Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Patterns Of Participation And Performance In Youth Baseball Players, Amanda Arnold
Best Practice for Screening Adult Patients with Psoriasis for Polyautoimmunity: Celiac Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Crohn’s Disease, Susan Danielle Ashbaugh
Cost and Fuel Usage Optimization of Activating Solution Based Silica Fume Geopolymer Concrete, Lateef Najeh Assi
Framing Perceptions of Justice in a Public Goods Dilemma, Hatice Atilgan
On the Existence of Non-Free Totally Reflexive Modules, J. Cameron Atkins
Embodied Madness: Contextualizing Biological Stress Among 19th and 20th-Century Institutionalized Euro-American Women, Madeline M. Atwell
Adherence of Nurse Practitioners to JNC 8 Guidelines, Stephanie E. Averette
Ultra High-Speed Signaling and Return on Technology Investment (ROTI) for the Electrical Interconnects Sector, Azniza Abd Aziz
Flannery O’Connor’s Art And The French Renouveau Catholique: A Comparative Exploration Of Contextual Resources For The Author’s Theological Aesthetics Of Sin and Grace, Stephen Allen Baarendse
Multi-Axis Multi-Material Fused Filament Fabrication with Continuous Fiber Reinforcement, Wout De Backer
The Effect of Energy-Matched Exercise Intensity on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Motor Learning, Jessica F. Baird
The Impact of Critical Thinking Strategies on Curriculum and Instruction for USAF Operations Intelligence, Jason R. Baker
Exercise Recommendations for Active Adults at Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death: “Can I Continue to Exercise?”, Kacie Lynn Baker
High Quality Low Offcut 4h-Sic Epitaxy and Integrated Growth of Epitaxial Graphene for Hybrid Graphene/Sic Devices, Anusha Balachandran
The Middle Stone Age in West Africa: Lithics from the Birimi Site in Northern Ghana, Agatha Kenda Baluh
Cable Health Monitoring System Built Into Power Converter Using Time Domain Reflectometry, Hossein Baninajar
A Little Help from our Friends: The Benefits and Challenges of Mandatory Teacher Collaboration, Jesse Leahn Barrett
Cocoa and Carbon: Remedying Forest Governance through Community Participation in a Redd+Pilot in Ghana, Manali Baruah
Subdivision of Measures of Squares, Dylan Bates
The Quixotic Picaresque: Tricksters, Modernity, and Otherness in the Transatlantic Novel, or the Intertextual Rhizome of Lazarillo, Don Quijote, Huck Finn, and The Reivers, David Elijah Sinsabaugh Beek
Modeling Instruction In AP Physics C: Mechanics And Electricity And Magnetism, Nathan Tillman Belcher
Causes and Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences in Brachyuran Crabs With A Focus on Behavior, Benjamin A. Belgrad
Marine Phosphorus Biogeochemistry Ecological Insights From Analytical Chemistry, Douglas W. Bell
April 26th., Carin Bendas
Two Essays on the Impact of Memory on Consumer Well-Being and Self-Definition, Kara Bentley
Short Term International Study For Teachers As A Form of Experiential Learning: A Case Study of American Educators in Turkey, Zulfikar Berk
An Analysis of Akira Miyoshi’s “Miyoshi Piano Method: 12 Progressive Propositions Piano Method”, Azusa Higotani Bies
A Critical Analysis of the Effects of Language Policy, Curriculum, and Assessment on Arabic L1 Student Performance in an Esl 1 Classroom, Juliane Bilotta
The Perceptions of Students on a Cooperative, Gamebased Learning Latin Curriculum: An Action Research Study, Jason Dean Blackburn
Limited by Body Habitus: An American Fat Story, Jennifer Renee Blevins
High School Science Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effects of One-To-One Computing Devices on Student Engagement, Herbert S. Bocchino III
Characterization of the SUF FE-S Pathway In Escherichia Coli, Naimah Bolaji
Tectonic Studies Of Southeastern North America: The Suwannee Basin, Brunswick Suture Zone, Osceola Arc, And Pangean Transcurrent Fault System, Susannah Katherine Boote
Multidisciplinary Shape Optimization of A Composite Blended Wing Body Aircraft, Charles Maxwell Boozer
Examining Chronic Sorrow Among Parents of a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Tiffany M. Bordonada
Las Metamorfosis De Jordi Grau. Cine, Crítica Social Y Transformación Cultural En España (1962-1976), Hugo Pascual Bordón
Low Bandwidth Communication for Networked Power Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation, Sean Borgsteede
The Influence of Testing and Content Presentation Method on Mandatory Federal Employee Training, Corey Patrick Boswell
Life After Graduation: Exploring The Utility Of A College And Career Research Project In Defining Students’ Post-High School Goals, Ashley E. Bowers
The Role of Exercise Dose on Ghrelin Concentration in Postmenopausal Women, Kimberly Bowyer
Early Economic Hardship, Maternal Support, and Depressive Symptoms among Black Young Adults, Mia Brantley
Children’s Obesogenic Behaviors During Summer Versus School, Keith Brazendale
Wigger Collection of British Watercolors At The Gibbes Museum of Art, Amanda Breen
An Investigative Study Measuring Self-Reported Metacognitive Habits Among Collegiate Piano Majors, Steven Phillip Brundage
Unconditionally Energy Stable Numerical Schemes for Hydrodynamics Coupled Fluids Systems, Alexander Yuryevich Brylev
An Exploration Of Characterizations In JAC Redford’s Oratorio The Martyrdom Of Saint Polycarp, Melanie Cross Buckner
The Response Of ELLs To Task-Based Instruction Within An Inclusion Classroom, Sarah E. Bularzik
Racism Across The American South: The Association Between Racism On Twitter, Rurality, & Black Mortality, Jarrod Bullard
The Impact of Capturing Kids' Hearts on New Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Management, Stephanie L. Burgess
Air- Sea Interactions And Ocean Dynamics In The Southwest Tropical Indian Ocean, Jessica Maureen Burns
Longitudinal And Geographical Modeling Of Circular Data With An Application To Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Xinyan Cai
Toward a Theory of Full Life Cycle Recruiters, Michael C. Campion
Differentiated Mathematics Instruction: An Action Research Study, Melinda A. Cannon
Mercury Bioaccumulation In Three Popular Subsistence And Recreational Estuarine Fishes From Southeastern U.S.A., Taylor Cannon
Hydraulic Fracturing In the United States: A Framing Analysis, Kenneth Stephen Cardell Jr.
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Treatment Of Natural Biomaterials For Tissue Engineering Applications, Dominic M. Casali
The Impact Of Project-Based Learning On Critical Thinking In A United States History Classroom, Craig E. Cash
Acculturative Stress and Depression among Latinos/As: Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Context, Rebeca Castellanos
The Hanging of a very Tall Man, Matthew Cavender
Quarantine, Scott Chalupa
A Study Of Hepatic Purinergic Receptor X7 Molecular Mechanisms In Ectopic Intestinal Inflammation In Environmental NAFLD, Varun Chandrashekaran
Mechanism Of Action Of American Ginseng And Its Components In The Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis, Anusha Chaparala
Investigation of Iron(II) Autoxidation Rate And Iron Mediated Geochemical Production Of Reactive Oxygen Species At Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces, Dewamunnage Muditha Chathurangani Dias
El Lugar De La Memoria, Entre La Verdad Y La Emoción: Re-Lectura Del Exilio Español De 1939, Jinmei Chen
Three Essays on Privatization, State Ownership, and Corporate Policies, Ruiyuan Chen
Three Essays on Relationships among Financial Institutions, Chia-Chun Chiang
Adoptees’ Experiences with Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Emotions, Satisfaction, and Motivating Factors, Anna Childers
Exploring the Role of Culture in Online Searching Behavior from a Cognitive Perspective, Sara Chizari
Pollutant Formation In Oxy-Coal Combustion, Nujhat Choudhury
Untangling the Interconnected Relationships between Alcohol Use, Employment, and Offending, Margaret M. Chrusciel
Modulation Of PKR Activity During HIV Infection And Cellular Stress By PACT And TRBP, Evelyn E. Chukwurah
Broke but not without Hope: Exploring Exits from Housing First and Returns to Homelessness, Jennie Ann Cole
The Effects of a Game Simulation on Muscle Activation and Knee Kinematics in Females, Geoffrey Collins
Impact of Standards-Based Instruction on Achievement Levels of Students with Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disabilities: An Action Research Study, Amy White Condon
Posttraumatic Growth Development: Core Belief Disruption, Event Centrality, and Time Since Trauma, Christopher A. Cook
A Functional Analysis of Yadkin Bifaces in the Middle Savannah River Valley, Jessica M. Cooper
Network vs. Netflix: A Comparative Content Analysis of Demographics Across Prime-Time Television and Netflix Original Programming, James Corfield
The Underside of Power: Reading the Fantastic in the Works of the Chilean Writer José Donoso, Andrew Mark Corley
The Influence of Phytoplankton Size and Community Composition on Carbon Cycling and Planktonic Food Webs in the Sargasso Sea, Bridget Elise Cotti-Rausch
Judging a Book By Its Cover: The Context Book Covers Provide, Virginia Emily Cranwell
Students diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A study of on-task and Off-Task Behaviors in Traditional versus montessori classrooms, Sara-Frances Crow Lail
One Woman's College and Medical School Experience in the 1920s: Hilla Sheriff's Story, Jennifer L. Daniel
Blind Change Point Detection And Regime Segmentation Using Gaussian Process Regression, Sourav Das
A Mechanistic Study of Micro RNA 21 Induced Hepatic Fibrosis and Use Of Sparstolonin B In Remediation Of Environmental NAFLD, Diptadip Dattaroy
Skin Deep: African American Women and the Building of Beauty Culture in South Carolina, Catherine Davenport
Conversations with Chris: Discussing Racial Diversity in a Professional Book Club, A. Brennan Davis
Auc Buile, Benjamin Davis
Assessing The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease And Subsequent Inflammatory Responses And Headache Disorders, Bryn E. Davis
Funding South Carolina’s Monuments: The Growth of the Corporate Person in Monument Financing, Justin Curry Davis
Worth Fighting For: Factors Influencing Selection Decisions in School Libraries, April M. Dawkins
Elsewhere, Then, Tracie Renée Dawson
Development of a Sandwich Hybridization Assay for the Harmful Cyanobacteria Microcystis spp., Nicole M. Dearth
Context Matters: Evaluating Social Judgments of Acquaintance Rape Myths, Michelle E. Deming