Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Teaching Goal Setting Strategies In A Title I Elementary School; An Action Research Study, Susan Ridgeway Nunamaker
Intention to Deceive Alters Access to Semantic Memory, James Nye
Advancing Automated Methods for Microrna Profiling, Kia N. Zellars
Statistical Mechanics of Lipid-Liquid Crystal Systems: From Fundamentals to Sensing Applications, Donya Ohadi Kabir Maghsudlu
Physical Characterization of Electrodeposited PCB Copper Foil Surfaces, Blessing Kolawole Ojo
Scene Search Guidance under Salience-driven and Memory-driven Demands, Jenn Ha’aheo Olejarczyk
Narrating the (Im)Migrant Experience: 21st Century African Fiction in the Age of Globalization, Bernard Ayo Oniwe
Early Life Factors And Health Outcomes In Children And Mothers, Olubunmi Olufunke Orekoya
Multimorbidity and Mortality Risk: The Effect of Depressive Symptom Trajectories among Middle-Aged and older adults, Katherine Reynolds O’Shields
Hope and Social Support: What Types of Parent, Peer, and Teacher Support Matter to Early Adolescent Females and Males?, Kristin Otis
Climate Change (Mal)Adaptation as Governmentality: The Case of the Ada Sea Defense System in the Volta River Delta of Ghana, Kwame Ntiri Owusu-Daaku
Examining the Evolution of a Teacher Induction Program In A Diverse, Urban, Southeastern School District, Karen Pack
Creating Equitable Access Pathways For All Students In South Carolina? A Study Of SC International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs, Diane D. Padula
Impact Of Prenatal Exposure To Antidepressants On Adverse Birth Outcomes, Sudeepti Pahuja
Impact of Leadership Education on Perceptions of Job Readiness in Undergraduate students, Christine R. Palmer
The Use of E-Readers for Secondary Literacy and Reading Motivation, Graham Parker
An Investigation of Buyers’ Forecast Sharing and Ordering Behavior in a Two-Stage Supply Chain, Minseok Park
The Theatrical Laboratory: A Methodology for Educating Empathy, Anna Lee Percuoco
Institutional Brokerage and the Governance of Global Value Chains: The Case of the US Apparel Industry., Alessandro Perri
Identifying Associations between Religious Commitment and Preventive Health Behaviors in a Southeastern Rural County, Nathan A. Peters
Functional Motor Competence, Health-Related Fitness, and Injury in Youth Sport, Craig Elliott Pfeifer
Electroproduction of W Mesons Off Protons In The Third Resonance Region and Beyond, Evan Phelps
Wideband Low Side Lobe Aperture Coupled Patch Phased Array Antennas, Dhruva Poduval
On Slowly Rotating Supercompact Schwarzschild Stars, Nelson Camilo Posada-Aguirre
Examining the Impact Naming One’s Beliefs has on One’s Practice: The Journey of Three English Language Arts Teachers, Jessica Lynn Price
The Decision-Making Process for Individuals at Risk for Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer, Alexa Prose
Improved Simultaneous Estimation of Location and System Reliability via Shrinkage Ideas, Beidi Qiang
Characterization Of Subgrade Resilient Modulus For MEPDG And The Effects On Pavement Rutting, Md Mostaqur Rahman
A Machine Learning Approach For Enhancing Security And Quality Of Service Of Optical Burst Switching Networks, Adel Dabash A. Rajab
Elucidation Of Protein Interactions And The Re-Tuning Of Porphyrin Electronics For Hydroxylases, Steven Charles Ratigan
Antecedents of Adolescents’ Gratitude: Personality, Social Support, and Stressful Life Events, Hannah Reckart
The Eccentric Compositional Style of Mark Applebaum: An Analysis of his Acoustic Percussion Works, Richard Shane Reeves
The Effectiveness of Self-Regulated Strategy Development for School-Age Children with Hearing Loss, Jessica Rice
Student Perceptions of the Impact of Social Media on College Student Engagement, Cheri Richardson
Lamps, Maps, Mud-Machines, and Signal Flags: Science, Technology, and Commerce in the Early United States, James Russell Risk
In the Way Back, Mark Rodehorst
The Association Of Changes In Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Changes In Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Leanna Marie Ross
Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Adhesively Bonded Composite Structures, William Walker Roth
Subsurface transport in a North Inlet, South Carolina salt marsh: A porewater salinity model, Carolyn Ryan
The Role Of Inflammation In Atherosclerosis, Fatma Saaoud
Essays on Bank Loans, Deposit Insurance, and Deregulation, Herman Saheruddin
Development of an Electrochemical Method to Study Real-Time in Vivo Neurotransmitter Modulation, Srimal Aminda Samaranayake
Polynomials Of Small Mahler Measure With no Newman Multiples, Spencer Victoria Saunders
African American End-Stage Renal Disease And Medication Adherence: What Are The Effects Of Everyday Racism?, Tamara Estes Savage
Implementation of Common Core State Standards and South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards: Successes and Struggles, Matthew D. Scandrol
Emergence Of Stranger Fear In Preschoolers With Fragile X Syndrome And Idiopathic Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jessica Scherr
Structural and Functional Studies of Proteins from the Agricultural Pests Tetranychus Urticae and Aspergillus Fumigatus, Caleb Schlachter
Drivers of Sediment Accumulation and Nutrient Burial in Coastal South Carolina Residential Stormwater Detention Ponds, William Schroer
Arvo Part, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: A Transcription for Wind Ensemble, Julian Hartridge Sconyers III
Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education in a Rural Setting, Ann D. Scott
Implementing the Constructed Scaffold Model: Hands-On Activity Units for Advanced Placement Calculus, Susan Scott
The Effects of a Summer Reading Program on Reading Achievement and Reading Motivation, Marcia Seawright
Mobile Application For Shipping Goods For Individuals And Truckers In India, Sendurr Selvaraj
Feasibility of Introducing Investor-Owned Hospitals in Korea, HongSeok Seo
Determination and Validation of High-Pressure Equilibrium Adsorption Isotherms via a Volumetric System, Hind Jihad Kadhim Shabbani
Narrating Pain and Freedom: Place and Identity in Modern Syrian Poetry (1970s-1990s), Manar Shabouk
Where the Light Shines Through, Rachel A. Sheets
Molecular Exploration of Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Matter Across Aquatic Ecosystems, Yuan Shen
Computational Wave Field Modeling using Sequential Mapping of Poly-Crepitus Green’s Function in Anisotropic Media, Sajan Shrestha
The Association between Sexual Risk Behaviors of Latinos and HIV Knowledge in South Carolina, Danielle Nicole Sill
Governing Terrorism through Preemption: A Comparative Analysis of Radicalization in Three Western Liberal Democracies, Derek M.D. Silva
The Role of Weather in the Social and Economic Lives of Plantation Owners in Antebellum Beaufort District, South Carolina, Jennifer A. Simmons
The Contextual Impact Of Innovation And Operational Spillovers On Firm Performance, Cherry Singhal
Formative Assessment Strategies for Mathematical Thinking: A Qualitative Action Research Study, Benjamin J. Sinwell
“Present Mirth Hath Present Laughter; What's To Come Is Still Unsure”: Death And Humor In Early Modern England, Elisha James Sircy
Fast Scan Cyclic Voltammetry for Real-Time Metal Speciation Analysis, Hettige. M. Thushani Siriwardhane
An Evidence-Based Process Change to Improve Mammography Adherence, Tara E. Smalls
Effects of a Mindfulness Based Intervention on Diurnal Cortisol in Cancer Survivors, Susannah Small
A Regression Analysis of South Carolina Algebra I End-Of-Course Exam Scores by Schedule Type, Dawn M. Smith
Effects of Language for Learning on Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Diana M. Smith
Song of the Scapegoat: How Silence Augments Kenneth Burke’s Notion of the Scapegoat in Political Rhetoric, Mary Elizabeth Smith
The Impact of Journal Writing on Students’ Understanding of Rational Number Operations of Eight Seventh Grade Students at Jackson Middle School, Amanda Marie Smoak
Evaluation, Treatment, and Education In The Hospice Setting By Initiating a Formalized Pain Card, Alyssa M. Soprano
Exploring Determinants and Consequences of International Diversification: A Multi-Level Perspective, Ettore Spadafora
The Conclusion, Neda Spalajkovic
Supporting Immersion Teachers: An Autoethnography, Lauren Speece
Association of Gestational Weight Gain during Twin Gestations and Adverse Maternal Outcomes, Kerry Spillane
Faustus Revisited: A Cultural, Historical, and Artistic Study, Ryan Stevens
Partisan Polarization, Social Identity, and Deliberative Democracy in the United States, Ryan Strickler
The Impact of a Reflective Practice Series on the Awareness Level of Six Teacher Candidates at a Public University in the Southeast, Lindsay M. Sturkie
Mechanistic Studies of Nucleic Acid Chaperone Activities of Retroviral Nucleocapsid Protein, Lichao Sun
Motivation To Play Esports: Case of League of Legends, Yaoyao Sun
A Study on Satisfaction of Dental Implant Patients, Jung Su O
Contesting The Generic Refugee: SIV Identity, Community, And Agency During Resettlement, Benjamin J. Sylvester
Nonparametric Inference for Orderings and Associations Between two Random Variables, Chuan-Fa Tang
Situational Intuition: Hierarchical Modes of User Experience in Human-Computer Interaction, Simon Tarr
Is That Online Review Fake News? How Sponsorship Disclosure Influences Reader Credibility, Mark W. Tatge
Rebirth of the House Museum: Commemorating Reconstruction at the Woodrow Wilson Family Home, Jennifer Whitmer Taylor
Scribes Impact On Patient And Provider Experience In The Outpatient Setting, Kimberly A. Taylor
Synergism of Quercetin and Sodium Butyrate for Controlling Growth of Glioblastoma, Matthew Alan Taylor
Detracking High School Physical Science Classes through Teacher Efficacy: An Action Research Study, Vincent Scott Taylor
The Thought. The Force. The Love. The Joy. The Hope: An Ode to the Seldom Heard, Candace Thomas
Towards Gender Inclusive Representation in the Theatre: The Actor and the Spectator, Jeanette Thomas
The ACT KeyTrain Program and the ACT WorkKeys Test Performance: An Action Research Study, Matthew T. Thompson
The Role of Oral Language in Kindergarten Students Comprehension, Rebecca Kathleen Thompson
The Nutrition Assistance Landscape in Afterschool Programs: Understanding the Gap between Research, Policy, and Practice, Falon Elizabet Tilley