Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Hydrologic Model Development Using A Loosely Integrated Paradigm, Anthony Michael Castronova
Excessive Weight, Inflammation, Diabetes, and Cancer: Relationships and Differences by Race, Philip Patrick Cavicchia
Characterizing the Roles of Sufb and Sufa in Fe-S Cluster Assembly and Trafficking in Suf Pathway, Harsimranjit Kaur Chahal
Fractional Polynomial Response Surfaces and Tests for "Bumpature", Nancy Chalmers
Charles Willson Peale'S Benjamin and Eleanor Ridgely Laming: An Iconographical Study, Amy Chapman
Blue Poets: Brilliant Poetry, Evangelin Grace Chapman-Wall
Facilitators and Barriers to Physical Activity and Nutritional Adherence In A Worksite Wellness Intervention, Thomas Ryan Cheek
The Stress Context: Mediator or Moderator of the Relation between Maternal and Adolescent Depression?, Catherine Ann Cheely
Effects of Quercetin Supplementation on Physical and Mental Functions in Older Adults, Stephen Chun-Lam Chen
Subcultures of Bullets, Bombs, and Deeds: Subcultural Theory and the Sociology of Terrorism, Stephen Michael Chicoine
Achieving the Telos of Living Well Together, Victoria Ho Chien
Association Between Periodontitis and Hyperglycemia and Metabolic Syndrome Components, Youn Hee Choi
A Review to Critique the Literature on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Origins, Elizabeth Cila
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Secondary Teacher Mentors' and Non-Mentors' Perceptions of Job Satisfaction With Implications On Rentention, Lucas Christenberry Clamp
Technicolor Memoirs of Miss Gene Lily Richardson, Brian Clowdus
Sifting, LaToya Ebony Codner
How Journalists Perceive Internal and External Influence: A Qualitative Assessment of Local Television Reporters' Ethical Decision-Making, Beth Eckard Concepcion
The Role of Social Support, Neighborhood Walkability, and Physical Activity, On Blood Pressure In African American Adults In the Path Trial: A Mediation Proposal, Sandra Marie Coulon
A Comparison of Instructional Design Methodologies for Central Venous Catheterization in a Mannequin-based Healthcare Simulation, Christopher Michael Craft
Costly Signaling and Social Valuation: A Multi-Method Examination of Social Information Processing, Adam Whitehead Craig
The Effects Of Orthographic Cueing On The Speechreadability Of Sentences, Kimberlee Ann Crass
A Retrospective Cohort Study of the Timing of Anxiety and Depression Diagnosis and the Onset of Hypertensive Syndromes In Pregnancy, Sheena Christine Cretella
"A Democracy of Goods": An Archaeology of Commodity Landscapes in Columbia, South Carolina, 1870-1930, Jakob Crockett
Textual Reconstruction: The Deployment of Late Medieval Texts In Early Modern England, Melissa Ann Crofton
3D Shape Correspondence: Beyond Groupwise Methods and Smooth, Closed Surfaces, Pahal Dalal
Brownies Like Heroin, Virginia Elizabeth Daniel
Influenza Modeling, New York City, January 2000 to March 2010, Debjani Das
Theories of Rhythm and Meter and Their Pedagogical Implications For Non-Pitched Percussion Music With An Analysis of William Kraft's French Suite, Christopher Allan Davis
Examining Fluorescent Decay Rates For Microbial Source Tracking In South Carolina Blackwater Systems, Francine Rosemarie Davis
Reporting Race and Resistance In Dixie: The White Mississippi Press and Civil Rights, 1944-1964, Rebecca Miller Davis
Correlating Behavior and Physiology of Sand Fiddler Crabs, UCA Pugilator, Rachel Alexandra Decker
Orthodox Spirituality and the Way toward Union, Shannon Leigh Deer
Caught Between Two Worlds: The Experiences of Newly Arrived Mexican Immigrant High School Students, Maria Lourdes del Castillo-Gonzalez
Contemporary Brazilian Styles: Supplemental Piano Teaching Materials for a First Year Curriculum, Claudia Fernanda Deltregia
Congestive Heart Failure Hospital Admissions among Non-Elderly Medicaid and Uninsured Working-Age Adult Patients in South Carolina, 2008, Vivian Gail Dicks
A Mutli-institutional Investigation into Cheating on Tests in College Online Courses, Edith Turner Dille
Reduced Defect Density Nalgan Template Layer for Improved Output Deep-UV LED, Joseph A. Dion
Determination of Urban Land Use Variables That Accurately Predict Fecal Coliform Levels In Shellfish Harvesting Waters Within Estuarine Salt Marsh Ecosystems of the Southeastern United States of America., Darrell Dewayne Dodgens
Pediatric Microarray Testing: The Process of Informing and Consenting, Courtney Ann Downtain
Tracking Electrons Through Element Cycles: Linking Fe, C, and O Cycles Through Shared Reactive Oxygen Species, Rebekkah Pat Dudgeon
Power Relations In the Search For Affordable Housing In Mississippi After Hurricane Katrina: Perspectives of Front-Line Recovery Workers, Tara Johanna Dunnavant
Philosophies of Pipe Organ Preservation: Case Studies of Three Churches In Columbia, South Carolina, Lee Daniel Durbetaki
Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Cordillera and Adjacent Basins, Obi Egbue
Mechanics of Sandbag Motion In Free-Surface Flow, Mohamed Elsaid Elkholy
Making Meaning of the American Student-Spanish Host Family Experience, Jennifer L. S. Engel
Roles of the Dorsal and Ventral Visual Streams In Fluent Reading, Julia Ann Englund
Combining Gauge and Radar Derived Observations to Estimate Precipitation Input to A Watershed, Mehmet Bulent Ercan
Development of Non-Atp Competitive, Plk1-Selective Inhibitors, Kara Michelle Estes
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Micro-Channel Cooling Using Micro-Synthetic Jets, Ruixian Fang
Relating U.S. Cirrus Cloudiness to Surface Temperature and Global Teleconnection Indices, Stephen H. Feetham
Increased Perviousness Versus Urban Densification: Trade-offs Between Adaptation and Mitigation In A Changing Climate, Lauren E. Felker
Reconnecting the Physical and Cultural Landscapes At the Hampton-Preston Mansion In Columbia, South Carolina, Helena Lopez Ferguson
Radiative Corrections to and Connections Among Theories With Lorentz Violation and Time-Varying Couplings, Alejandro Ferrero
Judging the Bureaucrats: Understanding the Dynamics of Court-Agency Interaction, Michael P. Fix
Rompiendo Fronteras: Representaciones Innovadoras De La Mujer En El Cine Chicano De Robert Rodriguez, Angelina Fletcher
Organizational Barriers to and Facilitators of Patient Engagement Processes For Persons Living With Hiv/Aids: A Case Study Analaysis of An Oral Health Services Program, Minnjuan W. Flournoy
Towards Developing A Theory of Failure Causality In Operations Management, Sam K. Formby
The Fiber of South Carolina Higher Education Philanthropy: A Historical Case Analysis of James C. Self and the Self Family Foundation, Donna Holland Foster
Knowledge and Experience With Genetics and Genetic Counseling Among Sign Language Interpreters, Madison Foster
Communicating the Certainty of Data Cartographically, Jay Louis Fowler
From Soft-Sell to Hardball: The Evolution of thePro-Equal Rights Amendment Campaign In South Carolina, 1972-1982, Laura Joy Foxworth
Synthesis and Chacterization of Novel Polybenzimidazoles and High-Solids Meta-Polybenzimidazoles, Jessica Sara Frankel
Learning and Olfactory Processing by the Parasitic Wasp, Cotesia Congregata, In Response to Concentration of Herbivore Related Tomato Volatiles, William Eugene Franklin
Bimetallic Electrocatalysts on TiO2 -Based Supports for Methanol Oxidation and Oxygen Evolution, Roderick Eliel Fuentes
In the Here and Then; Forms of Time, Chronotope and Trauerspiel In Gorboduc and King Lear, Ken Fullam
Parenting Interventions For Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence, Christie Michelle Furr-Roeske
Diet and Bone Mass In British Children: An Examination of theInfluence of Breastfeeding, Fruit and Vegetable Intake, and Protein Consumption, Alexa Ellen Gallagher
Impacts of Microenvironment On Distributions and Activities of Bacteria In A Salt Marsh Environment, Mary Megan D. Gamble
D-Spaces and L-Special Trees, Heather Gamel
On the Integrability of Derivatives of Holomorphic and M-Subharmonic Inner Functions In the Unit Ball of Cn, Matthew Gamel
Organized Sports Participation In Children With and Without Adhd: The Roles of Self-Perceived Peer Relations and Physical Abilities, Jennifer Carol Gander
Model-Based Measures Of Interrater Agreement, Jie Gao
A Novel Approach to Residual Stress Measurement, Bryan Joseph Germann
Planimetric and Volumetric Analysis of Channel Change In the Post-Hydraulic Mining Period (1906-2009) In the Central Valley, California, Subhajit Ghoshal
Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Responsive Nanocapsules Surface Decorated With Folic Acid For Targeted Drug Delivery and Cancer Destruction, Kyle Bradley Gilstrap
ADHD Symptoms and Risk for Alcohol Use and Cigarette Smoking Among College Students: What Role do Social-Cognitive Factors Play?, Kerrie Elizabeth Glass
Application of Data Mining Algorithms for the Improvement and Synthesis of Diagnostic Metrics for Rotating Machinery, Nicholas Diehl Goodman
A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between Classroom Quality and Child Language and Academic Outcomes in a State-Funded Pre-Kindergarten Program, Heather Smith Googe
In-Situ Spectrocopy: Gas Mixture Analysis Using A Simplified Multi-Pass Capillary Cell and Optical Considerations In Dual-Pulse Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis of Bulk Aqueous Solutions, Christopher Michael Gordon
Fishing At Karluk: Nature, Technology, and the Creation of the Karluk Reservation In Territorial Alaska, Anjuli Fair Grantham
Molecular evolution of beta (â) keratins in three bird species and divergence time estimates for the avian â-keratin subfamilies, Matthew Jacob Greenwold
Superintendent Longevity In South Carolina Since Accountability Implementation, Kathie Melinda Greer
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Political Philosophy and the French Revolution, Elena Adela Grynberg-Bekier
Theorizing Network-Centric Activity In Education, Andrew HaLevi
Incidence and Factors For Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (Ben): A Follow-Up Study, Kesinee Hanjangsit
A Directing Process: Professional Training, Brian Taft Hanscom
A Stylistic Analysis of Stephen Heller's Nuits Blanches OP. 82, Junichiro Harada
The Warrior and the Witan: Searching For the Culture of Wisdom In Beowulf, Reid Fuller Hardaway
Amount of Practice and Practice Strategies of Seventh Grade Orchestra Students, Virginia Elaine Harpine
Physical Activity During Pregnancy and Its Association With Gestational Weight Gain Among South Carolina Mothers, 2009, Shericka Terisha Harris
The Cultural Impact of Short-Term Study Abroad Programs, Samantha Holly Hartlen
Percentiles of Traditional and New Measures of Physical Activity Based On Accelerometry, Rahnuma Muneer Hassan
The Acquisition of Morphology Among Child L2 Learners of Spanish: Comparing Pedagogical Interventions, Christopher Wade Hasty