
Submissions from 2022


A Dual-Band Filtering Structure for Highly Selective Reconfigurable Bandpass Filter and Filtering Balun, Jinqun Ge and Guoan Wang


Tropospheric Attenuation Prediction for Future Millimeter Wave Terrestrial Systems: Estimating Statistics and Extremes, Jinwen Liu, David W. Matolak, Ismail Güvenç, and Hani Mehrpouyan


Comparative Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Devices in a Real Electric Substation, Hannan Tariq, Stanislav Czapp, Sarmad Tariq, Khalid Mehmood Cheema, Aqarib Hussain, Ahmad H. Milyani, Sultan Alghamdi, and Z. M. Salem Elbarbary


Analysis of the Temperature Characteristics of High-speed Train Bearings Based on a Dynamics Model and Thermal Network Method, Baosen Wang, Yongqiang Liu, Bin Zhang, and Wenqing Huai


Electron Mobility and Velocity in AI 0.45 Ga 0.55 N-Channel Ultra-Wide Bandgap HEMTS at High Temperatures for RF Power Applications, Hansheng Ye, Mikhail Gaevski, Grigory Simin, Asif Khan, and Patrick Fay

Submissions from 2021


High In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum Nitride Thin Films, Md Shafkat Bin Hoque, Yee Rui Koh, Jeffrey L. Braun, Abdullah Mamun, Zeyu Liu, Kenny Huynh, Micheal E. Liao, Kamal Hussain, Zhe Cheng, Eric R. Hoglund, David H. Olson, John A. Tomko, Kiumars Aryana, Roisul Galib, John T. Gaskins, Mirza Mohammad Mahbube Elahi, Zayd C. Leseman, James M. Howe, Tengfei Luo, Samuel Graham, Mark S. Goorsky, Asif Khan, and Patrick E. Hopkins


EMR: A New Metric to Assess the Resilience of Directional MmWave Channels to Blockages, Faith Erden, Ozgur Ozdemir, Ismail Guvenc, and David W. Matolak


Recent Development of Unpowered Exoskeletons for Lower Extremity: A Survey, Tao Liu, Bin Zhang, Bin Zhang, and Micheal G. Pecht

Submissions from 2020


Advances in High-Resolution Radiation Detection Using 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer Devices, Krishna C. Mandal, Joshua W. Kleppinger, and Sandeep K. Chaudhuri


Geometric Analysis of the Doppler Frequency for General Non-stationary 3D Mobile-to-Mobile Channels Based on Prolate Spheroidal Coordinates, Michael Walter, Dmitriy Shutin, Martin Schmidhammer, David W. Matolak, and Alenka Zajic

Submissions from 2017


Analysis of an Upper Bound on the Effects of Large Scale Attenuation on Uplink Transmission Performance for Massive MIMO Systems, Liu Liu, David W. Matolak, Cheng Tao, and Yongzhi Li


Analysis of an Upper Bound on the Effects of Large Scale Attenuation on Uplink Transmission Performance for Massive MIMO Systems, Liu Liu, David W. Matolak, Cheng Tao, and Yongzhi Li


Investigation of Mimo Channel Characteristics in a Twosection Tunnel at 1.4725 Ghz, Rongchen Sun, David W. Matolak, Cheng Tao, Liu Liu, Zhenhui Tan, and Tao Zhou


Spatial Variation Analysis for Measured Indoor Massive MIMO Channels, Qi Wang, Bo Ai, David W. Matolak, Ruisi He, Ke Guan, Zhangdui Zhong, and Dapeng Li

Submissions from 2016


Spectrum Occupancy Prediction Based on Functional Link Artificial Neural Network (FLANN) in ISM Band, Deepa Das, David W. Matolak, and Susmita Das


FBMC and LDACS Performance for Future Air to Ground Communication Systems, Hosseinali Jamal and David W. Matolak


Channel Capacity Investigation of a Linear Massive MIMO System using Spherical Wave Model in LOS Scenarios, Liu Liu, David W. Matolak, Cheng Tao, Yongzhi Li, Bo Ai, and Houjin Chen


Investigation of Shadowing Effects in Typical Propagation Scenarios for High Speed Railway at 2350 MHz, Liu Liu, Cheng Tao, David W. Matolak, Tao Zhou, and Houjin Chen


Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems—Part III: The Suburban and Near-Urban Environments, David W. Matolak and Ruoyu Sun


Air–Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems—Part I: Methods, Measurements, and Models for Over-Water Settings, David W. Matolak and Ruoyu Sun


Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems—Part II: Hilly & Mountainous Settings, Ruoyu Sun and David W. Matolak


Ray-Based Statistical Propagation Modeling for Indoor Corridor Scenarios at 15 GHz, Qi Wang, Bo Ai, David W. Matolak, Ruisi He, and Xin Zhou


Lebesgue Approximation Model Of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Xiaofeng Wang and Bin Zhang


Strongly Average‐Case Secure Obfuscation: Achieving Input Privacy and Circuit Obscurity, Mingwu Zhang, Yi Mu, Jian Shen, and Xinyi Huang

Submissions from 2015


A-WiNoC: Adaptive Wireless Network-on-Chip Architecture for Chip Multiprocessors, Dominic DiTomaso, Avinash Kodi, David W. Matolak, Savas Kaya, Soumyasanta Laha, and William Rayess


A New Frontier in Ultralow Power Wireless Links: Network-on-Chip and Chip-to-Chip Interconnects, Soumyasanta Laha, Savas Kaya, David W. Matolak, William Rayess, Dominic DiTomaso, and Avinash Kodi


5-GHz Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Characterization for Example Overpass Channels, Pengyu Liu, Bo Ai, David W. Matolak, Ruoyu Sun, and Yan Li


Outdoor-to-Indoor Channel Dispersion and Power-Delay Profile Models for the 700-MHz and 4.9-GHz Bands, David W. Matolak, Kate A. Remley, Christopher Holloway, and Camillo Gentile


Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Future Applications, David W. Matolak and Ruoyu Sun


Path Loss and Delay Spread for the Stairwell Channel at 5 GHz, Ruoyu Sun and David W. Matolak


Experimental Characterization and Correlation Analysis of Indoor Channels at 15 GHz, Xin Zhou, Zhangdui Zhong, Bei Zhang, Ruisi He, Ke Guan, Qi Wang, and David W. Matolak

Submissions from 2014


Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway, Bo Ai, Xiang Cheng, Thomas Kurner, Zhang Dui Zhong, Ke Guan, Rui Se He, Lei Xiong, David W. Matolak, David G. Michelson, and Cesar Briso Rodriguez


Large Area Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Pixelated Detector: Fabrication and Characterization, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. V. Nguyen, R. O. Pak, L. Matei, V. Buliga, M. Groza, A. Burger, and K. C. Mandal


Growth and Characterization of Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1−x)4 Crystals for Photovoltaic Applications, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Defect Levels in Cu₂ZnSn(SₓSe₁₋ₓ)₄ Solar Cells Probed by Current-Mode Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy, S. Das, S. K. Chaudhuri, R. N. Bhattacharya, and K. C. Mandal


Generic Stochastic Modeling of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Wireless Channels, Petros Karadimas and David W. Matolak


Path Loss Modeling for V2V Communication on a Slope, Pengyu Liu, David W. Matolak, Bo Ai, and Ruoyu Sun


Correlation of Deep Levels With Detector Performance in 4H-SiC Epitaxial Schottky Barrier Alpha Detectors, K. C. Mandal, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. V. Nguyen, and M. A. Mannan


Effect of Z1/2, EH5, and Ci1 Deep Defects on the Performance of n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers Schottky Detectors: Alpha Spectroscopy and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy Studies, M. A. Mannan, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. V. Nguyen, and K. C. Mandal


Peer-to-peer Urban Channel Characteristics for Two Public Safety Frequency Bands, David W. Matolak, Kate A. Remley, Camillo Gentile, Christopher L. Holloway, Qiong Wu, and Qian Zhang


Large-Scale Site and Frequency Diversity in Urban Peer-to-Peer Channels for Six Public Safety Frequency Bands, David W. Matolak, Kate A. Remley, Christopher L. Holloway, Qian Zhang, and Qiong Wu


Air-Ground Channel Measurements & Modeling for UAS, David W. Matolak and Ruoyu Sun


Ad Hoc Network Duplexing, Multiplexing, and Multiple Access – Canonical Results for Two Limiting Topologies, Qian Zhang and David W. Matolak

Submissions from 2013


Schottky Barrier Detectors on 4H-SiC n-type Epitaxial Layer for Alpha Particles, S. K. Chaudhuri, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, K. J. Zavalla, and K. C. Mandal


Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Crystal Growth and Fabrication of Large Volume Single-Polarity Charge Sensing Gamma Detectors, S. K. Chaudhuri, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, K. J. Zavalla, L. Matei, V. Buliga, M. Groza, A. Burger, and K. C. Mandal


Fabrication and Characterization of Large Area Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Guarded Pixelated Detector, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. Nguyen, R. O. Pak, L. Matei, V. Buliga, M. Groza, A. Burger, and K. C. Mandal


Gamma Ray Detection with Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Based Detectors Grown Using a Te Solvent Method, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. J. Zavalla, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and K. C. Mandal


Biparametric Analyses of Charge Trapping in Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Based Virtual Frisch Grid Detectors, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. J. Zavalla, R. M. Krishna, and K. C. Mandal


Experimental Determination of Electron-Hole Pair Creation Energy in 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer: An Absolute Calibration Approach, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. J. Zavalla, and K. C. Mandal


High Resolution Alpha Particle Detection Using 4H–SiC Epitaxial Layers: Fabrication, Characterization, and Noise Analysis, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. J. Zavalla, and K. C. Mandal


Single Phase Polycrystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 Grown by Vertical Gradient Freeze Technique, Sandip Das, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, S. Ma, and K. C. Mandal


Cu2ZnSnSe4 Photovoltaic Absorber Grown by Vertical Gradient Freeze Technique, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Optical Down-Conversion in Doped ZnSe:Tb3+ Nanocrystals, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Fabrication and Characterization of Low-Cost, Large-Area Spray Deposited Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films for Heterojunction Solar Cells, Sandip Das, K. J. Zavalla, M. A. Mannan, and K. C. Mandal


Characterization of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Based Virtual Frisch Grid Detectors for High Energy Gamma Ray Detection, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, S. K. Chaudhuri, K. J. Zavalla, and K. C. Mandal


Electron Beam Induced Current Imaging of Dislocations in Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Crystal, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, P. G. Muzykov, and K. C. Mandal


Characterization of Amorphous Selenium Alloy Detectors for x-rays and High Energy Nuclear Radiation Detection, K. C. Mandal, A. Mehta, S. K. Chaudhuri, Y. Cui, M. Groza, and A. Burger


Characterization of Amorphous Selenium Alloy Detectors for x-rays and High Energy Nuclear Radiation Detection, K. C. Mandal, A. Mehta, S. K. Chaudhuri, Y. Cui, M. Groza, and A. Burger


Low Energy X-Ray and ɣ-Ray Detectors Fabricated on n-Type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, S. K. Chaudhuri, and J. R. Terry


Channel Modeling for Wireless Networks-on-Chips, David W. Matolak, Savas Kaya, and Avinash Kodi


Path Loss in an Urban Peer-to-Peer Channel for Six Public-Safety Frequency Bands, David W. Matolak, Qian Zhang, and Qiong Wu


Characterization of the 5 GHz Elevator Shaft Channel, Ruoyu Sun and David W. Matolak


Intra-volume, centralised array concept for improved public-safety communications, William F. Young, David W. Matolak, Nicholas Bikhazi, Christopher Holloway, Galen Koepke, Helge Fielitz, Qiong Wu, and Qian Zhang


Fabrication of High Resolution n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer Alpha Particle Detectors, Defect Characterization and Electronic Noise Analysis, K. J. Zavalla, S. K. Chaudhuri, and K. C. Mandal


Fabrication of High Resolution n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer Alpha Particle Detectors, Defect Characterization and Electronic Noise Analysis, K. J. Zavalla, S. K. Chaudhuri, and K. C. Mandal


Fabrication of High-Resolution Nuclear Detectors Using 4H-SiC n-type Epitaxial Layers, K. J. Zavalla, S. K. Chaudhuri, and K. C. Mandal

Submissions from 2012


High Energy γ-ray Detection Using CZT Detectors with Virtual Frisch Grid, S. K. Chaudhuri, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, K. J. Zavalla, and K. C. Mandal


Performance of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Based High-Energy Gamma Detectors in Various Single Polarity Sensing Device Geometries, S. K. Chaudhuri, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, K. J. Zavalla, L. Matei, V. Buliga, M. Groza, A. Burger, and K. C. Mandal


Deposition and Characterization of Low-Cost Spray Pyrolyzed Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin-Films for Large-Area High-Efficiency Heterojunction Solar Cells, Sandip Das, C. Frye, P. G. Muzykov, and K. C. Mandal


Comparison of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Film Properties Prepared by Thermal Evaporation of Elemental Metals and Binary Sulfide Sources, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Low-Cost Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films for Large-Area High-Efficiency Heterojunction Solar Cells, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Optical Downconversion in Rare Earth (Tb3+ and Yb3+) Doped CdS Nanocrystals, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Optical Down-Conversion in Tb3+-Doped Zn-Chalcogenide Quantum Dots, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Characterization of Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films Deposited on Ceramic Substrates, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, Timothy C. Hayes, D. Krementz, G. Weeks, A. M. Torres, K. S. Brinkman, and K. C. Mandal


Fabrication and Characterization of Improved p-GaTe/n-InSe Heterojunction Solar Cells, K. C. Mandal and Sandip Das


Fabrication and Characterization of High Barrier Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Schottky Diodes for High Resolution Nuclear Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, P. G. Muzykov, and Timothy C. Hayes


Assessment of 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers and High Resistivity Bulk Crystals for Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, S. K. Chaudhuri, and J. R. Terry


High-Resolution x- and γ-ray Detection Using 4H-SiC n-type Epitaxial Layer, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, S. K. Chaudhuri, and J. R. Terry


Characterization of 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers and High-Resistivity Bulk Crystals for Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and J. R. Terry


Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Evaluation of X-ray Detectors Based on n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, and J. R. Terry


Highly Sensitive X-Ray Detectors in the Low-Energy Range on n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, and J. R. Terry


Wireless Networks-on-Chips: Architecture, Wireless Channel, and Devices, David W. Matolak, Avinash Kodi, Savas Kaya, Dominic DiTomaso, Soumyasanta Laha, and William Rayess


Characterization of Deep Levels in n-type and Semi-Insulating 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers by Thermally Stimulated Current Spectroscopy, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and K. C. Mandal


Temperature Dependence of Current Conduction in Semi-Insulating 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layer, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and K. C. Mandal

Submissions from 2011


Fabrication of Improved p-AgGaSe2/n-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells on Optimum Quality Thermally Evaporated AgGaSe2 Thin Films, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Low-Cost Fabrication of Improved n-Si/p-AgGaSe2 Heterojunction Solar Cells, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth (Tb3+ and Yb3+) Doped CdS/ZnS Core/Shell Nanocrystals for Enhanced Photovoltaic Efficiency, Sandip Das and K. C. Mandal


Low Temperature Crystal Growth and Characterization of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te for Radiation Detection Applications, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, Timothy C. Hayes, P. G. Muzykov, and K. C. Mandal


Layered GaTe Crystals for Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, Timothy C. Hayes, P. G. Muzykov, Sandip Das, Tangali S. Sudarshan, and Shuguo Ma


Characterization of Semi-Insulating 4H Silicon Carbide for Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, P. G. Muzykov, Sandip Das, and Tangali S. Sudarshan


Characterization of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Schottky Diodes for High Resolution Nuclear Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and T. C. Hayes


Defect Correlation Studies on 4H-SiC Crystals and Epitaxial Layers for Radiation Detector Applications, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and T. C. Hayes


Fabrication and Characterization of Cd0.9Zn0.1Te Schottky Diodes for Nuclear Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and Timothy C. Hayes


Surface and Defect Correlation Studies on High Resistivity 4H SiC Bulk Crystals and Epitaxial Layers for Radiation Detectors, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, and Timothy C. Hayes


Thermally Stimulated Current and High Temperature Resistivity Measurements of 4H Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide, K. C. Mandal, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, Timothy C. Hayes, and Tangali S. Sudarshan


Worse-than-Rayleigh Fading: Experimental Results and Theoretical Models, David W. Matolak and Jeff Frolik


Characterization of 4H Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide Single Crystals Using Electron Beam Induced Current, P. G. Muzykov, Ramesh Madhu Krishna, Sandip Das, Timothy C. Hayes, Tangali S. Sudarshan, and K. C. Mandal


Investigation of Symmetries of Second-Order Nonlinear Susceptibility Tensor of GaSe Crystals in THz Domain, G. Xu, G. Sun, Y. J. Ding, I. B. Zotova, K. C. Mandal, A. Mertiri, G. Pabst, and N. C. Fernelius


Investigation of Terahertz Generation Due to Unidirectional Diffusion of Carriers in Centrosymmetric GaTe Crystals, G. Xu, G. Sun, Y. J. Ding, I. B. Zotova, K. C. Mandal, A. Mertiri, G. Pabst, R. Roy, and N. C. Fernelius

Submissions from 2010


Comparison of Stabilization Methods for Fixed-Speed Wind Generator Systems, Mohammod Ali and Bin Wu