"Prevention of Skin Breakdown In the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit" by Lydia H. Palmer

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


College of Nursing


Nursing Practice

First Advisor

Kathy Scharer

Second Advisor

Laura Hein


Skin breakdown occurs when one or more layers of the skin have been disrupted (McLane et al., 2004; National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 2007). While some literature uses the terms skin breakdown and pressure ulcer interchangeably, these are actually two distinct conditions and pressure ulcers are encompassed in the definition of skin breakdown (Kuller, 2001; Lund, 1999; Suddaby et al., 2006). The consequences of skin breakdown in the pediatric population can include increased cost of treatment, infection, increased morbidity and mortality as well as psychological consequences from resulting alopecia or scarring (Schindler, 2010; Willock & Maylor, 2004). Development of skin breakdown has also been associated with increased morbidity, increased length of stay, and higher costs of care (McCord et al., 2004).

Prevention of skin breakdown can be accomplished by the use of barriers and specialty surfaces. Barrier protection is achieved by the use of preparations, such as zinc oxide, petrolatum-containing compounds, and alcohol-free barrier films, and also by the application of transparent film and hydrogel dressings (Atherton, 2004; Atherton, 2005; Baharestani, 2007; Campbell et al., 2000; Lund et al., 2001). Surfaces can be useful in the prevention of skin breakdown by aiding in the distribution of pressure and decreasing moisture, and can also be used to aid in temperature control for some patients (Norton, Coutts, & Sibbald, 2011). The PICO format question used to guide this project is: For patients in Pediatric Intensive Care Units, is barrier protection or use of specialty surfaces more effective at preventing skin breakdown?


© 2013, Lydia H. Palmer

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Nursing Commons
