"Determining the Validity of a Web-Based, Self-Rating Checklist Assessm" by Sheida Abdi

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis


Communication Sciences and Disorders


The Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health

First Advisor

Suzanne Adlof


The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of a web-based, self-rating checklist of vocabulary knowledge. One hundred fifty-nine participants took two norm-referenced assessments in addition to one of three conditions of a developed self-rating checklist. Each condition employed a different combination of follow-up questions (synonym generation to verify participants’ self-ratings) and feedback for student responses (whether or not synonyms are correct). Condition 1 did not provide any follow-up questions or feedback, Condition 2 included follow-up questions and feedback, and Condition 3 presented follow-up questions but no feedback. Results show that participants moderately overestimated vocabulary knowledge. Moderate-to-high statistically significant correlations (0.51 – 0.71) were observed between each condition of the assessment and norm-referenced assessments. Additionally, multiple regression analyses indicated that 31-67% of variance in norm-referenced assessments could be explained by scores on the self-rating checklist assessment, demonstrating concurrent validity with norm-referenced vocabulary tests. Results indicated few differences in the prediction of norm-referenced assessments between conditions differing in follow-up questions/feedback. However, participant responses to post-assessment surveys show that the presence or lack of feedback and follow-up questions had a slight effect on their perceptions of construct validity. These results demonstrate both construct and concurrent validity and suggest that a self-rating checklist can be a valid assessment of vocabulary.


© 2016, Sheida Abdi
