. Conder
Best Faculty Practice Plan Model for a Small College of Nursing, Sharyn Neiman Conrad
Lexical and Sublexical Characteristics of Words Produced Disfluently by Adults Who Stutter, Chelsea Contini
Human Complement Protein C8: Crystal Structure and Analysis of Binding Interactions, Christopher Langston Cooper
Microwave Beam Diagnostic of Laser-Induced Plasmas, Ardis Copenhaver
The Assimilation of Glucose by Phytoplankton: A Potentially Common Adaptation Under Multiple Irradiance and Field Conditions, Bridget Elise Cotti-Rausch
John Donne'S Misogyny, Richard Crandall
Factors Affecting Pregnancy Weight Gain In African American Women, Mary Cregger
Structural Health Monitoring of Adhesively Bonded Joints With Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Adrian Cuc
The Relationship Between Sports Participation and Adolescent Obesity, Wright Culpepper
Investigation of Resonant Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of Solid State High Explosives With Laser Ablation, Maria Augustina Damian
Components of the Membrane Attack Complex (Mac) of Human Complement: Functional Studies of Their Macpf Domains, Megan Spain Damour
Profiting From Globalization: Pro-Market Reforms, Firm Internationalization Strategy, and Firm Profitability In Developing Countries, Luis Alfonso Dau
Say It Loud: Perceptions of Race and Resilience From the Voices of African American Elementary Administrators In Predominately White Schools, Adrienne Davenport