Theses/Dissertations from 2013
PLC Code Vulnerabilities Through SCADA Systems, Sidney E. Valentine, Jr.
A Teacher's Perceptions of Inquiry: Where Inquiry Experiences, Beliefs and Practice Intersect, Michelle Avila Vanderburg
The Effect of αCT-1 Peptide on Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Following Injury, Adam Clay Vandergriff
Electrochemical Characterization and Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Corrosion in Prestressed Concrete Piles, William Horacio Velez Pabon
The Effects of A High Fat Diet On Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Inflammation In the Brain., Lauren Suzanne Vervaecke
Made in Japan: Kumi-Daiko as a New Art Form, Anna Marie Viviano
Association Between Breastfeeding and Infant Growth: A Probable Reverse Causality, Shraddha Vyas
Multi-Label Segmentation Propagation for Materials Science Images Incorporating Topology and Interactivity, Jarrell Waggoner
Recuperando la memoria de la Guerra Civil española en Luna Lunera y La higuera, Whitney Anne Waites
Comparison of a Particle Filter and Other State Estimation Methods for Prognostics of Lithium-Ion Batteries, Eric Alan Walker
Conrad Susa's Discovery and Praises: A Conductor'S Guide to Performance Considerations, Keith Harry Walker
Structure-Function Relationship In Dual Function Hemoglobin/Dehaloperoxidase From Amphitrite Ornata, Chunxue Wang
Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis to Identify Conceptual Knowledge Representation in the Brain, Jing Wang
The Implications of Solvency II to Insurance Companies, Lu Wang
The Role of Gender In Intergenerational Transmissions of Education and Occupational Promotion, Si Wang
Preparation, Characterization and Application of Novel Proton Conducting Ceramics, Siwei Wang
Wireless Pressure Sensor System For Medical Applications, Xuehe Wang
Voicing Across Cultures: The Role of Communication Style and Relationships In Employee Voice and Subsequent Influence, Anna-Katherine Ward
Child Sexual Abuse In the Media: Is Institutional Failure to Blame?, Jane Long Weatherred
An Intervention to Increase Staff Promotion of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-Of-School-Time-Programs, Robert Glenn Weaver
(Mis)Classification and Creole Identity in Alice Dunbar-Nelson's The Goodness of St. Rocque, Jillian Weber
Tidal Variability of Waves and Currents on a Caribbean Barrier Reef, Chelsea Wegner
Using Singular Value Decomposition in Classics: Seeking Correlations in Horace, Juvenal and Persius against the Fragments of Lucilius, Thomas Whidden
An Analysis of Lead Shot from Fort Motte, 2004-2012: Assessing Combat Behavior in Terms of Agency, Stacey Renae Whitacre
Coloring Pythagorean Triples and a Problem Concerning Cyclotomic Polynomials, Daniel White
Working with Patients at risk for Hereditary Degenerative Brain Disorders, Stephen John White
The Effects of Ability Grouping on Gifted & Talented Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Students in Selected South Carolina Public School Districts, Tammy Tara White
Emergency Department Triage Acuity Ratings: Embedding Esi Into the Electronic Medical Record, Candace Whitfield
Decision-Support Tool for Residential Pesticides in the South Carolina Coastal Zone, Lisa Claire Wickliffe
Heirlooms, Candace Gayle Wiley
Perceptions of Innovations: An Examination of South Carolina Superintendents, Alfred Lamont Williams
Does Human Genetic Diversity Affect Net Productivity?, Breyon Jontae Williams
A Case Study of Three African-American String Players Participating in a Community Orchestra, Kimberly Prescott Williams
Liquefaction Potential of South Carolina Coastal Plain Soils Using Dilatometer Data, Joseph Ronald Williamson
Female Character Development in Select Works by Lope de Vega, María de Zayas, and Calderón de la Barca, Adrianne Woods
Perspectives on Transitioning to the Assistant Principalship among Peers: A Qualitative Study of Six New School Administrators, Everette Hix Workman
A Qualitative Study of an Urban Community Garden: Creating Healthier Neighborhood Environments, Lauren Workman
Executing and Teaching Science--the Breast Cancer Genetics and Technology-Rich Curriculum Professional Development Studies of a Science Educator, Regina Evarn Wragg
The Rhetorical Event of Modern Southern Humor: "A Requisite Element in Discourse", David Allen Wright
New Approach for Modeling Hybrid Pressure Swing Adsorption-Distillation Processes, Fan Wu
Multi-Physicochemical Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolyzer Cells, Yuanyuan Xie
Single Crystal to Single Crystal Polymerization of a Columnar Assembled Diacetylene Macrocycle, Weiwei Xu
Electrokinetic Mixing and Separation in Microfluidic Systems, Fang Yang
Toward Sophisticated Controls of Two-Phase Transport at Micro/Nano-Scale, Fanghao Yang
Modeling Mixed Unfolding/Monotone Dichotomous Item Exams, Na Yang
Electromagnetic Modeling of GaN Varactor Microwave Switches, Yi-Hsuan Yang
Environmental Effects on Mechanical and Thermal Behaviors of Zinc Oxide Nanobelts and Dispersion of Carbon Nanostructures, Yingchao Yang
Renewable Bio-Based Polymers and Degradable Functional Polymers, Kejian Yao
Microstructural-Based Modeling of Electrical Percolation In Polymer Nanocomposites, Neelima Yellepeddi
Nanoparticle Self-Assembly and Ultrafast Nanomagnet Switching Dynamics, Longfei Ye
Passive Equalizer Topology Analysis for Signal Integrity Applications, Kuo-Lun Yen
`Open' for Collective Business: The Governance of Contemporary Economic Cooperatives in a Corporate Q'EQCHI' Maya Town, Michael Frederic Young
Adverse Outcome Pathways: A framework for Identifying Chemical Mode of Action During Zebrafish Embryogenesis, Krystle Yozzo
Welding Parameters, Distortion and Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Lap Joints in SSFSW, Hejun Yu
Fabrication and Characterization of Compact High Resolution Radiation Detectors Based On 4H-SIC N-Type Epilayer and CDZNTE, Kelvin Juvenal Zavalla Mendoza
A Global Joyce: Early Sightings of Cosmopolitan Ethics in Ulysses, Matthew Zeller
Dual-Phase Mixed Ion and Electron Conducting Co2-Selective Permeation Membranes, Lingling Zhang
Examining Long-Haul Chinese Outbound Tourists' Shopping Intentions, Pei Zhang
Iridium-Ruthenium/Osmium-Gold Cluster Complexes: Unique Structures and Properties, QIANG ZHANG
A Method for Evaluating Power Generation Concepts Considering the Optimal Concept of Operations, Tianlei Zhang
The Role of Host-Tumor Interactions In Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer, Yu Zhang
Investigations of the Non-Covalent CH-Π Interactions Using Molecular Torsional Balances, Chen Zhao
Fundamental Experimental Studies In Scaling, Blast Mitigation and Material Processing, Xing Zhao
A New Class of Solid Oxide Metal-Air Redox Batteries for Advanced Stationary Energy Storage, Xuan Zhao
Nutrient Limitation of Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates in Mangrove Lagoon, Salt River Bay, St. Croix, USVI, Michelle Zimberlin
Selection and Clustering for Disease Associated Genetic Variants, Yubo Zou
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Continuous Therapeutic Ultrasound Decreases Pain Perception and Increases Pain Threshold After Muscle Damage, Stacey E. Aaron
Environmental Causes of Pigment Heterogeneity In Phytoplankton Species, Elizabeth Ann Abernathy
Errors are a Gateway to Discovery: Development of a Fledgling Designer, Heather Evangeline Abraham
Microstructure Evolution of Two Model Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Under Ion Irradiation In A Transmission Electron Microscope, Jimmy Lewis Adamson IV
Best Practice to Promote Bone Health in Post-menopausal Women through Adequate Intake of Calcium and Vitamin D, Ellen Soley Adkins
La question linguistique au Québec: de la conquête anglaise aux années soixante, Koffi Agba
Aristotle's Account of the Passions, Argiri Dimitrios Aggelopoulou
Religion, Electoral Rules and Women's Representation: A Cross National Examination, Wafaa Adnan Alaradi
A Dosimetric Study of a VMAT Head and Neck Treatment Plan Using TLDs and Gafchromic Films, Ebtisam Abdullatif Aldaais
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Interpersonal and Neighborhood Social Factors On Physical Activity In Low-Income, African American Adults, Kassandra Ann Alia
No Longer the Big Bad Wolf: The Expedition to Secure Wolf Self-Portraits and Its Impact On the Bureau of Biological Survey, Katharine Thompson Allen
Development of Methodology for Achieving Reliable GPS Performance In 3G Handset Noisy Environments, Taher AlSharabati
The Complex Association Between Cholesterol Metabolism and Cancer Risk, Malathi Amarnath
A Comparison of Descriptive Tagging Practices by Library, Archive, and Museum Professionals Using an Inter-Indexing Consistency Approach, Christine Marie Angel
The Impact of Optimism On Evacuation Behavior In South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Zones, Dara Elizabeth Angelo
That Rotten Richness': Old Maids and Reproductive Anxiety In U.S. Southern Fiction, 1923-1946, Alison Arant
Energy Requirements and Expenditure, Economics, and Health, Edward C. Archer
Assessing Risk Factors, Cost And Mortality Due to Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Using National Inpatient Sample Data, Hasan A. Areabi
Strangers, Robert Baden
Mechanistic Investigation of FCC CO/NOx Emission Control Additives, Behnam Bahrami
G-Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor-1 (GPER): A Potential Target For Xenoestrogens During Vertebrate Embryogenesis., Sumith Jayasinghe Balapanage
"Freedom From Camps": Housing and Power In theExperience of Sri Lankan Long-Term Refugees In India, Sasikumar Balasundaram
Examining Park Use In Financially Disadvantaged, Rural Communities, Jorge Armando Banda
Why Did They Stay? A Mixed Methods Approach to Understand Student Persistence, Hardil Kay Banks
Joint Modeling of Tumor Size and Time-to-Event, Weichao Bao
Women's Perspectives of the Impact of Childhood Parental Divorce On Their Own Marriages, Amy McInnis Baroody
Sediment Transport and Wind Flow Around Hummocks, Clifton Patrick Barrineau
A Computational Approach to the Quillen-Suslin Theorem, Buchsbaum-Eisenbud Matrices, and Generic Hilbert-Burch Matrices, Jonathan Brett Barwick