Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Some Like It Hot: Physiology, Biogeography, and the Impacts of Climate Change On Three Marine Mussel Species, Elizabeth Kerrigan Fly
The Relative Efficiency of Two Strategies For Conducting Cognitive Task Analysis, Catherine Flynn
"To Make Him Feel His Manhood" : Black Male Identity and the Politics of Gender In the Post-Emancipation South, Ehren Keegan Foley
The Role of Endogenous Arabidopsis Proteins In Rna Silencing and Hc-Pro-Mediated Suppression of Silencing, Marwa Wahba Foreman
Mechanical Deformation of the Extracellular Matrix Mediates Cellular Activation and Mechanotransduction, Vennece N. Fowlkes
Formalizing and Modularizing Identity Theory, Jacob Taylor Frederick
Comparing the Lutheran Eucharist and the Ash'Arite Quran: Implications For Interfaith Dialogue, Cannon J. Fulmer
Suicide Seasonality In South Carolina, Murali Krishna Gangadaram
Model-Based Measures of Interrater Agreement, Jie Gao
Comparison of Intracluster Correlation Coefficient Estimates For Binary Variables, Yang Gao
Dose Calculation For Electron Therapy, Wondesen Tassew Gebreamlak
Association Between Walking Speed and Cognitive Executive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Anna Katrin Gelbrich
Flavonoid Intake and Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness In African Americans and European Americans, Rebecca George
Factors That Influence the Attrition of Mentors In Rural Areas, Sharon Leenese Givens
Turning Customer Feedback Into Commitment: The Effects of Customer Product Involvement On Satisfaction, Emotional Connectivity, Brand Loyalty, and Word-of-Mouth Behavior, Paige Leigh Glovinsky
The Development of A Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer For Raman Spectroscopy, Nathaniel Richard Gomer
South Carolina Superintendents' Perceptions of Longevity, Alisa Kay Goodman
Privilege and Disprivilege In Discourse In and Around Literacy Assessment In Second Grade, Kela Felmet Goodman
The Effect of Resveratrol On Skeletal Muscle Function, Muscle Pathology, and Oxidative Capacity In the Mdx Mouse Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Bradley Scott Gordon
Study of the Two Pion Photoproduction On Deuterium, Lewis Graham
Irreducibility Criteria For Polynomials With Non-Negative Integer Coefficients, and the Prime Factorization of F(N) For F(X) In Z[X], Samuel S. Gross
The Study of the Indian Ocean Response to Climatic Events Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations, Gary Grunseich
A Demographic Portrait of Homeschooling Families in South Carolina, John A. Gustafson
Symbiotic Associations and Pathogenic Potential of Vibrios In the North Inlet Estuary, Casandra Karen Gutierrez West
Cyberbullying In Higher Education: The Experiences and Perceptions of First-Year College Students and University Administrators, Ashley Gutshall
Survey of Outreach offerings and Practices In Piano Areas of Community Music Schools Affiliated With Colleges and Universities Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, Anna Cheyenne Hamilton
The Uniform Box Product of Some Spaces With One Non-Isolated Point, Jeffrey Gene Hankins
Unintended Consequences of Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting, Victoria J. Hansen
The Pastor and the Church: Role of Leadership and Environment In Diet and Physical Activity Promotion, Brook Harmon
Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation For Prevention of Falls and Fractures In Older Adults, Cynthia Hartman
Random Effects Selection In Bayesian Accelerated Failure Time Model With Correlated Interval Censored Data, Nusrat Harun
Factors Associated With Local Public Health Agency Participation In Obesity Prevention, 2008, Jeff Hatala
Phylogenetic Tree Inferences Using Quartet Splits, Kevin Hathcock
Understanding the Professional Life-Cycle of Non-Tenure Track Teaching Faculty, Lenora M. Hayes
Growth, Characterization, and Surface Modification of Gallium Telluride For Radiation Detection, Timothy C. Hayes
A Study of The Differences in Learning Styles Between Students Who Select A Traditional Versus A Technology-enhanced Course Delivery Method, Aisha Shawana Haynes
Semi-Parametric Testing of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Effects On Continuous Outcome, Hong He
Use Your Head to Get the Picture: an Investigation of Working Memory and Idiom Processing, Amy Henderson
M4M, Ricardo Andrés Hernandez
Desperate Fishwives: A Study In Applied Game Design, John Michael Hodgson
African American Language: The Efficacy of Code-Switching and Contrastive Analysis on College Freshmen's Use of Standard English Features, Elizabeth Brown Holmes
Is the Current United States Tennis Association's Adult League System Restrictive?, Edward Horne
Three Essays On Corporate Finance, Jing Huang
Hierarchical Assembly Strategy and Multiscale Structural Origin of Exceptional Mechanical Performance In Nacre, Zaiwang Huang
The Best Practice Guideline for Early Detection and Treatment of Heart Disease In Asymptomatic Adults with a Family History of Premature Coronary Artery Disease, Stephanie Brooke Huston
The Pitched Metronome: An Audition Preparation Resource For Trombonists, Justin Ross Isenhour
Beam Steering Parasitic Antenna Arrays for Portable and Wearable Wireless Applications, Md. Rashidul Islam
Optically Controlled High Power High Speed Wide Band Gap Devices, Mohammad Mahbubul Islam
Gas Transport In Two-Layer Proton Exchange Membranes, Jai Vishnuvarman Jayakumar
Multithreaded Natural Language Processing Tasks, Leepika Jena
South Africa In Southern Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Integration In the Southern African Development Community Using Hegemonic Stability Theory, William Andrew Jennings
Understanding How Participating in a Food-Assistance Program In Rural Guatemala Alters Household Dietary Choices, Melissa Lorena Jensen
Parent Attachment and Early Adolescents' Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Hope, Xu Jiang
"Sung Out of the Void": Yeats's Folkloric Nationalism, Virginia Fleming Joczik
Risk Perception Among BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Negative Patients, Kelsey Johnson
Enumeration Results On Leaf Labeled Trees, Virginia Perkins Johnson
The Marquess and Other Stories, Elizabeth Marie Jones
"Like a Donut Maker, Only Slower": Don Delillo's Advice to Writers, Raphael Jones
Best Practice Protocol for Patients with Schizophrenia and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders, Shauna Rae Jones
Three Piano Pedagogues and Their Contributions to the Development of Piano Pedagogy In South Korea, Eunsung Jung
NARCCAP Model Assessment and Future Projections For the Southeast United States, Erik David Kabela
Penetration of Carcinogen Across Porcine Esophagus and Applications of Disposable Pipette Extraction for Forensic Toxicology and Food Safety by Gas and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Pakritsadang Kaewsuya
Musical Humor and Beethoven's Symphonic Scherzi, Peter B. Kay
An Overview of the Constructive Local Lemma, William Kay
Mobile Shopping For Fashion Products In the Us, Felicia Nicole Keels
The Longitudinal Stability and Dynamics of Group Membership in the Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: Psychosocial Predictors of Mental Health, Ryan Michael Kelly
The Choral Music of Donald Mccullough, Susan Marie Kelly
Capitalist Entrepreneurs and Industrial Slavery in the Rural Antebellum South, Brooke Elizabeth Kenline
A Detailed Examination of TO-infinitive Development in Typically Developing Preschool-age Children, Jessica Kersting
Coastal Climate Change Adaptation: the Influence of Perceived Risk, Uncertainty, Trust, and Scale, Nathan P. Kettle
Optimization and State Estimation of Li Ion Cells Using Single Particle Model, Saeed Khaleghi Rahimian
Aggregation Behavior of Chiral Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and their Transport in Landfill Conditions, Iftheker Ahmed Khan
The Estimated Effects of Service Learning and Undergraduate Research On Students' Intercultural Effectiveness, Cindy Ann Kilgo
The Sacrifices of the American Textile Industry and the Common Good, Katharine Marie Klein
Hydrologic Function Between Upland and Floodplain Shallow Water Dynamics of the Four Hole Swamp Fringe, Jaclyn E. Koehn
Reinterpreting Reproduction: An Ethnography Discourses, Ideologies, and Practices among Midwifery Participants In South Carolina, Christy Kollath
A Scholarly Performance Edition of Selected Anthems, 24 December 1767, by Johannes Herbst, Moravian-American Composer, Daniel Kreider
Searching for Mirrors: An Exploration of Racial Diversity in South Carolina's Public Library Youth Collections, Robin Fogle Kurz
Captive Audiences: Sound and the Senses in Civil War Prisons, Evan Alexander Kutzler
How Do Family Structure, School Learning Climate and Parental Engagement Mediate the Impact of School Size On Academic Achievement? Evidence From Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS) 2002 Data, Clara Soonhee Kwon-Tatum
Testing Aspects of A Conceptual Framework of the Relation Between College Student Alcohol Use and Suicidal Behaviors, Dorian Ashley Lamis
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Newly Constructed or Renovated Ohio High Schools and Measurable Student Data Indicators, Lynn Patrick Landis
Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Dam-Break and Levee-Breach Flows, Lindsey Ann Larocque
Behavior of Prestressed Pile to Bent Cap Connections and Damage Evaluation with Acoustic Emission, Aaron Kyle Larosche
The Role of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta In Alcohol-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis, Brittany Ann Law
Relations Among Risk For Metabolic Syndrome, Social Ecological Factors, Nutrition, and Physical Activity In Underserved Youth, Hannah Gray Lawman
Making offense A Skill: The Vice, the Machiavel, and the Problem of Legitimacy In Shakespearean Histories, Ralph Hervey Lawson
Propagating Redemption: An Analysis of the Propaganda Campaign of South Carolina Conservatives In 1876, Ashley Brett Lea
Circulating the Female Figure In the Marketplaces of Print and Reputation: Women and Defamation In Early Modern England, Mary Christine Learner
Spanish-Speaking Learners' Acquisition of English VPE and WH-Extraction Out of VPE, Eun Hee Lee
Relative Roles of Environmental Conditions and Riverscape Connectivity On Fish Metacommunity Structure, Joshua Robert Leisen
An Analysis of Max Reger's Suites for Unaccompanied Cello, Brenda Heidhoff Leonard
Activity Studies of NI-AU And CO-AU Bimetallic Clusters on TIO2 (110), Mara Suzanne Levine
The Relationship Between State Dissatisfaction and the Level of Conflict In State Dyads: the Revised Power Transition Theory, Hsiao-chuan Liao
Reinforcement and Energy Dissipation In Platelet-Filled Elastomers, Shigeng Li