"The Impact of Self-Regulating Practice Strategies on the Achievement P" by Anne Poe Matthews

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Instruction and Teacher Education


College of Education

First Advisor

James D. Kirylo


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of self-regulating strategies on the musical achievement perceptions of 8 6th-grade students in a beginning orchestra class. For the purposes of the study, musical achievement was measured using two parameters: (a) student self-reports of improvement and ability to effectively use self-regulating strategies and (b) teacher observations ascertaining improved class performance and student use of self-regulating strategies. During the Fall 2016 semester, students received instruction during class on goal setting, monitoring, and evaluating strategies that they were to incorporate during self-directed practice. Data were collected during pre- and postinterviews conducted in a semistructured format. Data were also collected from a pre- and postquestionnaire on self-regulating behaviors to determine any changes in student attitudes or beliefs about their ability to use self-regulating strategies. Student perceptions were recorded in student journals, and strategy use was recorded on a practice chart model developed by the teacher-researcher. The results of the study revealed students perceived an increase in their ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate their individual practice after receiving instruction during class on these strategies. The results of this study were used to develop an action plan in conjunction with the studentparticipants, which includes the ongoing incorporation of self-regulating strategies in the beginning strings curriculum to monitor and to regulate instrumental practice in an autonomous practice environment.


© 2017, Anne Poe Matthews
