Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Osteon-Mimetic Nanocomposite Materials For Bone Regeneration, Ozan Karaman
That's News to Me: An Exploratory Study of the Uses and Gratifications of Current Events On Social Media of 18-24 Year-Olds, John Vincent Karlis
The Impact of Ideology and Attorneys On Precedent Usage: An Analysis of State High Courts, Benjamin Kassow
Public Intellectuals: Styles, Publics, and Possibilities, Matthew David Kay
Maternal Parenting Stress In Autism, Autism Associated With Fragile X, and Fragile X Alone: An Examination of Associated Child and Maternal Factors In Three High-Risk Groups, Julie McElrath Kellett
Parent Perceptions of Audiology and Speech-Language Services and Support for Young Children with Cochlear Implants, Patrick Michael Kelly
Inequality and Opportunity At theMsa-Level: Investigating Place As A Structure of Inequality Shaping Mobility and Earnings, Colby R. King
Moonbird, Samuel Kinsman
The Compact Implicit Integration Factor Scheme For the Solution of Allen-Cahn Equations, Meshack K. Kiplagat
Modeling Approaches, Physiological Responses, and Climate Change: How Good is "Good Enough?", Nicole Kish
Development of Proteomic Characterization and Speciation Techniques Utilizing Tryptic Peptides with MALDI-TOF MS and LC-ESI MS-MS, Jennifer Marie Kooken
Crystal Growth, Characterization and Fabrication of CDZNTE-Based Nuclear Detectors, Ramesh Madhu Krishna
A Critique of Charles Peirce's Account of the Necessary Conditions for the Possibility of Experience, Daniel Edward Kruidenier
Measurement and Three-Dimensional Modeling of Hydrodynamic Processes In the Inner Shelf and Surf Zone, Nirnimesh Kumar
Doc Dynamics In Eddies of the Sargasso Sea, Eric Matthew Lachenmyer
Best Practice Guideline For Managing Interstitial Cystitis In Adult Women, Amanda Thomas Langford
Longitudinal Effects of Depression and Sexual Dysfunction On Glycemic Control in Veterans with Diabetes, Adrian Laseter
Into a Wild New Yonder: the United States Air Force and the Origins of Its Information Age, Robert Howard Lass
A Case Study of Principals' Knowledge of Early Childhood Literacy, Christine Elizabeth LeBlanc
The Relationship Between Electronic Health Record Implementation and Outcomes of Care For Three Cardiovascular Procedures, Deshia Ann Leonhirth
The Evolution of the Politics of Genocide: Why American Efforts to Prevent and Intervene in the Sudan Failed, Shane Andrew Lesko
International Graduate Students' Experiences with Race, Racial Identity, and Racialization at Home and in the United States: A Comparative Case Study, Ashlee Amanda Lewis
Protein Identification Using Bayesian Stochastic Search, Christina Nicole Lewis
Race, Ethnicity, and Differential Perceptions of Sexual Victimization (Assault), Kaleea Regina Lewis
Depairing Current Density In Cuprate Superconductors, Manlai Liang
Pellet Cladding Mechanical Interactions of Ceramic Claddings Fuels Under Light Water Reactor Conditions, Bo-Shiuan Li
Structural Origin of Mechanical Prowess In Conch Shells, Haoze Li
Design and Synthesis of Polymer-Based Advanced Nanomaterials Using Raft Polymerization and Click Reaction, Junting Li
The Effect of Bi-Polar Plate and Membrane Materials On Water Transport in PEMFCs, Visarn Lilavivat
Computational Analysis and Prediction of Genome-Wide Protein Targeting Signals and Localization, Jhih-Rong Lin
Synthesis and Characterization of One Dimensional Boron-Based Nanomaterials, Rui Li
Essays On Market Dominance and Price Discovery, James Michael Lockwood
Predicting the Crack Response for a Pipe with a Complex Crack, Robert George Lukess
Impact of the Child Development Program on Reading Achievement of Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade Students in an Urban School District, Tai Elizabeth Lynch
The Development of the Femme Fatale on Stage as Seen in the Works of Jesse Lynch Williams and Edna St. Vincent Millay, Hillary Elizabeth MacArthur
A Constructivist Examination of Counselors' Conceptualization of "Sexuality": Implications for Counselor Education, Wenndy Dupkoski Mallicoat
Without A Net: Creating A One-Man Show, Joseph Timothy Mallon
Divine Discontent: Nathan Carter Newbold, White Liberals, Black Education, and the Making of the Jim Crow South, Barry Malone
The Effect of Cancer Cachexia Severity and Eccentric Muscle Contractions on Selected Myofiber Metabolic Properties in Mouse Skeletal Muscle, Joshua Earl Mangum
"Heritage to Horizons": The History of the 1977 International Women's Year Conference in South Carolina, Caitlin Marie Mans
Diffusion of CSR in Global Business Networks: An Embeddedness Perspective, Valentina Marano
Josef Hofmann: An Analysis of Selected Solo Piano Works, Steven Joseph Mastrogiacomo
La Quête d'Identité à Travers la Quête de l'Autre dans le Cinéma de Cédric Klapisch, Jade Marie Mathieu
Food Environment and Birth Outcomes In South Carolina, Xiaoguang Ma
Characterization of the Role of FRO6 in Metal Homeostasis in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Margo Ellen Maynes
School Counselors' Perceptions Of Their Role In Assisting Students With College Preparedness, Tabatha McAllister
Impedance Estimation Using Randomized Pulse Width Modulation and Power Converters, William M. McCoy
The Relationship Between Principal Longevity and Student Achievement In Middle Schools In South Carolina, David Dewayne McDonald
Improving Robustness and Scalability of Available Ner Systems, Amber McKenzie
The Parasitic Oligarchy? The Elites in Trinidad and Tobago, Alison Mc Letchie
The Parasitic Oligarchy? The Elites in Trinidad and Tobago, Alison Mc Letchie
Non-offending Mothers of Sexually Abused Children: How They Decide Whom to Believe, Lynn McMillan
William, Allison Marie McNutt
Care As the Essential Element in Teacher and Student Interactions: Examining Dialogue as a Vehicle for Building a Caring Environment, Crystal Plumley McSwain
High Resistivity Amorphous Selenium Alloy Semiconductors For Radiation Detection Applications, Abhinav Mehta
Modified Sodium Diuranate Process For the Recovery of Uranium From Uranium Hexafluoride Transport Cylinder Wash Solution, Austin Dean Meredith
The Use of Ultrasound as an Adjunct to X-Ray For the Localization and Removal of Soft Tissue Foreign Bodies in an Urgent Care Setting, Stacy Lane Merritt
Fabrication and Characterization of Surrogate Fuel Particles Using the Spark Erosion Method, Kathryn Elizabeth Metzger
Energy Metrics for State Government Buildings, Trevor Michael
Role of MicroRNA-155 in a Mouse Model of Colon Cancer., Claire Mitchell Midyette
Experimental and Simulation Predicted Crack Paths For AL-2024-T351 Under Mixed-Mode I/II Fatigue Loading Using An Arcan Fixture, Eileen Miller
Quantifying the Impact of Various Radioactive Background Sources On Germanium-76 Zero-Neutrino-Double-Beta-Decay Experiments, Katarina Leila Mizouni
Application of Agent-Based Approaches to Enhance Container Terminal Operations, Omor Sharif Abul Bashar Mohammad
Applications of the Lopsided Lovász Local Lemma Regarding Hypergraphs, Austin Tyler Mohr
Illness-Related Diabetes Social Support and Glycemic Control Among Middle Aged and Older Adults, Favel Leah Mondesir
One Too Many: An Exploration Of the Roots of Literacy Of Older African Americans In South Carolina Before Brown Versus The Board Of Education, Barbara Johnson Montgomery
Microencapsulation of a Connexin-43 Mimetic Peptide as a Novel Wound Healing Agent in an Ocular Injury Model, Keith Brian Moore
Gold Nanoparticles and Peptoids as Novel Inhibitors of Amyloid Beta Aggregation in Alzheimer's Disease, Kelly Ann Moore
Modeling HIV-1-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders and the Therapeutic Effects of the Phytoestrogen Metabolite S-Equol in the HIV-1 Transgenic Rat, Landhing Mary Moran
Selling the Country’s Secrets: Willa Cather’s Eco(self)criticism in My Antonia and The Professor’s House, Elizabeth Nicole Morgan
Deconstructing Books, Reconstructing Women, Summers Esther Morris
“Just Let Us Teach!”: Living Literacy Policy In And Around Maplewood Elementary School, Cindy Anne Morton-Rose
Professional Conversations About Race, Culture and Language In Early Childhood Literacy Education: An Administrator's Journey, Sabina Maria Mosso-Taylor
Trophic Response to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Copper In Tidal Flats of North Inlet, South Carolina, Leslie Lynn Muggelberg
The Relationship of South Carolina Teachers' Work-Related Stress With Years of Experience, Feelings and Coping Strategy, Michelle Munnell
A Study of the Intersections of Race, Schooling, and Family Life in a Rural Black Community, Michele Evonne Myers
Accuracy, Cost and Performance Trade-Offs for Streaming Set-Wise Floating Point Accumulation on FPGAs, Krishna Kumar Nagar
Optimal Design and Control of DC-DC Resonant Converters For Wireless Power Transfer Applications, Isaac Nam
Benthic Boundary Layer Processes: Bedform Evolution and Bottom Turbulence, Timothy Robert Nelson
Fault Location in Power Networks Using Synchronized Phasor Measurements, Cuong Nguyen
Essays In the Airline Industry, Mariana Luminita Nicolae
Squeeze Flow of Highly Concentrated Suspensions, Mohsen Nikkhoo
The Definition of Youth, Jessta Noel
The South Carolina Sanatorium: The Landscape of Public Healthcare In the Segregated South, Amanda Noll
Egocentric Biases In Consumer Judgment of Products With and Without Target Market Labels, David Norton
Thermal Infrared Imaging: Instrumentation and Method Development, Wayne O'Brien
Response to Intervention: An Interpretive Case Study of Educators' Perspectives On the Roles of School Culture, Personal Beliefs, and Program Knowledge On Implementation., Beverly Adhiambo Ochieng-Sande
Modal Updating Cognitive Systems: Behavioral Selection, Gustavo Andres Ospina Idarraga
The Reproductive Ecology of Plethodontid Salamanders In the South Carolina Inner Coastal Plain, Heather Rena Oswald
The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species In Cell Death Induced by Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors, Ufuk Ozer
Prevention of Skin Breakdown In the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Lydia H. Palmer
Models and Software Development For Interval-Censored Data, Chun Pan