Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


Counselor Education

First Advisor

Joshua M Gold


This dissertation will focus on the lived experiences of African-American school counselors in majority school districts and the lack of retention among this population. The lack of retention and representation of ethnic minorities in the workforce has been the subject of much discussion throughout the United States (Ingersoll, 2004). The literature constantly challenges institutions, school districts, and industry to address the lack of diversity (Alston, 2000; Basit & McNamara, 2004; Charles, 2003; Fennell & Miller, 2007; Moradi & Neimeyer, 2005; Souto-Manning & Dice, 2007 and Wright, 1972). The lack of retention among ethnic minorities has become a major concern in education (McNulty & Brown, 2009; Vygotsky, 1978), specifically the representation of minorities in majority settings. The researcher wishes to concentrate on the population of African-American school counselors who are working in majority Caucasian school districts.


© 2011, Crystal Nicole Wingate
