Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Dissertation


Educational Leadership and Policies


Educational Administration

First Advisor

Lynn Harrill

Second Advisor

Zach Kelehear


The purpose of this study was to determine if educational technologies, including LCD projectors, interactive whiteboards, tablets, document cameras, and student response systems, modify instructional delivery and student learning. This case study was researched in four classrooms, including an English, math, science and social studies classroom at a freshman academy in a progressive school district in the Upstate of South Carolina. The phenomenon was examined from the lenses of teachers and students. The study involved teacher participants, as identified by the freshman academy principal, who regularly combine the previously mentioned instructional technologies with research-based instructional strategies, such as: essential questions, summarization, graphic organizers and vocabulary study. Each teacher identified three total students: one who is an above average achieving student, one who is an average achieving student and one student who is below average in terms of academic achievement.

The study found that teachers who participated in this study believe that educational technologies do modify instructional delivery Student participants identified the LCD projector and the interactive whiteboards as the technologies most capable of increasing their learning levels. Both groups of participants helped the researcher to identify science and social studies as the core subjects most capable of modifying

instruction and learning. Deeper levels of integration and application are possible when teachers are able to possess their individual technological equipment because of the increased ability to practice with the equipment. Teachers need systemic equipment


© 2012, Jeffrey R. Rogers
