"An Effective Field Theory Calculation of n(p, d)γ Cross-section for Bi" by Rasha Adnan Kamand

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Physics and Astronomy



First Advisor

Matthias R Schindler


Studying the nuclear reaction n(p,d)γ and calculating its cross-section is not only a matter of interest from theoretical particle physics point of view but also from the viewpoint of cosmology. We now know that the universe is made up of only 5% baryonic matter. So, computing the density of baryons is of particular importance to physicists in general and cosmologists in particular. Deuterium production during Big Bang Nucleo-synthesis (BBN) is very sensitive to the density of baryons, thus baryon density can be inferred from the abundance of deuterium. In order to calculate deuterium abundance one needs to use the cross-section of np→dγ reaction as one of the inputs; hence the importance of this cross-section calculation.

In this document, a leading-order (LO) calculation of n(p,d)γ cross-section is presented using the framework of pion-less effective field theory with dibaryon fields. The computation yielded a numerical value of σLO = 494 mb which is then compared to the experimental value.


© 2013, Rasha Adnan Kamand

Included in

Physics Commons
