Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Design of Non-ATP Competitive and Cell Cycle Specific CDK Inhibitors Targeting Cyclin Binding Groove, Shu Liu
Localizing Jammers in Wireless Networks, Zhenhua Liu
Development of Conjugated Boronate Ester-Linked Materials For Optical Sensing Applications Targeting Small Molecules, Xiaoning Li
Dreams of Years Like Stones, Lisa Lopez Snyder
Evaluating Context In Vocabulary Acquisition In Reading, Jon Randall Lowell
Application of Wavelet Analysis and Cross-Correlation Techniques to Wide Area Monitoring of Power Systems, Matthew Ryan Lukens
Modeling Intermittent and Perennial Headwater Stream Origins In North Carolina., Kevin MacLeod
Writing Workshop As A Strategy to Create Literacy Resources and Space For Home Language Use In School: A Case Study From Tanzania, Dainess Mashiku Maganda
Manager Training In the Hotel Environment and Its Effect On Employee Turnover Intentions, Kristin Marie Malek
Applications of Quantized Discrete Event Simulation Methods, Charikleia Mamai
A Comparative Analysis of the First and Second Symphonies of Émigré Composer Hans Gál (1890-1987), Richard Marcus
Identifying Subtypes and Consequences of Illicit Use of Prescription Stimulants: A Pilot Study, Robert Scott Markle
Fighting In Space: Understanding the Opportunity and Willingness to Pursue Space Weapons, Michael James Martindale
Applications of Power Electronic Converter Based Wideband System Identification in Grid Tied AC Power Systems, Daniel Martin
An Explorative Study of the Perceptions of Lower Social Class African American Families of the Working Alliance with Middle Social Class White Family Therapists, Julie Marie Lambert Martin
Therapist's Use of Continuous Client Feedback to Influence Therapy, David Emil Martinson
The Biomechanical Role of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts In Tumor-Stroma Reciprocity, Nathan Wasson Massengill
Environmental Justice and Obesity Rates In Neighborhoods Surrounding Urban Greenways, Joel Mathwig
The Balance Between Mechanical and Creative Writing In David Copperfield, Ralph Frame Matthews
Evolution of the Schoolmarm Stereotype: The Impact of the Feminization of Education On Two Male Teacher Cadets, Constance Stolark McClanahan
Landscape and Performance In the Narratives of Frederick Douglass, Hannah Crafts, and Henry Bibb, Kyle McClure
`Towards Local Care': Examing Intensive Case Management Services for Persons with Serious Mental Illness Living in South Carolina, Jacquelyn M. McDaniel
I Do Not Fear, Because I Fear, Joseph Ridge McDonald
The New Role of the Media Specialist: Personal Curriculum as a Tool for Integrated Teaching, Denise McLendon McDougal
A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions and Beliefs of Elementary Teachers' Value of and Responses to Their Professional Development, Regina Alicia McFarlan
Developmental Toxicity of Organophosphate-Based Flame Retardants, Sean Patrick McGee
Age Identity among College Students within the Transition to Adulthood, Josephine McKelvy
Topics in Heterogeneous Group Testing, Christopher Steven McMahan
Transcultural Nursing Clinical Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature Since 2005 With Recommendations for International Immersion Clinical Courses, Deborah J. McQuilkin
Examining the Effects of Religiosity and Religious Environments On Inmate Misconduct, Benjamin Dane Meade
Islam, Modernity, and the Liminal Space Between: A Vertical Case Study of the Institute of Traditional Islamic Art and Architecture, Amman, Jordan, Mark William Meehan
The Effects of Memory Retrieval Conflict on the Construction of a Deception, Scott Meek
Propagation of Vallisneria Americana (MICHX): Vegetation Management In South Carolina Piedmont Reservoirs, Walter Frank Meitzen
A Profile of Diabetes-related Below Knee Amputations Using Nation-wide Patient Discharge Data: Patient, Provider, And Insurance Characteristics, Flora Elisa Melvin
Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Microscopy and Pacific Orange Dye Optimization For H9C2 Cox-1 Imaging Via Indirect Immunocytochemistry, John Wesley Merriman
(In)complete Acquisition of Aspect in Second Language and Heritage Russian, Anna Mikhaylova
Whiteness, Discourse, and Early Childhood: An Ethonographic Study of Three Young Children's Construction of Race In Home and Community Settings, Erin Till Miller
Measuring Trust In Community-Based and Congregation-Based Groups In South Carolina: A Psychometric Analysis and Exploration of Trust, Group Characteristics, and Health, Margaret Chandlee Miller
A Hierarchical Typology of Children in Elementary School Using Teacher Ratings of Behavior, Diana Luminita Mindrila
Association Between Clinical Decision Support System Use and Health Care Disparities in the Treatment and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Pneumonia, Jordan Paul Mitchell
Geologic History and the Timing of Mineralization at the Haile Gold Mine, Reid McCall Mobley
Combination Therapy For the Treatment of Human Malignant Neuroblastoma, Nishant Mohan
“It’s so me!” Using Value-Expressive and Socially-Adjusted Attitude Functions to Predict Counterfeit Purchase Intention, Marilyn Elizabeth Molkenthin
A Case for Music as Therapy: “Healing and Purgation,” and the Expressiveness of Music from Antiquity through the Eighteenth Century, Emily Sara Monk
MiRNA-Mediated Regulation of Colorectal Tumorigenesis, Ashleigh Eleanor Moore
Inherit the Policy: A Sociocultural Approach to Understanding Evolutionary Biology Policy In South Carolina, Gregory Dean Moore
Producing Enantiopure Secondary Alcohols via a Silylation based Kinetic Resolution and a One-Pot Polishing Sequence, Maggie Iris Moore
The Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Three Adults Returning to Piano Study, Sarah Evans Moore
Mixed Mode Latent Class Clustering: An Examination of Fit Index Performance for Identifying Latent Classes, Grant Butler Morgan
Thermal Transport Across Nano Engineered Solid-Liquid Interfaces, A K M Monjur Morshed
Capital offenses, Non-Capital offenses, and Party Capability: Habeas Corpus Litigation in U.S. District Courts, Nicholas A. Mostardo
Development of a System Control Algorithm for Smart Residential Demand-Side Management, Robert D. Motte
Developmental Trajectories of Effortful Control In Young Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, Marissa Mounts
Investigating the Roles of Three Aintegumenta-Like Genes In Maintenance of Arabidopsis Shoot Meristem Activity, Janaki Udaya Kumari Somathilake Mudunkothge
Folding City Flats, Michael Zachary Mueller
Does Sulfide Affect Short Term Iron Oxidation?, Sarah Ann Murphy
Finite Element Analysis of the Connection Behavior of Precast Prestressed Piles to Cast-In-Place Bent Caps, Bradley Steven Mustain
Using a Consensus Process to Develop an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline for School Exclusion For Head Lice (Pediculosis Capitis), Michelle Lorraine Myer
Referral Patterns and Utilization of Clinical Genetic Testing For Patients With Inherited Cardiac Disease, Olivia Myers
'The Man' In the Kitchen: Government Attempts to Change Foodways In the Rural 1930S South, Ali Katherine Nabours
Heat Transfer Enhancement by Three-Dimensional Surface Roughness Technique In Nuclear Fuel Rod Bundles, Umair Najeeb
Blinded by the White: Foregrounding Race in a Language and Literacy Course for Preservice Teachers, Kindel A Turner Nash
New Constraints On the Age and Magnitude of Reactivation of the Camden Fault, South Carolina, Olga Igorevna Nedorub
A Phenomenological Examination of How Counseling Students Define Harmful And Healthy Spirituality, Jason Keith Neill
The Implications of External Debt For Growth, Maria Danielle Nemec
The Role of Kelvin Waves on the Circulation and Salt Transport Variability in the Coastal Bay of Bengal, Matthew Joseph Nienhaus
Graphene Based Chemical and IR Sensors and Correlated Carrier Transport, Md. W. Nomani
Study On the Basin Scale Salt Exchange In the Indian Ocean Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations, Ebenezer S. Nyadjro
How Rivalries End: Understanding Dynamics of the Rivalry Termination Process, Soonkun Oh
Incidental Memory For Details In Scenes, Jennifer Haaheo Olejarczyk
Phosphorus Distribution and Partitioning In the Chukchi Sea During Summer 2010, Sharmila Pal
Juggling Demands and Resources: Low Wage Women Making Sense of Bill-Paying Hardships, Susan Taylor Parlier
Healthcare Cost Implications of Medicaid Managed Care, Margarita Morales Pate
Power Transmission Loss Due to Periodic Loading In Multi-Gigabit Data Signaling Interconnects, Priya Pathmanathan
Recruiting International Students: A Comparative Study At the University of South Carolina and Mcgill University, Megan Peryntha Patton
Analyticity as Expressive of Monotonic Material Inference, Alfred Monroe Peeler
Fractional Chromatic Numbers and Spectra of Graphs, Xing Peng
Characterization of Complex Transcriptional Regulation Within the YQJH-YQJI Intergenic Region, Katherine Philipkosky
Power Dependent Study of CDSE-ZNS Quantum Dot Relaxation Dynamics by 2D Muppets, David Christopher Phillips
Using Therapeutic Writing to Deconstruct Recovery from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Pamela Phillips
Propensity Score Matching Techniques: Simulation and Application in an Educational Research Context, Shane Michael Phillips
A Comparative Study of Teacher Characteristics in High-Poverty and Low-Poverty Elementary Schools in South Carolina, Tracy M. Pickett
Long-Term Effects of Birth Related Leave on Academic Achievement, Robert Jonathan Pierce
What Makes Apple Consumers Brand Loyal? The Effects of Brand Personality, Reputation, and Brand Identity On Brand Loyalty, Caroline Pinson
Overcoming and Achieving: Student, Teacher, and Parent Perspectives on ELL Student Academic Success in a Title I South Carolina Elementary School, Joshua Nathan Pitts
'A Worthy Individual of the Opposite Race': Edwin A. Harleston at the Charleston Museum - Laura Bragg and Thomas P. Stoney's Attempt for Progress, 1926, Caitlin Elizabeth Podas
Murdoch, Woolf, Rhys, and the Ethics of the Resistance to Narrative Closure, Kayla Shown Pohl
Identification of Quorum Sensing Genes in Halococcus Hamelinensis SP. Nov. 100Na1, Eva Christine Preisner
A Multiagent Energy Management Control System for Commercial & Industrial Applications, Tyler Wayne Price
Health Care Utilization and Expenditures among People with Disabilities: Variations by Disability Spans, Chaiporn Pumkam
The Productive Roles of Falsehoods In Science, Gordon Michael Purves
Leveraging the Information Redundancy In Wireless and Mobile Environments, Chuan Qin
Best Practice Usage with English Language Learners in Regular Education Classrooms: A Study of Charleston County, South Carolina Public Schools, Barbara Ellen Rabon