"Electroproduction of W Mesons Off Protons In The Third Resonance Regio" by Evan Phelps

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Ralf Gothe


Exclusive electroproduction of ω(782) mesons in the reaction ep → epω → epπ+π−π0 was studied from the production threshold, through the third resonance region, and beyond. With electron beam energies close to 6 GeV, the kinematic range covers W = [1.72, 2.60) GeV and Q2 = [1.85, 5.15) GeV2. By combining two sets of data collected by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility’s wide-acceptance spectrometer (CLAS), the largest set of resonance-region differential cross sections, d2σh dΩ∗ , for ω electroproduction have been produced. Response functions RT + LRL, RTT , and RTL were extracted to provide a view of how the cross sections and interference terms depend on the production angle, which is a requirement of singleand coupled-channel analyses that aim to probe the content and dynamics of hadrons and, by extension, of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).


© 2017, Evan Phelps

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Physics Commons
