"The Effects of School Counselor Leadership Style and School Counselor " by Brenda Adams Dooley

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Donna M Gibson


The purpose of this study was to examine the extent that school counselor leadership style and district/central office administrator (coordinator/director) school counselor leadership support explain the variance in comprehensive school counseling program implementation. The study also explored differences in school counselor leadership style, administrator school counselor leadership support and comprehensive school counseling program implementation among selected demographic variables.

A stratified random sample of 2000 American School Counseling Association school counselor members were invited to participate in the study. Data from 427 participants was collected using a web-based survey. The results of multiple regression analyses indicate school counselor leadership style and administrator school counselor leadership are significantly related to the implementation of comprehensive school counseling programs however, results suggest that school counselor leadership style accounts for greater variance in program implementation. Although Pearson Product Moment analyses were used to establish significant relationships between school counselor leadership style, administrator school counselor leadership support, and comprehensive school counseling program implementation, results did not support a relationship of significance between school counselor leadership style and administrator school counselor leadership support. Further, one way ANOVA results found no significant differences among selected demographic factors, school counselor leadership style, administrator school counselor leadership support, and comprehensive school counseling program implementation.

The results of this study indicate continued emphasis on training and research is needed to develop interchangeable school counselor leadership styles, that are instrumental in the design and delivery of comprehensive school counseling programs. Further research is warranted to examine education/student related outcomes of school counselor leadership demonstrated in comprehensive school counseling programs.


© 2011, Brenda Adams Dooley
