Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Instruction and Teacher Education


College of Education

First Advisor

James D. Kirylo


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of repeated reading on the comprehension level of eight 8th grade students. Incorporating an action research design, data was collected through utilizing a pretest and posttest, timed repeated readings, a reading semi-open ended questionnaire, a Likert-scale questionnaire, observation and the taking of field notes, and weekly assessments. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected for a total of eight weeks for a period of 20 minutes two times per week, each Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Participants were a combination of eighth-grade regular education and special education students, with the majority comprised of those who struggle with classroom reading tasks, as evident by grades, attitude toward reading tasks, and standardized test score results. The setting was a public middle school in a rural county in the South. The teacher-researcher analyzed the collected data and found that repeated reading improved the comprehension level of the study group.


© 2017, Elizabeth C. Dotson-Shupe
