Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Challenging Standard Grading Practices: A Qualitative Action Research Study, Brian Andrew Timmons
Outlandish: A Human History of Violence in the Galapágos A Historical Non-Fiction Novel, Jonathan Timmons
The Effects Of Student Involvement In Writing Topic Selection On Achievement And Motivation, Henry D. Tindal
Mechanical Characterization and Non-Destructive Evaluation of SiCF-SiCM Composite Tubing with the Impulse Excitation Technique, Nathaniel Truesdale
The Impact of Autoimmune Disease on Breast Cancer Survival, Samantha Truman
Software Modelling For Real World Faults On AC Transmission Protective Systems Analysis And Effects, Iandale Tualla
The Effects of Arts Integration on Literacy Comprehension Achievement, Sara D. Tucker
Glacial to Holocene Changes in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Deep-Water Chemistry and Circulation, Natalie E. Umling
Buy for the Sake of your Baby: Guardian Consumerism in Twentieth Century America, Mark VanDriel
Assessing Aberrant Glycosylation With Synthetic Lectins To Detect And Stage Prostate Cancer, Anna Veldkamp
The Relation between Quantitative EEG Coherence and Self-Report ADHD Behavior Scale Responses, Tayllor Vetter
Toward a Networked Feminist Pedagogy for Composition, Leah Vitello
Improved N-Type 4h-Sic Epitaxial Layer Radiation Detectors and Noise Analysis of Front-End Readout Electronics, Khai V. Nguyen
Inmate Time Utilization And Well-Being, Mateja Vuk
Association between Diabetes and Cancer in Indian and US Populations using Longitudinal Study Design, Shraddha S. Vyas
Ninth-Grade Students’ Perceptions Of Social Media Responsibility & Cyberbullying, Geoffrey A. Wagner
Paleodemographic and Biochemical Analysis of Urbanization, Famine, and Mortality, Brittany S. Walter
Development of Novel Catalysts for Air Pollution Control, Chao Wang
Bayesian Flexible Modeling of Interval-censored Failure Time Data, Sheng-Yang Wang
Integrating Nano-Patterned Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Materials For Smart Tunable Microwave Applications, Tengxing Wang
Stilbenes: Therapeutic Interventions Targeting Amyloid β Protein Aggregation In Alzheimer’s Disease, Yiying Wang
Far-Field Optical Microscopy Based on Stimulated Emission Depletion, Yunxia Wang
Multilevel and Multisectoral Processes of Implementing Nutritionsensitive Ideology and Programming in Ethiopia’s Development Landscape, Andrea Marie Warren
An Application of Dempster-Shafer Fusion Theory to Lithium-ion Battery Prognostics and Health Management, John Weddington
Mast Cells and Lipid Cross-Talk in Skin Inflammation, Piper Alexandra Wedman
Modeling Of Tow Wrinkling In Automated Fiber Placement Based On Geometrical Considerations, Roudy Wehbe
Underwater Cave Mapping and Reconstruction Using Stereo Vision, Nicholas Weidner
Wearing your Ethics: Investigating Consumer Purchase Intention of Ethically Produced Fashion Products, Hannah E. Weiner
Fugitive Verses & Faded Histories: Recovering The Poetry & Influence Of The British American Loyalists, Michael C. Weisenburg
“Porque Hací Ya Conocemos”: Dialogic Ways of Knowing Through Digital Learning Communities and Critical Coaching, Melissa Summer Wells
Trends in Gestational Weight Gain in South Carolina, 2004 - 2015, Marilyn Elizabeth Wende
Studying Jazz In The Concert Band Setting And Its Effects On Perceptions Of Jazz Performance, Joseph Ryan Westberry
Environmental Negotiations Cherokee Power in the Arkansas Valley, 1812-1828, Cane West
We [Still] Have a Moment: Multimodal Values and Curricular Practices in a First-Year Writing Program, Kelly L. Wheeler
Expanding Our Space: Stories of Mindful Practice, Emily Jean Whitecotton
Comparison of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Among Black And White College Women At Predominantly White Institutions (PWIS), Cynthia Nicole White
Heritage Without History: The 1960 South Carolina Secession Reenactment And The Desertion Of Historical Authority In Confederate Commemoration, Joshua Whitfield
A Virtual Learning System’s Impact on Student Achievement in a Secondary Biology College Preparatory Course; An Action Research Study, Jamie Ankney Whitlock
Modeling Early Archaic Mobility and Subsistence: Evaluating Resource Risk Across The South Carolina Landscape, Joseph E. Wilkinson
Still Runnin’ the Underground: A Critical Case Study of an Adolescent African American Male Reflecting on School, Dalisha Shante Williams
Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Versatile Platform For Light Harvesting And Energy Transfer, Derek E. Williams
Barriers to the Use of Guardrails On IV Smart Pumps, Ivory Williams
Depressive Symptoms Association With Health Outcomes And Treatment In Older Americans With Diabetes, Lashonda Jovon Williams
Secondary Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Mathematics Review Program: An Action Research Study, Crystal Burroughs Wingard
The Relationship between Gender Stereotypes and Academic Performance for Rural Eighth Grade Students: A Mixed Methods Ethnographic Case Study, Elizabeth Anne Royal Witte
Smartphone Use and Mindfulness: Empirical Tests of a Hypothesized Connection, Darren Todd Woodlief
Obsidian in Sand: A reflection on Tokenism and the fight for visibility in predominately white spaces, and a declaration that Black Lives Matter, Dimitri Jai Woods
Understanding Math Anxiety in Children: Deciphering the Contribution of Math Achievement, Working Memory, and General Anxiety, Emma Kate C. Wright
Mcneil Robinson as Choral Musician A Survey of his Choral Works for the Christian and Jewish Traditions, Jason Allen Wright
An Analytical Study of the Britten Violin Concerto, Op.15, Shr-Han Wu
Wind Driven Shelf Circulation: Effects of Shoreline Orientation, Bathymetry, and Surface Cooling, Xiaodong Wu
Promotional Effect of Molten Carbonates on Proton Conductivity and Oxygen Reduction Reaction – An Experimental and Computational Study, Xiaolei Xiong
Ultrathin Graphene Oxide Membranes for Water Purification: Fundamentals & Potential Applications, Weiwei Xu
Statistical Methods for Multivariate and Correlated Data, Xinling Xu
A Lebesgue Sampling based Diagnosis and Prognosis Methodology with Application to Lithium-ion Batteries, Wuzhao Yan
Innovative Revenue Management Practices with Probabilistic Elements, Övünç Yılmaz
Internet Speed and the Effect on Health Information Technology Adoption, Matthew W. Yuen
Anatomy of a Social Media Movement: Diffusion, Sentiment and Network Analysis, Md Hassan Zamir
Performance Assessment of HSRM Concrete Ties Through Finite Element Model Simulations, Adam I. Zeitouni
Co-Creation Experience: Measurement Development and Influence on Value in Sharing Economy, Pei Zhang
Shaping Metallic Nanoparticles Toward Integrated Plasmonics and Catalysis, Qingfeng Zhang
Sustainable Polymeric Materials Derived From Plant Oils: From Synthesis To Applications, Xinzhou Zhang
Investigate Genomic 3D Structure Using Deep Neural Network, Yan Zhang
Marginal Structural Cox Model for Survival Data with Treatment-Confounder Feedback, Yanan Zhang
Theme Park Demand, Theme Park Attractiveness, and Visitors’ Theme Park Choices, Yingsha Zhang
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles, Yang Zheng
Three Essays on Capital Structure and Product Market Interactions, Ying Zheng
What We See Depends On Where We Stand: Distorted Perception Of Social Income Inequality, Jingwen Zhong
Reproductive Healthcare Information-Seeking Behavior in Undeserved Women: An Exploratory Study, Margaret S. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Tumor Suppressor p53 Response To UV Light In Normal Human Keratinocyte Strains From Different Individuals, Fadi Farooq Abboodi
Evaluation Of Concrete Degradation Using Acoustic Emission: Data Filtering And Damage Detection, Marwa A. Abdelrahman
Determining the Validity of a Web-Based, Self-Rating Checklist Assessment of Vocabulary Knowledge, Sheida Abdi
The Poetry Of Wilmer Mills, Rachael Acheson
Teaching Distance Education In Library Science: A Comparative Study Of Faculty Satisfaction, Teaching Effectiveness, And Support Services, David S. Adams
Development Of Reactions And Methods For Labeling Biomolecules In Cells, Enoch Agbesi Adogla
The Choral Music Of Daron Aric Hagen And A Conductor’s Analysis of Flight Music, Jay B. Aiken
A Theoretical Study of Polymer based Drug Delivery Systems, Ebtisam Abdullatif Aldaais
Sleep Disorder Trends, Epigenetic Markers, And Genetic Variation Of Circadian Genes In Adenomatous Polyp Formation, Melannie Alexander
Visual Word Recognition by Arab ESL Learners: Phonological Versus Orthographic Consonantal Influence on Vowels, Raed A. Alguthami
Breastfeeding Among Working Mothers in Saudi Arabia, Maryam Suliman Alhabas
Delineation Of The Lower Permian Gas Sand Via Calibrated Avo And Pre-Stack Seismic Inversions In Majhol Field, Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Alhashel
3D Seismic Depth Imaging and Velocity Model Building in Anisotropic Media: Serri Oil and Gas Field, Saudi Arabia, Ali Jomaah Alsalem
Learning To Become Culturally Responsive Critical Inquirers: A Never Ending Journey, Susana Priscila Alvarado Cordova
Contextualizing Multilayered Sexual Subjectivities of Heterosexual Black Female Undergraduate Students at a Predominantly White Institution in the South, Amarachi Rossana Anakaraonye
The Association Between Physical Activity And Serum Immunoglobulin G (IGG) Antibodies Against Periodontal Bacteria, A. Paige Anderson
Parents’ Understanding of Sensory Processing in their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Katelynn M. Anderson
Defensive Roles And Factors That Affect The Production Of Monoterpenes in Morella Cerifera, Florence C. Anoruo
The Cranial Morphology of The Black-Footed Ferret: A Comparison of Wild and Captive Specimens, Tyler Antonelli