Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Readiness for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and School Mental Health (SMH) Interconnection: Development of a Stakeholder Survey, Vittoria Anello
Tidal Flux of Trace Metals and Rare Earth Elements in a Barrier Island Salt Marsh, Ryan Antle
Fault Aware Soft Restart of an Islanded Microgrid Using an Inverter Coupled Energy Storage System, Asif Anwar
Theoretical Investigation of the Water-Gas Shift Reaction At the Three Phase Boundary of Ceria Supported Platinum Metal Clusters, Sara Aranifard
Geomorphic Variation of A Transitional River: Blue Ridge to Piedmont, South Carolina, Tanner Arrington
Essays On Food Banks: Operational Issues and the Role of Supply Chain Integration, Cigdem Ataseven
Responding to Tripadvisor: How Hotel Responses to Negative Online Reviews Effect Hotel Image, Intent to Stay, and Intent to Return, Tiffany Avant
"Without A Few Negroes": George Whitefield, James Habersham, and Bethesda Orphan House In the Story of Legalizing Slavery In Colonial Georgia, Tara Leigh Babb
The Finer Things, Jasmine Bailey
The Mechanisms of Posterior Shoulder Tightness and Effectiveness of Manual Therapy, Lane Brooks Bailey
Environments of Excellence: Two Literate Homes and Teachers' Perspectives, Tracy Swinton Bailey
Variability Across Repeat Assessment of Working Memory and Processing Speed in Referred Populations, Dawn Baker
Plant Virus Based Materials For Cell Alignment and Differentiation, Elizabeth Balizan
Perceptions of Elementary School Principals: Turning High Poverty Elementary Schools In South Carolina Into High-Performing Elementary Schools, Katie Wall Barber
Impact of Physical Activity In the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer, Sarah Ashley Barnes
Associations Between the Perceived and Built Food Environment, Timothy L. Barnes
The Music of James Reese Europe For Vernon and Irene Castle, Ralph G. Barrett
The Anti-Angiogenic Effects of Sparstolonin B, Henry Rhodes Bateman
Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis to Investigate the Neural Representation of Concepts With Visual and Haptic Features, Laura Bradshaw Baucom
Insects As Indicators of Environmental Stress, De Anna Estella Beasley
Protracted Social Conflict: A Reconceptualization and Case Analysis, Melissa M. C. Beaudoin
"Makin' It": A Study of First Generation College Graduates Lives Out of Poverty, Sharla Benson-Brown
A Qualitative Study on How Prenatal Genetic Counselors Prioritize Cultural Issues When Counseling Patients, Darcy Katherine Berry
Examining the Role of Electronic Medical Record Generated Provider Reminders On Provider offering of Breast Cancer Screening Services, Charles Beverley, Jr.
Quantifying Regional-Scale Water Storage Using Models and Observations: Application For Drought Assessment In South Carolina, Mirza Md Mozaddid Billah
Ultrawideband (UWB) and Reconfigurable Antennas - New Concepts For Conformal Load Bearing Antenna Structures (CLAS), Nicholas Bishop
Identifying Values and Benefits of Congaree National Park, Maka Bitsadze
Analysis of Modulation and Voltage Balancing Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converters, Ryan Blackmon
The Seeded Underground, Shannon Renee' Blake
Optimal Cooperation In Joint Action Tasks, Scott Michael Blanchette
Altar And Stage: Liturgical Drama in Three Theatrical Traditions, Patrick Kenneth Boos
Measuring Organizational Member Involvement In Physical Activity Coalitions Across the United States, Daniel Benjamin Bornstein
Antecedent Topicality Affects The Processing of Both NP Anaphors and Pronoun, Evgenia Borshchevskaya
What Can Reader Comments to News Online Contribute to Engagement and Interactivity? A Quantitative Approach, Brett A. Borton
The Relationship of Principal Conflict Management Style and School Climate, Miriam Miley Boucher
The Glass Cliff: An Examination of the Female Superintendency In South Carolina, Blanche Boyd Bowles
Determining the Differences In Hurricane Perception and Evacuation Behavior In the Elderly of South Carolina, Gregg C. Bowser
And Still It Moves, Elizabeth Breen
Rewriting the Human: Death Anxiety and Posthuman Vision In Literature Since 1945, John Allen Brooks
Race, Class, Gender, and Linked Fate: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of African American Political Partisanship, 1996 and 2004, Sherral Yolanda Brown-Guinyard
Shimura Images of A Family of Half-Integral Weight Modular Forms, Kenneth Allan Brown
The Financial Nexus of College Choice and Persistence At For-Profit Institutions, Benjamin James Bryan
Three Musical Translations For Trumpet and Organ Based On Visual Artwork., John Harrison Bryant
The Conflicted Artist- An Analysis of the Aesthetics of German Idealism In E.T.A. Hoffmann's Artist, Leigh Hannah Buches
Outsmarting the Brain: Augmenting Motor Training with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation in Order to Facilitate Plasticity-Dependent, Functional Improvement within the Motor Cortex, Raymond Joseph Butts
Advanced Methodology Developments in Mixture Cure Models, Chao Cai
Fault Protection In DC Distribution Systems Via Coordinated Control of Power Supply Converters and Bus Tie Switches, Pietro Cairoli
Shifting Landscapes: the Social and Economic Development of Aqaba, Jordan, Kimberly K. Cavanagh
Toward Directing Cell Fate: Carbon Nanotubes As Modulators of Extracellular and Transporters of Intracellular Cues, Qingsu Cheng
Dislocation Reduction In Silicon Doped High Aluminum Content Algan Layers For Deep UV Optoelectronic Devices, HUNG-CHI CHEN
New Bimetallic Iridium Cluster Carbonyl Complexes, Mingwei Chen
The Effects of Rainfall-Runoff On Particulate Organic Carbon Cycling In Salt Marshes, Si Chen
Numerical Study of Stable Tearing Crack Growth Events Using the Cohesive Zone Model Approach, Xin Chen
Building Morale in a Soldier town: Home Front Women and the Gi in Columbia, South Carolina, 1941-1945, Jessica Kathleen Childress
The Body As Wartime Terrain: Social Control and Female Sexuality Under Military Occupation, Frances Choe
The Rational Synthesis of Supported Noble Single Or Bimetallic Catalysts by Electrostatic Adsorption, Hyeran Cho
Understanding the Effect of Balance of Plant Contaminants On PEMFCS Performance: Models, Mechanisms, Functional Group, Hyun-Seok Cho
QuasiNovo: Algorithms for De Novo Peptide Sequencing, James Paul Cleveland
Perceptions of Breast Cancer-Related Stigma and Genetic Knowledge Among Latina Women: El Mejor Entendimiento Del Miedo., Jade Cognetti
Sharp Bounds Associated With An Irreducibility Theorem For Polynomials Having Non-Negative Coefficients, Morgan Cole
Deducing Vertex Weights From Empirical Occupation Times, David Collins
Emulation of An Aeroderivative Twin-Shaft Gas Turbine Engine Using An AC Electric Motor Drive, Blanca A. Correa
Generational Differences In Motivation to Attend College, John Michael Cote
Youth Citizenship, Civic Education, and Spaces of Belonging In Tallinn, Estonia, Catherine Michelle Cottrell
Hiding In Plain Sight: the Rhetorical Workings of Simone De Beauvoir's Feminist Language, Emily Crawford
El Círculo Familiar Bilingüe De Libros / the Bilingual Family Book Club: Creating Translanguaging Spaces With Latin@ Picture Books, Kelli Edenfield Criss
Gender and Programming: A Comparison of Program Availability and Participation in U.S. Prisons for Men and Women, Courtney A. Crittenden
Teacher Silence In South Carolina Public Schools, Daniel Crockett
Literacy Crisis, Technology, and the Radical Reversal of Power, Erin Michelle Cromer
The Role of the Trickster Figure and Four Afro-Caribbean Meta-Tropes In the Realization of Agency by Three Slave Protagonists, David Sebastian Cross
The Association of Physical Fitness With Psychological Health Outcomes In Soldiers During Army Basic Combat Training, Shannon K. Crowley
A Critical Review of Endometriosis Pathology, Brittany Lauren Cureton
Boiling and Evaporation on Micro/nanoengineered Surfaces, Xianming Dai
Studying On Capacity Fade Mechanisms of Li-Ion Batteries Through Modeling, Yiling Dai
Comparative Audiation Difficulty of tonal, Rhythm, and Melodic Patterns Among Grade 4 Students, Alan Danahy
Investment In Green Technologies, Supratim Das Gupta
ADHD And Positive Smoking Expectancies The Role of Peer Influence as A Moderating Factor, Lauren Dattilo
The Role of Recovery in Attenuating the Negative Effects of Perceived Stigmatizing Attitudes for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities, Betsy Alison Davis
[Threshold]: Understanding Noise Through Play, Cecil Decker
Coordinated Control of Power Electronic Converters in an Autonomous Microgrid, Gholamreza Dehnavi
AccelPrint:Accelerometers are Different by Birth, Sanorita Dey
Estimation of Aerosolized Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Concentrations from Wastewater Treatment Facilities Using Spatially-Based Dispersion Modeling, Renee Nichole Dickman
Analysis and Processing of Irregularly Distributed Point Clouds, Kamala Hunt Diefenthaler
Investigation of Three-Way (TWC), Lean NOx Trap (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Catalysts For Control of NOx Emissions from Lean-Burn Engines, Christopher Dominic DiGiulio
Narrative Discourse in Aphasia: Main Concept and Core Lexicon Analyses of the Cinderella Story, Emily Patricia Dillow
Study of Porous, Crystalline Supramolecular Boronates, Vincenzo Michael DiSantis
Effects of N-Type Doping on Algan Material Quality, Devendra Diwan
A Case Study Seeking Indicators of Coherence in a PETE Program, Robert John Doan
Generalizations of Sperner's Theorem: Packing Posets, Families Forbidding Posets, and Supersaturation, Andrew Philip Dove
Complexity and Salience: Evaluating the Inter-Scene Variability of Animated Choropleth Maps, Michael DuBois
Examining the Direct and Interactive Effects of Positive Coping on Depressive Symptomology in African American Women, Heather Andrea Eaddy