Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Coding-Aware Protocol Design For Wireless Networks, Bin Ni
The Man-Midwife'S Tale: Re-Reading Male-Authored Midwifery Guides In Britain and America, 1750-1820, Marcia D. Nichols
Role of Speculation In Short-Term Us Oil Crude Prices and Gasoline Price Variability of the 2000S and the Role of Monetary Policy Price Stability Interventions, Leah Chinyere Norris
Single-Cell Measurements of Element Concentration In Phytoplankton Using Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence, Daliangelis Rubi Nunez Milland
Kinetic Characterization, Inhibition, and Activity-Based Protein Profiling of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1, Obiamaka Obianyo
Analysis of Variant Alleles of Gene Thought to Affect Breast Cancer in a Patient Population from South Carolina, Amerline Occean
Descriptive Epidemiology of Dance Participation In Adolescents, Jennifer R. O'Neill
Mathematical Models, Algorithms, and Statistics of Sequence Alignment, Tatiana Orlova
Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching Children of Poverty, Pei-YI Ou Yang
Crack Path Predictions Under Mixed Mode Loading In Aero-Structures: Measurements and Analysis, Jason Ouzts
Starting the Journey: From Novice to Expert Social Worker Through Cognitive Apprenticeship, Robert Jay Palmer
Resonance and Elaboration: the Framing Effect of Chinese Product Safety Issue Coverage, Ji Pan
On Gorenstein Rings and G-Dimension, Ada Michelle Park
Connected by Underground Wires, Joseph Jaehyun Park
Passionate Political Talk: Social Networks and the Emotional Impact of Political Discussion, Bryan Michael Parsons
Locating Sources of Bacterial Contamination In the Toms Creek Watershed, Aashka J. Patel
The Kinetic Resolution of Secondary Alcohols Through A Tandem Enantioselective Silylation and the Synthesis of Bis(Oxazolidinyl)Pyridine Metal-Organic Complexes, Sachin Girish Patel
The Literacy Learning Experience of Boys In Single-Gender Classrooms, Joshua Leon Patterson
Scriabin's Harmonic Language: Manifestations of Symmetry In Opus 52 and A Transcription For Chamber Orchestra, Suzanna Pavlovsky
Applications of Antimony and Bismuth for Cluster Synthesis and Heterogeneous Catalysts, William Cecil Pearl Jr.
Assessment the Factors Associated with the Acceptance of Retinal Screening among Patients with Diabetes in Taiwan, Pai-Huei Peng
Dissimilar Metal Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum to Magnesium Alloys, Venkateswaran Perumal
A Study of Semantic Association and Reference in the Visual World Paradigm, Sara Ann Peters
Development of A Self-Report Instrument For Assessing Deceptive Behaviors, Michelle Cynthia Phillips
Through A Glass, Darkly: Uncanny and Fantastic Heterotopias In Middle English Poetry, Annette Rebecca Pomeroy
A Church-Based Health Promotion Program for Older Adults: Impacts on Participants' Religiosity, Spirituality, and Social Support, Katherine Holland Pope
Exploring the Differences In Hiv Testing Among Pregnant Women In South Carolina, Tracy Rene Powell
From Surviving to Thriving: Exploring Alternatively Certified Teachers' Perceptions of First-Year Support From School-Level Personnel, Anne Maree Pressley
Lost In the Revival: The Sacred Choral Music of Cyril Bradley Rootham (1875-1938), Clay Price
Reconstruction Unbound: American Worldviews In A Period of Promise and Conflict, 1865-1874, David Matthew Prior
Health Insurance, Pensions and Wages, Dan Qu
Homology-Directed Repair of Dna Lesions Generated by the Mismatch Repair Dependent Processing of Cytotoxic Guanine Adducts, Preeti Rajesh
Behavioral and Functional Brain Correlates of Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Case-Control Study, Billy Michael Ray
A Study of the Leadership Practices of South Carolina Superintendents, Carlotta Denise Redish
The Relationships Among Student Characteristic Variables, Student Engagement Variables, and the Academic Performance of African-American Male Students at Two-Year Colleges, Valarie Redman Mingo
Trauma and Memory In W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz and Günter Grass's Im Krebsgang, Gregor John Rehmer
Summated Scale Construction: Development of the Inventory of Professional Competencies (Ipc), Melissa Catherine Reitmeier
Theoretical Analysis of Stress Generation and Volume Change In Lithium Ion and Lithium Thermal Batteries, Sindhuja Renganathan
The Impact of Microfinance On Poverty, Sarah Restaino
Assessing Parental Attitudes Towards Hepatoblatosma Screening, Sara Jean Rhode
An Exploration of What Happens When Second and Third Graders in Two Countries Interact Through a Technology Enhanced Multicultural Collaboration, Brenda Eklund Richards
The Relationship of Repetitive Behavior and Sensory Behavior to Parenting Stress In Mothers of Boys With Autism and Mothers of Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, Lolita Lisa Richardson
An Analysis of Economic Variables Affecting Enrollments in the South Carolina Technical College System and Virginia Community College System, Hope Epps Rivers
Postmodern Alienation: Projecting Worlds/Feigning Subjects, Michael James Rizza
Interpreting Disaster: New Orleans Museums Respond to Katrina, Amanda Marie Roddy
The Coach-Athlete Dyad and the Basic Psychological Needs In American Collegiate Athletics, Raylene Ross
Copper Chloride Electrolyzer For the Production of Hydrogen Via the Copper-Chlorine Thermochemical Cycle, Rahul Dev Roy
Survey of the Integration of Learning Theories In American Undergraduate Piano Pedagogy Curricula, Michael W. Rushing
Las Familias De Los Pioneros: Identity of Greenville, South Carolina's First Colombian Immigrants and Their Children, Lauren Safranek
Fair Value Opinion Shopping, Leigh Salzsieder
Judges and Their Loyalties: A Comparative Study Focused On the Venezuelan Supreme Court, Raul A. Sanchez Urribarri
The Recreation Geography of Westchester County Along The Hudson River, 1900-Present, Wendy Satin
Communication Assessment and Intervention For Three Individuals With Autism With Severe Problem Behavior, Jonathan Dean Schmidt
Maruja Mallo: La Realidad Femenina Dentro Del Surrealismo En España, Ellory Winona Schmucker
Modifiable Microsystemic Influences As An Avenue For Pediatric Type Ii Diabetes Prevention, Elizabeth Marie Schneider
Predictor Modeling of Naturally Ocurring Radium In Private Residential Drinking Water Wells of the Inner Coastal Plain of South Carolina, Jeffrey Michael Schrag
Improving Community College Student Persistence: An Investigation of Promising Practices, Mary Beth McJunkin Schwartz
Spartina Alterniflora Productivity and Salt Marsh Stability Relative to Marsh Platform Elevation, Siobhan Michelle Scott
Novel Polyphenylquinoxaline and Polybenzimidazole Proton Exchange Membranes For High Temperature Fuel Cell Systems, Darren Christopher Seel
Achivement Motivation Profiles of 2010 Academic Year Graduates from Newberry College, Jennifer Bodine Settlemyer
Dedicated Education Units: Dothey Improve Student Satisfaction?, Eileene Elizabeth Shake
Two Essays On Cross-Country Differences In Corporate Dividend Policies, Liang Shao
That Belongs In A Museum: Archaeology and Audiences, Erika Heimbrook Shofner
Evaluation of Physical Activity and Weight Loss On Adiposity and Hypertension Outcomes, Sara Lynn Shuger
A Comparative Study of Two School Districts in the Lowcountry of South Carolina: Assessing School Leaders' Perceptions of Current Practice, Terri Simone Siders
The Impact of Nitrogen Additions On Cyanobacterial Abundance In Stormwater Detention Ponds On Kiawah Island, Sc, Amy Christine Siegel
"Six Days Thou Shalt Labor": African-Americans in the Southern Textile industry, 1895-1929, Kathryn M. Silva
An Examination of the Barriers and Supports to African-American Enrollment in Honors and Advanced Placement Courses, Linda Watts Silvernail
Factors Affecting Online Shopping Behavior of Indian Consumers, Jayendra Sinha
Unlocking thePadlock: Elucidation of Protein Arginine Deiminase 4 Function, Activity and Activation Dynamics, Jessica Slack
Measuring and Forecasting Environmental Conditions From the Perspective of Rocky Intertidal Organisms, Katherine Allison Smith
Perceptions of High School Seniors' Montessori Experiences and Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs: A Phenomenological Study, Molly McHugh Smith
Exploration of the Evidence to Support Clinical Practice to Decrease Hospital Readmission Rates For Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis, Shannon Bright Smith
Archaeological Perspectives On Partisan Communities: Francis Marion At Snow'S Island In History, Landscape, And Memory, Steven Donald Smith
Comparison of Narrative and Class-Based Abc Data Collection Procedures, Mark Damian Solnick
Study of Structural and Physical Properties of Small Molecule and Nanoparticle Inhibitors of Amyloid-B Protein Fibril Formation In Alzheimer'S Disease, Deborah Soto-Ortega
Everyone At the Table: Children'S Voices On God, Andrea Arden Sparks
Benefits of Seafood Consumption Versus Risks of Methyl Mercury: Does Consumption Warrant Concern?, Hillary Elizabeth Sparks
The Bourdieusian Julien Sorel, Todd Spaulding
Debating Legitimacy: Connecting 1990-1994 International Law Commission Deliberations to Present Controversies Over the International Criminal Court, Hannah Goff Spicher
Changes In High School Chemistry Teacher Beliefs and Practice after a Professional Development Program, Ralph Everett Spraker
The Effect of Life Expectancy On Economic Growth: Across Time and Space, Jeannette Spraley
Cassava, Coconut and Curry: Food and National Identity in Post-Colonial Fiji, Craig Spurrier
CBK Bacteriophage Genome Annotation and Organization, Geetha Saarunya Sreeram Chellappa
The Familiar Other World: Family Worship In Late Seventeenth-Century England, Andrew Robert Stager
An Examination of the Biopsychsocial Risk Factors for Cognitive Development of Children with Sickle Cell Disease, Melita Thais Stancil
Re-Visions: Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy In German and Italian Film and Literature, Kristina Stefanic Brown
Magnetic Field Shielding For the Forward Time of Flight Upgrade At Jefferson National Lab, Robert William Steinman
Rebuilding Coastal Mississippi Following Hurricane Katrina: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis, Joanne Rosalie Stevenson
Teens Talkin' Health: A Qualitative Study of Family, Peer and Intrapersonal Factors Related to Physical Activity and Healthy Eating In Underserved African-American Adolescents, Sara Mijares St. George
Strategic Harmonic Filter Placement In Electric Ship and Utility Power Systems, Philip Edgar Crapse Stone
Honorable Decisions: Clerical Loyalty During the American Revolution, Tara E. Strauch