Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Battling the Sophomore Slump: Involvement and Religious Participation, Lauren Michelle Hatfield
La Ruta Maya: The Effects of tourism and the State On the Political Behavior Choices of the Maya, Heather Lea Hawn
Philanthropy, Leslie Nevin Haynsworth
Examining Japanese tourists' U.S.-Bound Travel Constraints, Lin He
A Bound for the Irrationality Measure of & zeta(3), Paul Hendrick
Fast EM Based Posterior Approximation for IRT Item Parameters, Leslie Hendrix
The Effect of the Educational Change Process Through the Implementation of the Learning-Focused Reading Comprehension Strategies In Blue Horizon School District: A Mixed Methods Study, Timothy Keith Henson
Aspects Of Reproduction And Diet In A Coastal South Carolina Population Of Longnose Gar, Lepisosteus Osseus, John Maxwell Henzler
Nurse State Legislators: The Journey to State Capitols, Debbie Whitman Herman
Fossil Poetry, theBirth of Geology, and the Romantic Imagination, 1790-1860, John Robert Higgins
The Rub, Daniel Ryan Hill
System Design, Construction, Implementation, and Validation For Rapid Single-Cell Classification Using Imaging Multivariate Optical Computing, Laura Sabra Hill
Diversity In Am Law 200 Firms, Ben Hobbs
Persistence of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Functional Impairment From Childhood Through Adolescence, Joseph R. Holbrook
The Influence of Afrocentric Phenotype On Promotion Decisions For African American Males, Jeanne Johnson Holmes
Environmental Determinants of Stigonematales In A Southeastern Reservoir., Michael Wayne Hook
The Effects of Secondary-Tier Interventions Within the School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Framework In Middle School, Carol Goldner Hoyle
Design and Analysis of An Active Integrated Antenna, Zhuoming Huang
Wordify! Morphology Meets Ludology, Lindsey Hudson
Beyond Racial Categorizing: The Influence of the Spanish Bodegón on Casta Painting, Margaret Lawrence Hughes
A Comparison of Selected Supervisory Skills of Content Specialist and Non-content Specialist University Supervisors, Kevin Paul Hunt
Mathematical Modeling of An Anode-Supported Micro-Tubular Sofc Powered by Ammonia, Jingyi Huo
Attitudes Toward Standard and Non-Standard Dialects in Linguistically Stigmatized and Linguistically Prestigious Regions in the United States and Germany, Dorothea Evelyn Huttinger
Behavioral and Physiological Responses of the Salt Marsh Snail, Littoraria Irrorata, to Thermal and Desiccation Stresses, Josephine Iacarella
Metamorphose, Reka Incze
The Impact of Tai Chi On Reducing Fall Risk In Older Adults: A Synthesis of Current Research, Carolyn E. Jackson
Accountability and Privacy Preservation (AP2) in VANET Communications, Ankur Jain
Engaging the Whole Mind: Transmediation Between Pictures and Print, Nancy Ellen James
Model-based Cluster Analysis Using Variables Characterizing Types of Democracy, Jaewon Jang
An Alternate Spirit of the Age: George Colman the Younger's Production of Romantic-period Identity, Glenn Jellenik
Mobility Within Constraints: Gender, Migration, and New Spaces For Palestinian Women, Natalie K. Jensen
Feel-Good Or Feel-Right: the Role of Moral Emotions and Other-Orientation In Prosocial Behavior In the Workplace, Sophia Soyoung Jeong
The Impact of Stratified Ambient Water On Freshwater Transport In A River Plume, Yan Jia
Energy Storage Planning and Operations For Power Systems, Chunlian Jin
Embedded Antennas In Concrete For Application In Wireless Sensors, Xiaohua Jin
Stephen Crane and the Cinematic Spectacle of the New York Slums, Euel Durwood Jones III
Using Multiple Biological Markers to Measure Sickle-Cell Disease Severity and Cognitive Risk, Tal Katz
Presidents and Terminal Logic Behavior: Term Limits and Executive Action In the United States, Brazil, and Argentina, Genevieve M. Kehoe
Sustainability of the Enrich Project: A Multi-Case Study, Kelli Kenison
Multidimensional Spectroscopy With Femtosecond Pulses, Sean James Kern
Third Order Nonlinearity In III-Nitride Microwave Switches, Muhammad Bilal Khan
Fortunes of A Hero: Anglo-Saxon Principles of Excellence In the Fortunes of Men and Beowulf, Mae Therese Kilker
The Effect of Reintegrating Accelerometer Counts In Preschool Children: Comparison Using Different Epoch Lengths, Youngwon Kim
An Examination of the Influence of School Discipline, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender on Students' Attitudes Toward School, LaShawn Denise King
Doing Good: How Three Large Public Institutions Promote An Environment of Service, Erin Konkle
Las Telenovelas Y La Propaganda, Margaret Catherine Korn
'Shrike Laughed:' Celebrating Humor In Nathanael West's Miss Lonelyhearts, Andrea Erika Krafft
Online Business Models For Social Media and Their Implementation Using Web 2.0, Ashok Kumar
Photovoice With Persons Affected by Tuberculosis Intervening In the Bio-Political Spheres of Communicability: A Study of the Circulation of Power, Romel Saulog Lacson
Medical Interpreters' Knowledge of Key Terminology and Principles of Genetic Counseling, Lindsay Diaz Langford
The Connection Behavior of Precast Prestressed Piles to Cast-In-Place Bent Caps, Aaron Kyle Larosche
Pennysampling: Synopses, Applications, and Extensions, Matthew Lawrence
Spectral Irradiance and Phytoplankton Community Composition In Blackwater Estuaries, Evelyn Lawrenz
Thermodynamic and Thermochemical Investigation of Advanced Triso Coated Particle Fuels, Seung Min Lee
Factors That Influence Monocyte Differentiation and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Recruitment In Atherogenesis, Tom W. Lenz
A Procedure To Develop Scalable Reduced Models For The Transient Response of Sleepers In Conventional And High-speed Railway Lines., Evangelia Leon
Hyper-Comics: Interactive Third and Fourth-Dimensional Sequential Art, Marlowe McCann Leverette
Guaranteed Navigation With An Unreliable Blind Robot, Jeremy Lewis
Quantum Chemical Calculations of Fermi Contact Coupling Constants In Large Organic Radicals, Liyuan Liang
Detection of Anomalies In Drilled Shafts Using theImpedance Log Method, Hongfen Li
Thomas Sumter's Law: Slavery In the Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution, Justin Stuart Liles
Cardiac Valve Formation and the Role of the Cytoskeleton, Na Li
Solo Show and Personal Working Process, Ying Lin
Assessing The Dimensionality of Polytomous Item Exams, Tan Li
Developmental Trends In the Dance Performance of Children Age Six to Nine, Stephanie L. Little
Super Greedy Type Algorithms and Applications In Compressed Sensing, Entao Liu
Silicon Piezoresistive Microcantilever For Potentiometric Sensing, Jie Liu
Extremal Problems On Families of Subsets With Forbidden Subposets, Wei-Tian Li
Revision Cycles For Economics Textbooks: An Application of the Theory of Durable Goods Monopoly, Xin Li
Carbon Nanotube Behavior in Represntative Old Leachate, Paula Andrea Lozano
Collective Memory of the War In Iraq: An Analysis of Letters to the Editor and Public Opinion Polls, 2003-2008, Lisa Cash Luedeman
Theoretical Antecedents of A New Model of Mental Health: Predictors of Well-Being and Psychopathology, Michael Duncan Lyons
Beyond Firm Boundaries: Exploring The Interdependence Between Supply Chain Partners, Alan W. Mackelprang
Effects of 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy On Fatigue and Inflammation In Mice: Benefits of Quercetin, Sara E. Mahoney
Communication In Family Members With A Rare APC Mutation, Megan Michelle Mann
Gay American English: Language Attitudes, Language Perceptions, and Gay Men's Discourses of Connectedness to Family, Lgbtq Networks, and the American South, Stephen Lance Mann
The Organ As Catalyst For Theological Change: The History and Role of the Organ At Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina, Jennifer Zoellner Marshall
The Necessity of Extra-Curricular Activities For the Undergraduate Vocal Performance Major: How Performance Opportunity Correlates With Success, Zachary Kendall Marshall
Did Nca, Npa, Ols, and Usaid Prolong the Second Sudanese Civil War, Jonathan Andrew Marston
The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Behavior and Principal Experience, Tammy Renee Martin
A Survey of Music Performance Anxiety: Definition, Causes and Treatments, Lacey Hutchison Marye
Inner Shelf Circulation off Cartagena De Indias, Caribbean Coast of Colombia, Mauro Antonio Maza Chamorro
Predicting Student-Athlete Academic Success With Preadmission, Social-Contextual, and Sport Variables, Michael Wallace McCall
Neuro-Fuzzy Classification of Submarine Lava Flow Morphology On the Galapagos Spreading Center, 92W, James T. McClinton
Social Diversity, Influence and the Efficacy of Majority Rule: A Theoretical, Experimental and Field Investigation, Tucker S. McGrimmon
The Benjamin Franklin Randolph Monument: A Symbol of Remembrance and Defiance In the Age of Reconstruction, Justin G. McIntyre
The Contribution of In-School Physical Activity to total Physical Activity In Elementary School Students, Kerry McIver
Estrogen Modulation of Cardiac Immune Cells Is Cardioprotective., Jennifer LaToya McLarty
Folic Acid Intake, Maternal Obesity and Neural Tube Defects, Daria M. McMahon