Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Caressing Radical Alterity: For a Queer Ethic of Embodiment in Contemporary Films and Literature, Marc Demont
Fault Protection In DC Microgrids Based On Autonomous Operation Of All Components, Qiu Deng
Impacts of an Online Learning Community on the Way Students Communicate, David Dennis
Convergence and Rate of Convergence of Approximate Greedy-Type Algorithms, Anton Dereventsov
Structural, Interfacial, and Electrochemical Properties of Pr2NiO4+δ – Based Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Emir Dogdibegovic
Characterization of SufS and SufE of Suf Pathway for FE-S Cluster Assembly in Escherichia Coli, Guangchao Dong
Prenatal Methylmercury Exposure in a South Carolina Coastal Cohort, Alexis Donohue
The Emergence, Forgetting and Re-writing of May ’68, Allison Dorman
The Impact of Repeated Reading on the Comprehension Level of Eight Eighth Grade Students at the Middle School Level, Elizabeth C. Dotson-Shupe
Pediatric Genetic Counselor Perspective on Serving the Foster Care Population and the Integration of Genetic Information within the Health Passport, Angela Rose Douglas
Cross Roads of the Living and the Dead: Necropolitics and Market Logic in Chris Abani's Graceland, Joshua Dunn
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Hybrid Wetting Configurations on Dropwise Condensation, Karim Khazal Egab
Two Studies of Partnership Approaches to Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming: A Process Evaluation and a Case Study, Catherine A. Egan
The Life and Legacy of Samul Feinberg, Solomon Eichner
Radioactive Contamination Of Natural Biological Systems: Oxidative Balance And Genetic Stability, Daniel Einor
Sanitary Sewer Overflows in Columbia, South Carolina and their Impact on Mercury and Metal Cycling, Alison Emmons
An Evaluation of Scenic Design, William Baxter Engle III
Utilization Of Lung Cancer Screening And Molecular Testing To Improve Lung Cancer Outcomes, Jennifer Lynne Ersek
Meigallo, Julia Velasco Espejo
The Effects of Power on the Processing of Identity Threat, Matthew Facciani
Numerical Analysis Of Phase Change, Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow Within Miniature Heat Pipes, Mehdi Famouri
Distributed Optimization Method for Intelligent Control of DC Microgrids, Yuanyuan Fan
Adult L2 Processing and Acquisition Of The English Present Perfect, Christopher J. Farina
Association of Provider Communication and Inpatient Hospital Readmissions, Jeremy Dean Faulkenburg
A Phenomenological Investigation of Counselor Competencies in Working with Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Families, Katherine A. Feather
QEEG Correlates of Cognitive Processing Speed in Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries, Joseph Ferraracci
Improving Scientific Literacy through Reading Strategies: An Action Research Study, Myra L. Finneran
Pedagogy of the Transplanted: A Study of Selected First-Year Jamaican Immigrant Elementary School Teachers and Their Perspectives on South Carolina’s Curriculum Processes, Claudia Fletcher-Lambert
How to Make a Mudsparkler, Ethan Fogus
Intermodal Network Design and Expansion for Freight Transportation, Fateme Fotuhiardakani
Fiber Optic Guided Wave Sensors For Structural Health Monitoring, Erik Frankforter
Piglia and Russia: Russian Influences in Ricardo Piglia’s Nombre Falso, Carol E. Fruit Diouf
The Economic Foundations of Authoritarian Rule, Clay Robert Fuller
Antimicrobial Biomaterials and Sustainable Polymers from Renewable Biomass, Mitra Shiran Ganewatta
Modeling Battery Performance Due To Volume Change In Porous Electrodes Due To Intercalation, Taylor R. Garrick
An Exploration of the Availability and Implementation of Undergraduate Degrees in Conducting in the United States, Erik Lee Garriott
The Summerville Formation: Evidence for a Sub-Horizontal Stratigraphic Sequence below the Post-Rift Unconformity in the Middleton Place Summerville Seismic Zone, Joseph Edward Getz
Three Segment Adaptive Power Electronic Compensator for Non-periodic Currents, Amin Ghaderi
Tuberculosis Screening in New Healthcare Employees: A Comparison of QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube Test and Tuberculin Skin Test, Mary C. Giovannetti
Applications of Multimedia Resources Developed as Part of the Virtual Cell Animation Collection in Undergraduate Introductory Biology, Eric Edward Goff
Walter Brut's Utilization of Profeminine Rhetoric Towards Ecclesiastic Reformation, Ashley Gomez
Advances in Chemistry, Part I: Noise, Calibration, and Educational Advances In Analytical Chemistry. Part II: Safety Oversight in Chemical Journals, Lauren E. Grabowski
Redirecting P450 Ferryl-Oxo Intermediates from Oxygenation to Decarboxylation, Job Logan Grant
Development Of An Estrogen-Related Dietary Pattern And Lifestyle Score To Examine Breast Cancer Risk In Postmenopausal Women, Mark Andrew Guinter
Sex and the State: Sexual Politics in South Carolina in the 1970s, Jennifer Holman Gunter
Meeting the Needs of Middle Grades Social Studies Students with Language Based Learning Disabilities: An Analysis of Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives, Monica J. Hacker Hadwin
Economic Burden of Tuberculosis among Bangladeshi Population and Economic Evaluation of the Current Approaches of Tuberculosis Control in Bangladesh, Mohammad Rifat Haider
Dimensionality and Instrument Validation in Factor Analysis: Effect of the Number of Response Alternatives, Alexander G. Hall
Garlic Inhibits Inflammation during Dengue Infection, Alex R. Hall
Speaking of Qualia: Examining a Craft Beer Microcommunity's Membership Identity Through Speech, Anna Hamer
The Impact of Technology Integration on the Engagement Levels of Ten Second Grade Students in an English Language Arts Classroom, Octavia J. Hamilton-Hankins
The Energetic Consequences of Temperature Variation and Sequential Autotomization for the Stone Crab, Menippe spp., Eric R. Hancock
Improving Facial Action Unit Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Shizhong Han
Muscle Inflammatory Signaling Regulates Eccentric Contraction-Induced Protein Synthesis during Cancer Cachexia, Justin Perry Hardee
Costume Design: Communication through Dress, Rachel Amanda Harmon
The Dynamics of Prosocial Leadership: Power and Influence in Collective Action Groups, Ashley Harrell
Utility of the Modified Early Warning System Score in Early Sepsis Identification, Lisa E. Hart
In Your Experience: Pathways and Barriers for Female Students of STEM, Elizabeth J. Hartnett
Covering Subsets of the Integers and a Result on Digits of Fibonacci Numbers, Wilson Andrew Harvey
Learning to Question the World: Navigating Critical Discourse around Gender and Racial Inequities and Injustices In a Second and Third Grade Classroom, Christopher L. Hass
A Professional Learning Community for Novice Teachers at a Title I Elementary School: An Action Research Study, Marie Putnam Havran
When Auditors’ Skeptical Judgments do not lead to Skeptical Actions, Erin Michelle Hawkins
Picturing Rest: A Photovoice Study Of African American Women’s Perceptions And Practices Of Rest, Eboni T. Herbert Harris
The Impact of One-To-One Ipad Instruction on Student Engagement, Sherri Herbst
Multinational Foreign Affiliates In The Least Developed Countries: A Multilevel Approach, R. Scott Hibbs
Assessment of Patient Satisfaction with the Provision of Fertility Information in Women with Lynch Syndrome, Rachel Elizabeth Hickey
Serpentinization and Synthesis: Searching for Abiotic and Biotic Non-Volatile Organic Molecules in the Subsurface of the Atlantis Massif, Katherine A. Hickok
Stories: From Foreign to Fluent!, Kurt Hoberg
Developing And Implementing A Quality Assurance Strategy For Electroconvulsive Therapy, Jessa Hollingsworth
Determining Worth: Cell Phones And Their Perceived Place In Secondary Education Classrooms, Alex J. Hollis
Within the House of Bondage: Constructing and Negotiating the Plantation Landscape in the British Atlantic World, 1670-1820, Erin M. Holmes
Multi-Model Structural Analysis, Wesley Holt
Prenatal Methylmercury Exposure through Rice Consumption in Rural China, Chuan Hong
Evaluation of Goodness-of-fit Tests for the Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Time-Varying Covariates, Shanshan Hong
Bird's Eye View: Cooperative Exploration by UGV and UAV, Shannon Hood
Functional Role of the Homeobox Transcription Factor Six1 in Neoplastic Transformation of Human Keratinocytes, Maria Hosseinipour
Determining the Population Dynamics and Reproductive Life History of Commercially Important Tunas in the Gulf of Mexico, Katrina C. Hounchell
Topics in Group Testing with Multiple Infections, Peijie Hou
The Nature of Power and Corruption in Plato and J.R.R. Tolkien, Lily Howard-Hill
Two Essays on Social Sharing Effects on Consumer Memories, Li Huang
Functional Data Smoothing Methods and Their Applications, Songqiao Huang
The Role of Lipocalin-2 in the Hepatic Microenvironment of Colorectal Cancer Metastasis, Daniel Titus Hughes
Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform, David Hughey
Exploring Spatial Patterning and the Impact of Obesogenic built Environments for Youth Obesity, S. Morgan Hughey
Targeting Aberrant Glycosylation In Colon And Prostate Cancer With An Improved Synthetic Lectin Array, Tanya Hundal
Well Enough Alone: Stories, Sarah Jane Huskey
Beyond Life And Death Images Of Exceptional Women And Chinese Modernity, Wei Hu
The Private University Faculty Perspective Of Community College Transfer Students: An Ethnographic Interview Study, Sally E. Hyatt
Confluence of Density Currents Produced by Lock-Exchange, Hassan Ismail
Recipients’ Perspectives Regarding Expanded Carrier Screening of Gamete Donors, Erika Kristy Jackson
Queer Practices, Queer Rhetoric, Queer Technologies: Studies of Digital Performativity in Gendered Network Culture, Gerald Jackson
Engendering Ethics through Practice in the Project-Based Business Communciation Course, Jonathan H. Jackson
Study of Mos2 and Graphene-Based Heterojunctions for Electronic and Sensing Applications, Ifat Jahangir
Evaluation Of Multicarrier Air Interfaces In The Presence Of Interference For L-Band And C-Band Air-Ground Communications, Hosseinali Jamal
Improving Leadership Communication In Nurse-Physician Dyad Teams, Lisa James
The Impact of a Close Reading Approach on the Comprehension Level of English I Students at Wavers High School, Tina Marie Janus