Faculty Publications | School of Business Administration | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2014

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Kuwaiti Retail Services Market: Why are Satisfied Buyers Not Always Loyal Buyers?, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

The Impact of Strategic Consistency on Market Share and ROA, Larry P. Pleshko, Richard A. Heiens, and Plamen P. Peev

Submissions from 2013

The Relationship between Market Follower Status and the Overall Passivity of a Firm’s Strategic Profile: Does Fit Relate to Profitability?, Larry P. Pleshko, Plamen P. Peev, and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2012


Assessing the Importance of Brand Equity in Health Services Marketing Through the Impact of Acquired Goodwill on Stockholder Returns, Richard A. Heiens, Robert T. Leach, and Leanne C. McGrath

An Exploratory Examination of the Relationship between Investment Levels in Intangible Market-Based Assets and Liquidation for Financially Distressed Firms, Paul D. Newsom, Robert T. Leach, and Richard A. Heiens


The Market Share Impact of the Fit between Market Leadership Efforts and Overall Strategic Aggressiveness, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2011


A Contingency Theory Approach to Market Orientation and Related Marketing Strategy Concepts: Does Fit Relate to Profit Performance?, Richard A. Heiens and Larry P. Pleshko

Market Orientation and Related Marketing Strategy Concepts: Does Fit Relate to Market Share Performance?, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2010


The Relationship between Strategic Orientation, Growth Strategies, and Market Share Performance, Richard A. Heiens and Larry P. Pleshko

Submissions from 2009

The Impact of Research Intensity on Holding Period Returns for Pharmaceutical Investments: An Analysis by Primary Line of Trade, Leanne C. McGrath, Richard A. Heiens, and Robert T. Leach

Submissions from 2008

The Impact of Intangible Assets and Expenditures on Holding Period Returns in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Richard A. Heiens, Leanne C. McGrath, and Robert T. Leach

The Contemporary Product-Market Strategy Grid and the Link to Market Orientation and Profitability, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2007

The Contribution of Intangible Assets and Expenditures to Shareholder Value, Richard A. Heiens, Robert T. Leach, and Leanne C. McGrath

Submissions from 2006

An Exploratory Investigation of Brand Insistence in Retailing, Richard A. Heiens, Larry P. Pleshko, and Leanne C. McGrath

Submissions from 2004


Examining the Effects of Strategic Marketing Initiative and First-Mover Efforts on Market Share Performance, Richard A. Heiens, Larry P. Pleshko, and Robert T. Leach


Strategic Considerations in the Financial Services Industry: Does Strategic Consistency Influence Performance?, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2003

Beware the Internet Panacea: How Tried and True Strategy Got Sidelined, Leanne C. McGrath and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2002


A Methodology Towards Measuring the Strategic Profile of First-Mover Firms in Industrial Markets, Larry P. Pleshko, Richard A. Heiens, and Leanne C. McGrath

Submissions from 2001

Macro-Economic Risk Factors in Industrial Markets: Are Elite Firms Less Susceptible?, Richard A. Heiens, Mark Kroll, and Peter Wright

The Integration of Computer Technology in Small Businesses, Leanne C. McGrath and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 2000

Market Orientation: Toward an Integrated Framework, Richard A. Heiens

Profiling Customer Loyalty: A Comparison of U.S. and Caribbean Consumers, Richard A. Heiens and Ron Lennon

Customer-Focus or Competitor-Focus? A Financial Services Example, Larry P. Pleshko and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 1999


The Influence of Product Publicity on Product Sales in a Noncompetitive Environment, Richard A. Heiens

The Contribution of Product Quality to Competitive Advantage: Impacts on Systematic Variance and Unexplained Variance in Returns, Mark Kroll, Peter Wright, and Richard A. Heiens

Submissions from 1997

A Preliminary Examination of Patient Loyalty, Richard A. Heiens and Larry P. Pleshko

Submissions from 1996

Two-Way Interactive Television: An Emerging Technology for University-Level Business School Instruction, Richard A. Heiens and Deborah B. Hulse

Categories of Customer Loyalty: An Application of the Customer Loyalty Classification Framework in the Fast Food Market, Richard A. Heiens and Larry P. Pleshko

Submissions from 1992

Subjective Age: A Test of Five Hypotheses, Ronald E. Goldsmith and Richard A. Heiens