Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Effects of Sex and Professional Experience on Superintendent Selection Decisions by School Board Chairpersons, Patrick Jarrett
We Sit as Kings, Josh Jeffers
Polarization Observables T and F in the yp -> pi p Reaction, Hao Jiang
Urban Accessibility Measurement and Visualization — A Big Data Approach, Yuqin Jiang
Spatial Optimization Methods And System For Redistricting Problems, Hai Jin
Academic Library Behaviors and Perceptions of a Community College’s Distance Learners, Cantrell Johnson
The Political Suppression of the Saxophone and its Subsequent Pedagogical Development in Select Non-Democratic Countries, Sheldon Jerome Johnson Jr.
The Reflection, Tamara Joksimovic
Chemical Sensing In Harsh Environments By Multivariate Optical Computing, Christopher Michael Jones
Individual Differences in Markers of Cholinergic Signaling Correlating to Fear and Extinction Learning, Grace C. Jones
The Association between Clinical Recognition of Depression and Unplanned Hospital Readmission among Older Adults, Karen M. Jones
Disinfection By-Products: Formation In Pool Water And The Role Of Iodinated Medical Imaging Compounds As A Potential Precursor In The Formation Of IODO-DBPS, Christina Marie Joseph
Die Reprasentation und Kritik Des Materialismus in Einer Auswahl Von Volks-Und Kunstmarchen, Kim Nadine Kahmann
No End in Sight: A Critical Discourse Analysis of U.S. National Newspaper Coverage of the Iraq War, Anmol Rattan Kalsi
Involvement Of Men In Responsible Parenthood In Croatia, India, And Mexico: Major Factors, Correlates, And National Policy, Salima Kasymova
Odor and Power in the Americas: Olfactory Consciousness from Columbus to Emancipation, Andrew Kettler
Korean Popular Music (K-Pop), Youth Fan Culture, And Art Education Curriculum, Aelim Kim
Association between Job Satisfaction and Pay: The Case of the Wage Payment System of Dental Clinics in Korea, Eui Jeong Kim
Deep Learning: An Exposition, Ryan Kingery
Pedagogical Practices in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Ability Grouped Classrooms, Theresa Marie Kinsey
Coordination Chemistry Of Carboranes And Furan Ligands On Transition Metal Cluster Complexes, Emmanuel Joseph Kiprotich
Fluorescence Polarization Measurements To Probe Alignment Of A Bithiophene Dye In One-Dimensional Channels Of Self-Assembled Phenylethynylene Bis-Urea Macrocycle Crystals, Preecha Kittikhunnatham
Progressive Failure Analysis of composite Materials using the Puck Failure Criteria, Karan Kodagali
Consumer Decision Making for Accommodations in the Shared Economy, Jeffery C. Kreeger
Persons: A one Woman Play, Rachel Kuhnle
The Community Rating System: Assessing Indicators of Community Participation, A Dasymetric and Sovi Approach, Zachary P. Landis
Building Columbia, Lawrence Lane
Endocrine Disruption in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) from a Pcb-Contaminated Reservoir, Stephanie B. LaPlaca
“Bajan To Gullah” Cultural Capital: Wood, Stone, Iron, and Clay 1670 To 1770, Ramona Arlen La Roche
Del Indigenismo Literario A La Novela De La Guerra Interna: Evolución Y Presente De La Narrativa Autóctona En El Perú, Edgar Luis Larrea
Socially Assigned Race, Reactions to Perceived Racial Discrimination and Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Jourdyn A. Lawrence
Print Referencing Intervention During Shared Storybook Reading for Preschool Children with Hearing Loss, Sara Lawrence
The Role Of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 8 In Vascular Disease, Desiree Leach
Planters, Merchants, and Revolution: Lobbying Power and the Economic Origins of Independence in South Carolina, Christian David Lear
Flipped Classroom Pedagogical Model and Middle-Level Mathematics Achievment: An Action Research Study, Cassondra Leo
A Family of Simple Codimension Two Singularities with Infinite Cohen-Macaulay Representation Type, Tyler Lewis
The Effect of Social Exclusion on Shoplifting, Christopher Ling
Mismatch Tolerance during Homologous Recombination in Mammalian Cells, Shen Li
Semiparametric Estimation and Inference in Causal Inference and Measurement Error Models, Jianxuan Liu
Rational Synthesis Of Catalysts For Biomass Conversion, Qiuli Liu
The Addition Of A Concurrent Bimanual Task Influences Postural Sway And Walking Speed Performance And Prioritization Across All Ages, Derek Matthew Liuzzo
From Rice Fields to Duck Marshes: Sport Hunters and Environmental Change on the South Carolina Coast, 1890–1950, Matthew Allen Lockhart
Kinetic-Control of Block Copolymer Micelles for Tunable Nanomaterials Towards Energy Devices, Hasala Nadeesini Lokupitiya
Narrar Lo Inenarrable: Trauma, Memoria Y Dictadura En Argentina, Gloria Yaneth Losada
Effects of Reading Eggs on Reading Proficiency Levels, Latisha D. Lowery
Social Support, Parent Stress, And Child Aggression: A Longitudinal Model Of Family Ecology, Jill B. Lubansky
The Allure of Isis: Examining the Underlying Mechanisms that Helped the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Alexander Luchsinger
Potential Republicans: Reconstruction Printers of Columbia, South Carolina, John Lustrea
Reducing Model Selection Computational Cost by Metamodeling the Evidence, Ramin Madarshahian
Instability in Nonequilibrium and Nonthermal Plasma Discharges, Rajib Mahamud
On The Microstructural Behavior of Pure Magnesium Under Various Strain Rates, Peter Malchow
Theoretical Investigation of the Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Levulinic Acid Over Ru (0001) Catalyst Surface, Osman Mamun
Understanding The Relationship Of Contextual Support, Peer Risk Trajectories, And School Outcomes For At-Risk Youth, Emily B. Mancil
Effects Of The Mindplay Computer Program On Student Reading Achievement: An Action Research Study, Kara Mann
Succination Impairs Protein Folding and Promotes Chop Stability in the Adipocyte during Diabetes, Allison Manuel
Risky Business: Case Study Pedagogy and Business Communication, Jonathan A. Maricle
A Comparison of Pesticide Monitoring Programs, State vs. Federal, Justin Marshall
The Impact of Self-Regulating Practice Strategies on the Achievement Perceptions of Sixth-Grade String Orchestra Students, Anne Poe Matthews
The Development Of Novel Hybridized Hyaluronic Acid Biomaterials For Applications In Tissue Engineering And Controlled Drug Delivery, Panita Maturavongsadit
The Effect of Teachers’ Instructional Style On The Motivation And Attitudes Of At-Risk Science Students Attending Alternative Education Programs, Michiko B. McClary
Representing the Relationships Between Field Collected Carbon Exchanges and Surface Reflectance Using Geospatial and Satellite-Based Techniques, Alexandria G. McCombs
Carbon Sources to Microbes and Cryoconite on Alaskan Alpine Glacier Surfaces, Drake McCrimmon
Maternal Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness During Pregnancy and its Relation to Infant Size, Samantha M. McDonald
From Choc En Retour To Nomadisme En Fleche, Paul T. McElhinny
Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M1’s Impact on Fear Extinction Learning, Joshua R. McElroy
Exploratory Modeling of Environmental and Anthropogenic Impacts on Mercury in Fish Tissue for Select Watersheds in South Carolina, Julia McGuire
Sustainable, Operations-enabled Solutions for Reducing Product Waste, Erin C. McKie
Archival Resistance: A Comparative Reading of Ulysses and One Hundred Years of Solitude, Maria-Josee Mendez
Ensuring the Observability of Structural Test Obligations, Ying Meng
Hemodynamic Regulation Of Cardiac Valve Development, Vinal Menon
Characterizing the Role of the E3 Ligase ITCH in Gut Mucosal Homeostasis, Heather L. Mentrup
Atherosclerotic Plaque Adhesion Strength and its role in Plaque Rupture, Bilal Merei
Three Studies Of Service-Learning As An Approach To Movement Integration In Elementary Classrooms, Robert D. Michael, Jr.
Service-Learning: An Interpretive case study of Teachers’ Perspectives and Planning Strategies, Cory Susanne Miller
A Pilot Wellness Intervention for Parents of School-Aged Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Impact, Marissa E. Miller
The Effects Of Implementing An Online Professional Learning Community For Teachers Of Gifted And Talented Courses: An Action Research Study, Chelsey A. Mintz
The Perceived Utility of Personalized Genomic Medicine in Individuals with a Family History of Heart Disease: A Pilot Study, Dana Margaret Mittag
CO2 Capture From Flue Gas By A PSA Process Using A Novel Structured Adsorbent, Nima Mohammadi
Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles for Designed Interfaces in Polymer Nanocomposites, Mohammad Mohammadkhani
Population Dynamics of a Recently Described and Rare Plant Species: Stachys Caroliniana (Lamiaceae), Shelby Moody
Shifting the Aircraft Carrier: Why Race Matters in Museums and Historic Sites: An Examination of Inclusive Practices, Porchia Moore
Translingual Conversations: Interrogating Default Whiteness in College Writing, Stephanie Eve Boone Mosher
Low-Cost Fishing Net-Reinforced Cement Matrix Overlay for Substandard Concrete Masonry in Coastal Areas, Mohammed A. Mousa
Study of Ultra Wide Band Gap AlxGa1-xN Field Effect Transistors For Power Electronic Applications, Sakib Mohammed Muhtadi
Promoting a Culture of Collaboration and Reflection through a Professional Learning Community, Erica Charlanda Russell Murdaugh
Role of the Principal in Implementing Blended Learning in Algebra I Courses in South Carolina Public Schools, Corey J. Murphy
Growth and Characterization of Anisotropic GaSe Semiconductor for Radiation Detection and THz Applications, Haseeb Nazir
Graduate School Alumni Giving: An Identity Salience Model Of Nonprofit Relationship Marketing Success Approach, Joseph Patrick Neary
Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: Understanding the Influence of Teaching in a STEAM Setting, Melissa Negreiros
Polarization Observables in Double Pion Photo-Production with Circularly Polarized Photons off Transversely Polarized Protons, Lelia Aneta Net
Assessment of Providers’ Perception and Knowledge of Overactive Bladder in Women: A Quality Improvement Project, Helen Wambui Ngigi
Comparison of Atypical Bacteriophages That Infect Caulobacter Crescentus, Doreen Nguyen