Theses/Dissertations from 2013
An Institutional History of the Higgins Armory Museum and Its Relationship with Worcester, Massachusetts, Kary Ashley Pardy
"The Hollow Men": Divorce and Manhood in the Novels of Howells, James, and Wharton, Melissa Pluta Parker
Piano Music of Elisenda FÁbregas: A Stylistic Analysis, Jinha Park
Synthesis, Structural Variations and Trends In the Properties of Unique Dinuclear and Polynuclear Complexes of Bis(Pyrazolyl)Methane Ligands In Solid State and Solution, Andrea Eva Pascui
The Use of Applets For Developing Understanding In Mathematics: A Case Study Using Maplets For Calculus With Continuity Concepts., Raymond Ellis Patenaude
Environmental Footprints of Violent Conflict, Swapna Pathak
High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in a Mouse Model for Colorectal Cancer, Kennerly Clinton Patrick
A Pilot Intervention To Engage Nurses To Lead Transformation of The Workplace, Molly Patton
Going Into the Word-Hoard: The Writing Process, Language, and Its Implications In the Poetry of Medbh Mcguckian and Paul Muldoon, Elizabeth Peele
A Novel Approach to the Design of Selective Inhibitors for Cell Cycle Cyclin Dependent Kinases, Tracy Perkins
The Effects of Attentional Focus Cues and Feedback On Motor Skill Learning In Children, Melanie Elizabeth Perreault
The Relevance of Sarcasm In Resolving Ambiguous References In Spoken Discourse, Sara Ann Peters
The Effects of Mean Sea Level and Tidal Amplitude On Ground Water Discharge and Pore-Water Salinity Distribution Along A Forest/Marsh Boundary, North Inlet, SC, John Bradley Peurifoy
Forgotten Russian Piano Music: the Sonatas of Anatoly Aleksandrov, Irina Pevzner
The Impact of Age and Executive Function On Susceptibility to Misinformation, Michelle Phillips-Meek
Assessing the Impact of the Court Response to Domestic Violence in Two Neighboring Counties, Gillian Mira Pinchevsky
"The Constellations were in a Different Place": Using Blogs to Understand Student Learning During Study Abroad, Leslie Pitman
Postnatal Depression In Mexico: Healthcare Provider Conceptualizations and Policies In the Public Health Sector, Jean Marie Sims Place
Making Stewardship Meaningful For Nonprofits: Stakeholder Motivations, Attitudes, Loyalty and Behaviors, Geah N. Pressgrove
Dialogue in The Relationships Between Principals and Teachers: A Qualitative Study, Tracie Shelley Prichard
The Artist's Gauntlet: A Singers' Physiological Responses to the Stimuli of Rehearsing and Performing, John H. Pritchard
III-V Nitride Micro- and Nano-Scale Cantilevers For Multimodal Sensing Applications, Ehtesham Bin Quddus
Building Resiliency: Supporting Elementary School Students Through Parental Bereavement, Sandra Kerr Ray
Chemical Leaching Methods and Measurements of Marine Labile Particulate [Fe] and Δ56Fe, Brandi Nicole Revels
Experimental Investigation of Steady Flows at a Breached Levee, Cyrus K. Riahi-Nezhad
Stabilizing Controller Design for a DC Power Distribution System Using A Passivity-Based Stability Criterion, Antonino Riccobono
School Psychologist Leadership in RTI Implementation: Administrators' View of School Psychologists as a Resource in RTI, Allison Rice
Modeling Ultrasonic field Emanating from Scanning Acoustic Microscope for Reliable Characterization of Pathogens (Biological Materials), Rowshan Ara Rima
El Rol De La Cultura Visual En El Desarrollo De Una Nueva Espacialidad En La Literatura Argentina, Maria Paula Rivero
Foot Assessment In the Dialysis Unit, Karen Robertson
An Analysis of and Conductor's Guide to Eleanor Daley's Requiem, Andrew James Robinette
Chamber Music in Alternative Venues In the 21st Century U.S.: Investigating the Effect of New Venues On Concert Culture, Programming and the Business of Classical Music, Sarah May Robinson
An Examination of Middle School Counselors' Comfort with Technology, Patricia Christina Roddy
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Laminates Using Piezoelectric and Fiber Optics Sensors, Catalin Roman
Synthesis and Characterization of New Ionic and Mixed Ionic/Electronic Conductors, Kevin Gregory Romito
An Alternative Path: The Intellectual Legacy of James W. Carey, Matthew Ross
Walkcompass: Finding Walking Direction Leveraging Smartphone's Inertial Sensors, Nirupam Roy
Ziggy the Clown, Donald T. Russell
Decoding PRMT1: Studies On the Catalytic Mechanism, Regulation, Inhibition, and Crosstalk of PRMT1-Dependent Methylation, Heather L. Rust
Effect of Physiological Oxygen Levels On Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells, Suchit Sahai
Second Language Learnerhood Among Cross-Cultural Field Workers, Thor Andrew Sawin
Delivery System Capacities for Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC) for Substance Abuse Disorders: An Examination of Organizational Readiness, Jonathan Peter Scaccia
The Effects of Social Costs and Internal Quality Reviews On Auditor Consultation Strategies, Tammie Janell Schaefer
Cortisol and Working Memory In Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, Jessica F. Scherr
The Importance of Counseling Self-Efficacy In School Mental Health, Bryn Elizabeth Schiele
Relationship Between the Experience of Perceived and Physician Diagnosed Arthritis and the Presence of DSM-IV Criteria-based Major Depression (MDD) Among Older, Ryan Neil Schmidt
Alternative Education: A Comparative Case Study of the Behavior Modification Programs of two Upstate South Carolina Alternative Schools for Youth who Exhibit Behavior that is Disruptive, Timothy Lamont Scipio
Tal Como Eres, Yvonne Gabrielle Senat
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods to Improve Thermal Hydraulic Code Analysis, Dennis Shannon Sentell, Jr.
James Buchanan's Vision and the Making of Walnut Grove Plantation, Caroline Vereen Sexton
Economic Agreements and Interstate Conflict: A Policy Substitution Model of Coercion, Matthew Daniel-Marion Shaffer
A New Method For the Comparison Of Survival Distributions, Jaymie Shanahan
Experimental Study On Piping Failure of Earthen Levee and Dams, Yusuf Ahmed Sharif
Identity Crisis and the Emergence of the Picaresque In Literature From Early Modern Spain and Twentieth Century Argentina, Mary Johnson Shepherd
A Silylation Based Kinetic Resolution of Secondary Alcohols And The Synthesis And Structural Characterization of Pyridyl-oxazolidine Compounds, Cody Ian Sheppard
The Politics of Homosexuality In the Twentieth Century Black Freedom Struggle, Glenda Elizabeth Sherouse
Investigation of START Domain Proteins in Human Luteinized Cells and COS-1 Cells, Bo Shi
Associations Between Resting Metabolic Rate and Energy Storage in Young Adults, Robin Shook
A Prospective Study of Differential Sources of School-Related Social Support and Adolescents' Global Life Satisfaction, James D. Siddall
Geochemical Source Components in Seafloor Lavas in the Aleutian Back-Arc, Max Thomas Siegrist
Drawing the Line: Student Reassignment Policies In South Carolina, Naomi Rachel Simmons
Spatial and Temporal Characterization of A Cold Seep-Hydrate System (Woolsey Mound, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico), Antonello Simonetti
Biomaterial-Induced Osteogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Surface Roughness and Functionalization, Pongkwan Sitasuwan
Characterizing Hypoxia and Its Behavioral Effects In 3-Dimensional Cell Aggregates, Matthew Lorincz Skiles
Examining the Relationships Between Religiosity, Spirituality, Internalized Homonegativity, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among African-American Men Who Have Sex With Men: The Sexual Health In Faith Traditions (SHIFT) Study, Stacy Whichard Smallwood
Grammar In Context and Isolated Units: the Impact of Dichotomized Teaching Methods In A Rural Southern High School, Amy Kae Smith
Evidence for Antarctic Ice Sheets During the Late Eocene, Brian Smith
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-New Characterization Methods and Designs, Di Song
The Complete Plus-Minus: A Case Study of The Columbus Blue Jackets, Nathan Spagnola
Parental Involvement During College Preparation: Differences between First and Non-First Generation College Students, Deronta Renard Spencer
Impact of Curing Time and Curing Stress On the Mechanical Behavior of Cement-Improved and Cement-Fiber-Improved Soft Soil, Ryan Daniel Starcher
Putting Place Back Into Displacement: Reevaluating Diaspora In the Contemporary Literature of Migration, Christiane Brigitte Steckenbiller
An Investigation of Selected Collegiate Voice Teachers' Descriptions of Repertoire Selection Practices., David Stephenson
Unintended Consequences of Regulated Contract Structure, Bryan W. Stewart
Congeries In the Backcountry, James Andrew Stewart
Going Hard, Going Easy, Going Home: Death and Dying in 20th Century African American Literature, Chayah Amayala Stoneberg-Cooper
Taking Oaths and Giving Thanks: Ritual and Religion In Revolutionary America, Tara E. Strauch
A Geographic Modeling Framework for Assessing Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability: Energy Infrastructure Case Study, Leanne Sulewski
Enantioselective Hydrogenation of α-Methylcinnamic Acid Over PD/AL2O3: A Spectroscopic and Kinetic Study, Xiaojing Sun
Rational Design of Perovskite Based Anode Materials For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: A Computational Approach, Suwit Suthirakun
Instrument and Method Development For Single-Cell Classification Using Fluorescence Imaging Multivariate Optical Computing, Joseph Swanstrom
Public Education In A 'Religious State': South Carolina Responds to Engel V. Vitale (1962), Abington V. Schempp (1963), and Murray V. Curlett (1963), Jessica Kathleen Sweeney
Environmental Pre-Conditioning of Bacterial Populations and Communities to Extreme Acidity, Gabriel Joseph Swenson
Asymmetric Hydrogenation of α, β-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid Over Chiral-Modified Palladium Catalyst, Shuai Tan
Study On Covolume-Upwind Finite Volume Approximations For Linear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, Rosalia Tatano
The Corporation in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Law and Economics of Corporate Political Speech, Matthew W. Telleen
Motivational Interviewing and School-Based Mentoring to Improve Middle School Students' Academic Performance, John Terry
Modeling and Simulation Study of A Dynamic Gas Turbine System In A Virtual Test Bed Environment, Eshwarprasad Thirunavukarasu
Re-examining the Past and Rethinking the Future at Mount Mulanje Forest Reserve, Malawi: New Directions for Local Engagement, Mary Christian Thompson
A Veterinary Science Initiative: An Analysis of Impact and Future Directions for Humane Education and Collaborative Partnerships, Brittany Watson Tisa
Differential Gene Expression Patterns in HPV-Positive and HPV-Negative Oropharyngeal Carcinomas, Swati Tomar
Differential Effects of the Great Recession on Minority Populations, Samuel Towne
Childish Figuring: The Child as Symbol and Actor in Lillian Smith's Killers of the Dream and James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Katherine Eveline Upton