"An Investigation of Theatrical Phenomenology" by Clarke O'Neal Tucker

Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Thesis


Theatre and Dance


Theatre and Dance

First Advisor

Amy Lehman

Second Advisor

Victor Holtcamp


Regardless of the conclusions of any particular phenomenological method of viewing theatre, the questions that are raised may be the most important result. That is, the phenomenologist, in attempting to describe the nature and existence of things, must also question those same things, view them askance, and hold them in the mind in such a way that their essential qualities are revealed. Thus, the result of theatrical phenomenology should entail a detailed description of the parameters of the theatre event and of the constitutive elements of theatre, as well as how the parameters and the entities - the events and objects in the theatre - work with and against one another, informing one's understanding of the theatre and posing questions that probe the theatre as a being, as an experienced event, and as a continual and fluid relationship between stage and audience.


© 2012, Clarke O'Neal Tucker
