"The Impact Of Graphic Organizer Use On The Metacognitive Skills Of Ten" by Josie P. White

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


College of Education

First Advisor

James D. Kirylo


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of graphic organizer use on the metacognitive skills of 10 senior high school students in English IV British Literature at Seaside High School.

This study took place over the course of five weeks in Spring 2017 and involved one section of the teacher-researcher’s English IV British Literature class at Seaside High School. Through student surveys, a pre-study interview with each student-participant, a learning styles inventory, students’ use of graphic organizers, the teacher-researcher’s observations and field notes, two writing assignments, and a post-study interview with each student-participant, extensive data was collected on students’ use of metacognitive tools. As a result of the study, the teacher-researcher found that using metacognitive tools, specifically graphic organizers, in an English classroom is effective as these tools help students to map out their thinking, consider their own metacognition, and have greater confidence in their reading comprehension and writing abilities.


© 2017, Josie P. White
