"Manager Training In the Hotel Environment and Its Effect On Employee T" by Kristin Marie Malek

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis


School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management


International Hospitality and Tourism Management

First Advisor

Sheryl F Kline


Employee turnover, its causes, and its effects on an organization have been extensively studied across various industries. This research looks at the potential connection between manager training and its effect on employee turnover intentions. To date, no extensive studies have simultaneously researched the training that managers in hotels undergo and its impact on employee turnover intentions. This study will utilize data collected from surveys to test potential relationships between the training a manager receives, employee turnover intentions, and employee perceptions of his or her manager. This study surveyed 1026 employees of two large luxury hotels in the southeastern United States. There were 876 respondents that completed the survey for an 85.4% response rate. This research found that manager training was a significant predictor of an employee's perception of his or her manager and also found that an employee's perception of his or her manager was a significant predictor of employee turnover intentions. This research found significant results linking quality of manager training to employee turnover intentions, but did not find significant results linking amount of training to employee turnover intentions. This study analyzes these relationships, implications, limitations and makes suggestions for future research.


© 2012, Kristin Marie Malek
