"Role of the Principal in Implementing Blended Learning in Algebra I Co" by Corey J. Murphy

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


College of Education

First Advisor

Edward Cox


In the state of South Carolina, the primary indicator of student achievement in high schools is the End of Course Test. In order to increase passing rates on this test, many schools are turning to online tutorials or more advanced online intelligent tutoring systems. Any combination of online delivery of educational content with classroom interaction and live instruction is known as blended learning. This study examined the role of the principal in implementing blended learning in Algebra 1 courses in South Carolina public schools.

This study was guided by three primary research questions: What is the self-perceived role of the principal in effective implementation of a blended learning course in Algebra I in South Carolina public high schools? What leader behaviors do principals believe are associated with successful implementation of a blended learning course in Algebra I in South Carolina public high schools? How do principals believe their goals shape the implementation of a blended learning course in Algebra I in South Carolina public high schools?

As a result of this study, two primary roles for the principal emerged: Principal as Technology Leader and Principal as Manager. The primary behaviors were creating and communicating a strong vision as well as creating a plan to sustain the vision. Lastly, the major goals of the principals were to improve student achievement and to provide differentiation for struggling students. The implications for these findings are discussed.


© 2017, Corey J. Murphy
