Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Defining a Novel Role for the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Wwp1 in Cardiac Arrhythmogenesis, Wassim Antoine Basheer
Mathematical Modeling and Computational Studies for Cell Signaling, Kanadpriya Basu
Fast Solution Methods For Fractional Diffusion Equations and Their Applications, Treena Basu
Against Lying: Some Historical Arguments in Favor of Moral Absolutism, John William Bauer
Twelve-tone Techniques in a Work for Guitar by Milton Babbitt, Brian Bemman
Variants of Uncertain Clinical Significance In Pediatric Microarray: Parent Perspectives, Kalina M. Benedict
Determinants of Commercial Energy Demand: An Empirical Study of Medical Facilities in NY State, David Bergmann
Justice, Sanctioning, and Retaliation In Public Goods Dilemmas, Nick Berigan
Speaking to the Spirit: Examining the Effectiveness of Spiritually-Framed Breast Cancer Screening Messages Among African American Women, Alicia Lynette Best
Assessing Genetics Providers' Perspectives of and Experiences with DTC Genetic Testing: Creation of an Educational Module, Audra Lea Bettinelli
Purification of Ammonia by Pressure Swing Adsorption, Shubhra Jyoti Bhadra
Flow-Induced Forces Regulate the Development of Cardiac Valves, Stefanie Vawn Biechler
Efficacy Study of A Summer Intervention to Enhance Middle School Students' Subjective Well-Being, Gratitude, Engagement, and Self-Efficacy, Jason Michael Bird
The Regulation of ARE-Mediated mRNA Decay During Colorectal Tumorigenesis, Fernando Filippini Blanco
Leadership and Autonomy: An Examination of the Leadership and Management Practices of Four Charter Schools In Charleston, South Carolina, Robert Edward Bohnstengel
Revenue Fees Garner More Profit Than Per-Unit Fees., James Boohaker
Maternal Serum and Whey Immune Markers and Eczema Among Infants, Keith Levi Boyd
Acting Alone: Solo Female Performers, Their American Audiences, and Embodiment, Jamie Libby Boyle
Descartes' World: An Interpretation of the Discourse On Method, Patrick William Brissey
South Carolina Middle School Principals' Use of Data-Driven Decision Making, Willliam Brooks
Greedy Algorithm and M-Term Trigonometric Approximation: A Survey, Grace Elizabeth Brown
Fabrication and Characterization of Freeze Tape Cast Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Jacob Bunch
Conceptualizing Diversity: Undergraduate Student Involvement In Multicultural Student Organizations and Their Perceptions of Diversity, Vincent Frank Andrew Buonocore Jr.
Tracing the Finger of God: The Role of Wonders In Catholic Spirituality In Early America, Joshua Adam Burgess
The Development of Metrics For Community Resilience to Natural Disasters, Christopher George Burton
Gustav Mahler and His Disciples: An Exploration of Tempo In the Bruno Walter and Otto Klemperer Recordings of the Ninth Symphony, Matthew Busse
Toward A Comprehensive Theoretical Model: Gender Differences In Partner Violence Outcomes, Jennifer Caldwell
Identification and Characterization of Bacterial and Bacteriophage Proteins Via Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (Maldi) Mass Spectrometry, Courtney Tenille Callahan
Supporting the New English Translation of the Mass Ordinary: New Musical Resources For the Liturgy, Jose Calvar, III
The Relationship Between Facebook Use and Religiosity Among Emerging Adults, Heidi D. Campbell
Investigation of Residual Stress In Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloys, Clinton Tyler Canaday
Experimental and Computational Study of Roughened Surface For PWR Rod Bundles, Leo Alves Carrilho
“Of Considerable Interest But of No Great Importance”: Models of Relationality in the Work of Jane Bowles, Rachel Jane Carroll
Homelessness as a Risk Factor in Persons with Serious Mental Illness A Study of How Previous Homelessness Affects Recovery, Jennifer Castellow
Simulating Water Resource Systems as a Set of Loosely Integrated Model Components, Anthony Michael Castronova
Friction Consolidation of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Incoloy ® Alloy Ma956 Powder, David Catalini
Gender and Employment Status: The Impact On Marital Satisfaction, Carrie Caudill
The Mechanism of N10-Formyltetrahydrofolate Synthetase. Use of Human Thymidylate Synthase Variants to Characterize Asymmetric Ligand Binding and to Identify Novel Allosteric Inhibitors., Lesa Rachel Celeste
Analysis of a Middle Pennsylvanian Channel Complex in Pikeville, Kentucky, Sumanta Kumar Chatterjee
Phase-Field Model For Heterogeneous Biofilm-Solvent Interaction and 3-D Numerical Simulation by GPUs, Chen Chen
Agreement Webs, Hua Chen
Bayesian Nonparametric Models and Tests for Association in Survival Data, Yuhui Chen
Discrete-Trial Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior and Functional Communication Training in Three Adults with a Dual Diagnosis of a Significant Intellectual Disability and a Mental Illness, Laura Claudia Chezan
Benefits of Quercetin on Metabolic and Inflammatory Biomarkers in High Fat Diet Induced Obesity: A Dose Response Study, Robert Eugene Christenbery
The Fragile "Bonds of Whiteness": Relationships Between Native White Southerners and Foreigners in Porter, Mccullers, and O'Connor, Jessica Shuck Christensen
Developing A Facilitated Pathway For Associate Degree Nursing Graduates to Enroll In An Rn-Bsn Program, Christy Vansant Cimineri
Attempts to Adopt the Metric System in the United States to 1907, Alan James Clamp
The Effects of National Board Certification On Student Achievement, Shawn Berry Clark
Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of 38Bk1633, Walter Allen Clifford IV
Investigation of the Structure and Kinetics of Heme-Containing Proteins Using Magnetic Circular Dichroism and Rapid-Scan, Stopped-Flow Spectroscopy, Daniel Patrick Collins
"A Hospital Built By Them, For Them": The Good Samaritan-Waverly Hospital Building Fund Campaign and the Evolution of Black Healthcare Traditions in Columbia, South Carolina, Sarah Frances Conlon
Negotiating Belonging in a Divided City: Palestinian Experiences in Nicosia, Cyprus, Brittany Eleanor Cook
Leadership and Arts Integration: An Examination of Practices In Select Schools In South Carolina, Shannon Cook
Identity Journeys: Life Stories of Women Adopted Transnationally As Children, Stephanie Kripa Cooper-Lewter
Equity of Access to Information: A Comparative Exploration of Library Accessibility and Information Access From Differently-Able Patrons' Perspectives, Clayton Alexander Copeland
Decolonizing Transnational Subaltern Women: The Case of Kurasoleñas and New York Dominicanas, Florencia Cornet
Preventing the Catch and Release of Teachers In South Carolina: A Look Into the Induction Program Components That Influence Induction Teacher Retention, Christina Lind Counts
Beyond "Best Practices": An Examination of Teachers, Teaching, And Reading Achievement, Robin Worrell Cox
Representation of Women In 19Th Century Popular Art and Literature: Forget Me Not and La Revista Moderna, Juan David Cruz
Songs On the Water: Stories, Jackson Campbell Culpepper
Pursuing Improved Quality of Life In the Atrial Fibrillation Population: Evidence-Based Practice, Jamie Hayes Cunningham
Anthony Soprano; Aristotelian Tragic Hero, Anti-Hero, or Thug; and Why We Watch, Charles Cornelius Curran
Plasmonics Using High Quality Epitaxial Graphene: An Approach towards Next-Generation Optical Computing, Biplob Kumar Daas
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion in Comparison to Subcutaneous Insulin Injections in the Preschooler with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Meredith D'Agostino
Neuroblastoma: A Theoretical Dose Dependent Study With Therapeutic Implications, Ashley Elizabeth Davis
Functional Nanomaterials From Bis-Urea Macrocycles, Sandipan Dawn
Linking Inflammation to Tumorigenesis In A Mouse Model of High-Fat Diet-Enhanced Colon Cancer: Does Fat Type Matter?, Stani Dellyn Day
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Metal–Organic Framework Materials Organized by the 1,8–Naphthalimide π–stacking Synthon, Agota Debreczeni
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: 3 Years of Experiments In Graduate Lighting, Ian Michael Del Duca
Functional and Molecular Effects of Therapeutic Ultrasound On Skeletal Muscle Repair, Diana Carolina Delgado-Díaz
Le cuir de Michel Foucault, Marc Marcel Demont
A Fast Preconditioner For Helmholtz Equation, Xiaodi Deng
Fight Or Flight: Migration and Conflict Over A Common Pool Resource, John Wiley Dennis
An Analysis of Arnold Schoenberg's Orchestral Transcription of Johannes Brahms's Piano Quartet NO.1, OPUS 25, Nové Deypalan
Molecular Devices: Brakes, Rotors, Sensors, and Balances and the Non-Covalent Interactions That Power Them, Brent Dial
Access Control Frameworks For Rapidly Evolving Business Enterprises, Ousmane Amadou Dia
Collegiality and Instructional Supervision: A Case Study of Relationships In the Context of Walkthrough Observations In Six Rural South Carolina Schools, Monica Irene Dixon-Houston
Ceramic-Based Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Xihui Dong
Under theCapital Dome:' the Literary Culture of Middle-Class African Americans In Columbia, South Carolina, 1930-1932, Gabrielle M. Dudley
Transition to Motherhood-A Qualitative Study of Low Income Women's First Term Pregnancy Experiences, Lisa Bennett Duggan
Measurement Error Models in Shape Analysis, Jiejun Du
Spectra of Hypergraphs, Aaron Michael Dutle
School Counselor Perceptions of Administrative Supervision Practices, Geoffrey Creighton Eddings
Implementation of Acoustic Emission As A Non-Destructive Evaluation Method For Concrete Structures, Mohamed Khaled ElBatanouny
Constructed Understandings of Response: A Case Study of Fifth-Grade Writers, Marcie Ellerbe
African American Females 'Perceptions of Their Science Classroom Learning Enviornment And Its Impact on Their Attitudes Toward Science, Antionette Holmes Elliott
Factors Associated With Impementation of the South Carolina Students Health and Fitness Act of 2005: Elementary School Principals' and Physical Activity Directors' Ratings, Miriam Jones Evans
Experimental and numerical modeling of submarine channel flow and morphodynamics, Hesham Yehya Ezz
Studies of Iridium Carbonyl Cluster Complexes, Fang Fang
Scope: A Protein Force Field With An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Protein Refinement, Timothy Matthew Fawcett
53x+m³=Ø? (Sex+Me=No Result?): Tropes of Asexuality in Literature and Film, Jana -. Fedtke
Levee Breach by Overtopping: The Effects of Soil Properties, Jose Antonio Feliciano Cestero
An Agent-based Simulation Tool for Evaluating Pooled Queue Performance at Marine Container Terminals, Matthew Fleming
Depiction of Widow Immolation In Works by Montaigne, Voltaire, Bernardin De Saint-Pierre, and Verne, Marianne Parrish Florian
Validity Evidence For the Use of Holland's Vocational Personality Types In College Student Populations, Nancy D. Floyd