"Contemporary Brazilian Styles: Supplemental Piano Teaching Materials f" by Claudia Fernanda Deltregia

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


School of Music


Piano Pedagogy

First Advisor

Scott Price


The present work aims to provide teaching materials for beginning piano students to study relevant Brazilian contemporary styles. These teaching materials were created from descriptions of representative teaching pieces that exemplify the main stylistic tendencies in contemporary Brazilian music. These styles were identified in a sample assembled in previous research examining works by composers of the so-called post-nationalist generation, and recent publications. This previous project was necessary because in the Brazilian context, new compositions are not normally published, hindering contact between composers and performers. This situation is evident in the piano pedagogy field: the absence of new didactic materials and piano methods in Brazil reflects the conservative musical context in which piano teachers train and work. This paper seeks to complement and expand the previous project by providing a sample of teaching materials that may prepare students for the variety of styles present in Brazilian contemporary music. In this way, the musical activities elaborated here may serve as supplemental curricular materials for piano beginners and explores different forms of musical thinking regarding technique, reading, composition and musicianship to make possible the building of a more comprehensive musical understanding.


© 2011, Claudia Fernanda Deltregia
