Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Use of Social Media as a Support Network in Families with a Child Diagnosed with Trisomy 13, 18, or 21, Ginger Elizabeth Edwardsen
Brand Reputation and Product Recall, Anne Meike Eilert
Exploring a paradigm shift: The New York Times' framing of sub-Saharan Africa in stories of conflict, war and development during the Cold War and post-Cold War eras, 1945-2009, Zadok Opero Ekimwere
Syntactic and Semantic Interoperability Among Hydrologic Models, Mostafa Mohamed Elag
Fishing and Fish Consumption Patterns in the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Population, Jamelle Heyward Ellis
The Attraction of Imperfection: Depreciating Social Capital in Victorian Marriage Plots, Catherine Clair England-Plisiewicz
An Examination of Significant Factors Distinguishing Successful, On-Time High School Graduation Rates Among Black Males at a Large South Carolina High School, Sherry Mitchell Eppelsheimer
Red, Yellow, Blue, Lauren Elizabeth Eyler
Ruminating on Ruminants: Goats and the People Who Raise Them in South Carolina, Brianna Dyan Farber
Some Assembly Required, Anthony Feggans
Estimation and Q-matrix validation for diagnostic classification models, Yuling Feng
Transformations and Fates of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter in River-Influenced Ocean Margins, Cedric Gael Fichot
Redeeming the Loss of Being: Ontology and Possibility in Thomas Pynchon's Later Novels, Andrew Field
The Effect of Radiation on Myofiber Properties in Mouse Skeletal Muscle, Dennis K. Fix
An Assessment of Technology Adoptability in Sugarcane Burning Smoke Plume Mitigation, Sara Flecher
Writing Across Differences: Afro-Germans, Gender, and Diaspora, 1970s-1990s, Tiffany Nicole Florvil
Interviews On Main, Amanda Rose Forstrom
Mental Health On Youtube: Exploring the Potential of Interactive Media to Change Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors About Mental Health, Caroline Belser Foster
From Idea to Screen, the Making of Residiuum, Christopher Fowler
Three-Dimensional Evolution of Mechanical Percolation in Nanocomposites with Random Microstructures, Bethany Suzanne Fralick
An Analysis of the Current Use and Future Intentions to Use Mobile Learning Strategies Among Full-Time Community College Faculty, Stephanie Denise Frazier
An Analysis of Constructive Network Formation Models, Gary Fredericks
Smokers' Neurological Responses to Imagery From Cigarette Package Warning Labels, Johann Fridrik Fridriksson
The Flying University, Catherine Friesen
For Their Mutual Benefit: Public Support and Private Development of Historic Buildings In Columbia, South Carolina, Angi Fuller Wildt
Investigating Relationships Between Academic Achievement and After School Programs in a High School Environment, Aaron Duke Fulmer
Modeling of Sic Power Semiconductor Devices For Switching Converter Applications, Ruiyun Fu
Biomechanics of Porcine Renal Artery and the Development of A Replacment Vessel, Mohamed Gabr
Spectral Analysis of Randomly Generated Networks With Prescribed Degree Sequences, Clifford Davis Gaddy
Exploring African American and White 18-19 Year Old Males' Communication Experiences With Their Parents and Partners About Sex and Contraception, Charlotte Toole Galloway
Uncovering the Structures In Ecological Networks: Multiple Techniques For Multiple Purposes, Peng Gao
Effects of DNA Damage and CDK Inhibitors on the Nucleoli, Vineet Garg
Accelerating Short Read Mapping Using A DSP Based Coprocessor, Shaun I. Gause
The Scope of the Bis-Urea Macrocycle Assembly Motif, Michael F. Geer
Investigating Developmental Patterns of Symptom and Impairment Change Among Youth With ADHD, Subthreshold ADHDand Youth Without ADHD, Lorie Love Geryk
An Analysis of Achievement Between Single Gender Education and Coeducational Models in Select Middle Schools in South Carolina, Roy Lee Givins Jr
Characterization of Two ODS Alloys: 18Cr ODS and 9Cr ODS, Julianne Kay Goddard
Understanding the Early Stages of Development of A Global Health Partnership, Wendy Raquel Gonzalez Navarrete
An Assessment of Instructional Coaching: Results of a Survey of Selected School Districts in South Carolina, Heather Clayton Gordon
The Indian Removal Debate and the Rise of Partisan Identity In the Age of Jackson, Benjamin Greene
Exploring the Role of Culture and Race In Stroke Rehabilitation Disparities, Jennifaye Verdina Greene
Structural and Photoluminescent Characterization of Substituted A3MO4F (A = Sr, Ba, Ca; M = Al, Ga, In, Si and Ge), Robert Lenwood Green
Surgency Characteristics Relating to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorders In Boys With Fxs, Marjorie Lee Grefer
The Wind Chamber Works of Ernst toch: A History and Comparative Analysis, C. Nicole Gross
Linking Obesity to Colorectal Cancer: Recent Insights Into Plausible Biological Mechanisms, Catherine Guffey
Resveratrol Attenuates the Development of Trans-Aortic Constriction (TAC) Induced Heart Failure in Mice, Prakash Kumar Gupta
Quantifying the Effects of Antibiotics Upon Benthic Diatoms and Marine Benthic Algal Communities, Isaac M. Hagenbuch
The Shadow of Consumption - How the Anticipation of Active Use Serves As A Solution to the Public Good Dilemma, Michael Hahn
Major Adjustment: Students' Transition Experiences Leaving Selective Undergraduate Degree Programs, Helen Mulhern Halasz
Advanced Fuels Modeling: Evaluating the Steady-State Performance of Carbide Fuel in Helium-Cooled Reactors Using FRAPCON 3.4, Luke H. Hallman
Prenatal Decision-Making Process of Patients in Three Cities in South Carolina, Kimberly Marie Hamann
Evaluating the Intentionality of Identified Misstatements: How Perspective Can Help Auditors in Distinguishing Errors from Fraud, Erin L. Hamilton
Functional Block Copolymers for Applications in Advanced Materials, Energy Storage, and Lithography, Christopher George Hardy
An Assessment of Injury Presentation to Determine Elder Abuse Prevalence in South Carolina, Brittani L. Harmon
Selected Research In Covering Systems of the Integers and the Factorization of Polynomials, Joshua Harrington
Parsing the Effects of Physical Microenvironmental Cues on Stem Cell Adhesion and Lineage Specification, Greg M. Harris
Heaped Data In Count Models, Tammy Harris
Polyspectral Signal Analysis Techniques For Condition Based Maintenance of Helicopter Drive-Train System, Mohammed Ahmed Hassan Mohammed
Tectonics of the South Georgia Rift, David Michael Heffner
Programmable Polymers Preparation Optimization and Applications On Solute Templates, Yinyan He
Ulysses In the Age of Digital Remediation, Melissa Hart Higgins
Permutation Testing for Covariance Matrices, with Applications in Shape Analysis, Blake Cassidy Hill
The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, LaRita Barnwell Hipp
Evaluating the Impact of Fishery-Related Claw Removal On Diet, Consumption Rate, Energetics and Reproduction In the Florida Stone Crab (Menippe Spp.), Jessica Mary Hogan
Contested Identities and Language Education: Inculcating Nationalist Ideologies In the Basque Region, William Joseph Hogan
Unique Perspectives and Struggles of Parents Rearing Children with Phenylketonuria with Unaffected Siblings, Cassandra Nicole Hollinger
Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion and the Partnership of Henry Miller and AnaÏs Nin, Kathryn Holmes
The Impact of Poverty, School Enrollment, and Ninth-Grade Transition Programs on Promotion to Tenth Grade in Thirty South Carolina High Schools, Mark Shannon Hopkins
Acoustic Emission Source Characterization of Fatigue Crack Extension in Steel Bridge Material, MD Mozahid Hossain
A Model Experiment to Assess the Effects of Inclusions on Wave Propagation in Soil Media, Thomas Houston
I Can Be Silent and Be Saying a Lot: Teachers' Racial Literacy in a Southern Elementary School, Kimberly J. Howard
Relationship between Principal Change and Influence Styles: Is There an Impact on Teacher Retention?, Leslie J. Howder
Volcanic and Tectonic Processes Along Anomalous Mid-Ocean Ridges, Julia Kathryn Howell
Classroom Exercise Breaks and Educational Outcomes in Elementary School Students, Erin Kaye Howie
Evolution of Microstructure of Haynes 230 and Inconel 617 Under Mechanical Testing At High Temperatures, Kyle Hrutkay
Evaluation of Mass Media Campaigns to Change Smokers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors In China and Taiwan, Li-Ling Huang
Identifying and Encouraging Math In Children's Out-of-School Activities In the Rural Lowcountry of South Carolina, Sherry Carillon Hyatt
The Study of Alternate, Solid-Phase Fluorinating Agents for Use in Reactive Gas Recycle of Used Nuclear Fuel, Dillon Inabinett
Mass Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Protein Patterns, Protein Markers and Whole Proteomes For Pathogenic Bacteria, Jennifer Intelicato-Young
Thermal History of Nearly Metamict Zircon of the Taza-Guercif Basin (Morocco) Revealed Using Scanning Electron Microscope High-Density Fission-Track Dating, Tyler Michael Izykowski
High Performance RF Control Devices Using Capacitively Coupled Contacts (C3) Over III-N Heterostructures, Faisal Jahan
An Application for Keeping Track of Food Item Expiration, Rejin Paul James
An Essay on Musical Narrative Theory and Its Role in Interpretation, with Analyses of Works for Saxophone by Alfred Desenclos and John Harbison, Ian MacDonald Jeffress
Black Feminine Identity: An Examination of Historical and Contemporary Dramatic Texts Through a Critical Race Theory Framework, Devair Jeffries
BMI at Diagnosis and its Association With Markers of HIV Disease Progression and Cardiovascular Disease Risk., Kelly Deshon Johnson
Lessons In Success: A Multi-Campus Study of Factors Influencing Academic Accomplishment Among High-Achieving African American Students at Private Liberal Arts Colleges, Ryan Andrew Johnson
Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Systems, Matthew Kelly Jones
Improving the Diagnostic Accuracy of Failure-to-Rescue, Amelia Marie Joseph
Assessing the Effectiveness of Gordon Allport's Contact Hypothesis Ability to Increase Cultural Openness in First Year College Students, David Alan Kahn
Effect of Matrix Modulus On Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorsphere Formation In Three-Dimensional-Engineered Matrix, Samaneh Kamali Sarvestani
An Effective Field Theory Calculation of n(p, d)γ Cross-section for Big Bang Nucleo-synthesis, Rasha Adnan Kamand
Modeling Volume Change Due to Intercalation Into Porous Electrodes, Kumud Kanneganti