Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Evolutionary Biology of Vision in Daphnia, Christopher S. Brandon
3-D Numerical Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Injection into the South Georgia Rift Basin for Geologic Storage, Daniel Eric Taylor Brantley
Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Determinants of Emergency Department Utilization Among Patients with Diabetes in South Carolina, Charity B. Breneman
The Influence of Warmth and Competence Perceptions on Employees’ Attitudinal and Behavioral Responses in Casual Dining Restaurants, Diego Riva Humbert Bufquin
Exploring the Impact of Teacher Collaboration on Teacher Learning and Development, Tami Burton
Fate and Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles to the Estuarine Organisms, Prorocentrum Minimum and Crassostrea Virginica, Shelby Victoria Butz
The Development of Efficient Geminal-Based Methods for Quantum Chemical Calculations, Brett Allen Cagg
Experiences of LGBTQ Students at a Primarily White Institution in the South, Leia Kristin Cain
Reflective Judgment: Can Problem-Based Learning Approach Make a Difference?, Nicole Marie Cavanagh
Mourning, Melancholia, and the Need for Grace in Sherwood Anderson's "Godliness", Victoria Chandler
An Annotated Bibliography of Saxophone Works by Taiwanese Composers, Po-Fang Chang
Modeling, Simulation, and Applications of Fractional Partial Differential Equations, Wilson Cheung
Building Capacity for Advocacy for Local Food Systems Change: An Ethnographic Study Documenting the Process of Change in South Carolina Communities, Casey Denise Childers
Services Received and Parental Perception of Quality of Life for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Judith Marie Cholewicki
Services Received And Parental Perception Of Quality Of Life For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Judith Marie Cholewicki
Rethinking the Achievement Gap: A Wholistic Humanistic View of Student Academic Performance and Lack of Performance, Immaculata Anayo Chukwunyere
Natural Predators, Marie-Claire Churchouse
Natural Predators, Marie-Claire Churchouse
A Silylation-Based Kinetic Resolution of Hydroxy Lactones and Lactams with Subsequent Mechanistic Investigations, Robert W. Clark
Anarchic Wills: De Factoism and its Discontents in Shakespeare and Milton, William Dean Clement
Dielectric Characteristics of Microstructural Changes and Property Evolution in Engineered Materials, Jallisa Janet Clifford
The Packing Chromatic Number of Random d-regular Graphs, Ann Wells Clifton
Beyond Grades: The Impact of Race And Academic Disidentification on Social Functioning and Academic Outcomes Among At-Risk High School Students, Brian K. Colar
Tool Material Degradation Due to Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys, Corbin T. Collier
The Impact of Sports Dropout on Adolescent Functioning, Brittany Skiles Cook
Metabotropic Receptor Modulation of Kainate Receptors in the Hippocampus, C'iana Patrice Cooper
Lists in a Lighthouse, James Patrick Costello
Coercing Beauty: From Peanuts to Daggers in the Night, Brad Cozby
The Tap: An Examination of the Controversy of Secret Societies on College Campuses, Mackenzie Crane
Forgotten Science of Bird Eggs: The Life Cycle of Oology at the Smithsonian Institution, Katherine Nicole Crosby
Viruses and Metals in Ocean Food Webs: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Effects of Marine Viruses and Trace Elements on Marine Picophytoplankton, Brady Robert Cunningham
Shifting Authority at the Confederate Relic Room, 1960-1986, Kristie L. DaFoe
Effects of Cell Adhesion Peptides, pH, and Matrix Shape on Maintenance of Breast Cancer Stem Cells in an Engineered Hydrogel Matrix, Leily Daneshian
Principals’ Preparedness For, And Experiences of, Crisis Events At School, Patricia Daughtry
Supporting Fourth Grade Reading Students Using Retrospective Miscue Analysis As a Response To Intervention Model, Michelle Davis
Soil Arsenic and Lead Concentrations and Preterm Birth: Investigating Racial Disparities, Sources, Neighborhood Effects, and Spatial Patterns, Pamela Harley Thornton Davis
Optimized Spectral Processing of Infrared Diffuse Reflection Spectra for the Detection of Blood on Fabric, Stephanie Ann DeJong
Tp53 and Hras Influence on HPV16 E7 Expression in HPV16-Transformed Human Keratinocytes, Nella Christie Delva
The Turkish Foreign Policy Under The Justice And Development Party (AKP): A Paradigm Shift?, Ali Demirdas
The Recovery of Gut Barrier Function With Selenium Rich Diet in Acute DSS-Induced Colitis, Sarah Depaepe
Diagnostics and Model Selection for Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Estimating Equations, Chelsea Boquet Deroche
Adaptivity For Meshfree Point Collocation Methods In Linear Elastic Solid Mechanics, Joshua Wayne Derrick
Illuminating the Interactions and Functions of Glutaredoxins, BolA Proteins, and Erv1 in Iron Homeostasis, Adrian Colleen Dlouhy
A Comparison of Three Levels of Verbal Redundancy in Multimedia Learning and Its Effects on Memory Retention and Transfer in Legal Professionals, Angela Mizell Dooley
Understanding Generosity at Military Colleges and Universities: Characteristics and Motivations of Major Donors at the Federal Service Academies and Senior Military Colleges, John Paul Dowd III
Boundary Stones: Morbid Concretions and the Chemistry of Early Nineteenth Century Medicine, Edward Allen Driggers Jr.
Food Security Status And Life Events Among Households With Children In The Midlands Of South Carolina, Erin Rebekah Drucker
A Grenade of Paper Flowers: A Collection of Poems, Melissa Dugan
Methods for Determining Grease Service Levels in an AH-64D Intermediate Gearbox Using On-Board Sensors, Travis Steven Edwards
Expanding the American Canon: A Conductor's Compendium of Black American Orchestral Composers, Nseobong Ekpo
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Dam and Levee Failure, Ezzat Youssef Elhassan Mohamed Elalfy
Iridium – Bismuth Carbonyl Cluster Complexes: New Directions for Chemistry and Selective Oxidation Catalysis, Gaya R. Elpitiya
Stars Collaged of Gases (Or, We Are Not Lonely Anymore), Josh English
Tree-Sway Frequency And The Turbulent Co-Spectral Gap In A Dense Canopy Environment, Katherine L. Ertell
Main Street, America: Histories of I-95, Mark T. Evans
Genetic and Epigenetic Variations in Asthma and Wheeze Illnesses, Todd M. Everson
Best Practice for a Standardized and Safe Registered Nurse Shift Handoff, Nancy Rankin Ewing
nD − PDPA: n Dimensional Probability Density Profile Analysis, Arjang Fahim
Commutator Studies in Pursuit of Finite Basis Results, Nathan E. Faulkner
Geographic Accessibility to Health Services and Neonatal Mortality Among Very Low Birthweight Infants in South Carolina, Portavia Featherstone
Facile Method for Large Scale Alignment of One Dimensional Nanoparticles and Its Biomedical Application, Sheng Feng
Hydroxy Polybenzimidazoles for High Temperature Fuel Cells and the Solution Polymerization of Polybenzimidazole, Kayley Fishel
Evaluating Muscle Fiber Architecture, Morgan Ashley Flahive
Eugene Debs and the Politics of Parrhesia, James P. Flynn
Maybe Mermaids and Robots Are Lonely: 40 Stories and a Novella, Matthew Fogarty
Beyond Ideals: Proslavery Reforms on a Nineteenth-Century Cotton Plantation, Kevin R. Fogle
A Hydrographic Climatology of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Alejandro Frank
Pathways Thinking as a Mediator between Positive Emotions and General Life Satisfaction in Middle School Students, Kathleen B. Franke
Optical Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Discrimination of Dyed Textile Fibers and Magnetic Audio Tapes, Nathan C. Fuenffinger
Metals on Titania/HOPG as Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts, Randima P. Galhenage
Metals on Titania/HOPG as Models for Heterogeneous Catalysts, Randima Piyumalie Galhenage
Processing of Garden-Path Sentences Containing Silent and Filled Pauses in Stuttered Speech: Evidence From a Comprehensive Study, Elena Galkina
National Register Nomination for St. James the Greater Catholic Mission, Diana Garnett
Psycholinguistics in Fluency Disorders: Prearticulatory Speech Planning In Stuttering and Cluttering, Emily O’Dell Garnett
An Investigation of a Culturally Responsive Approach to Science Education in a Summer Program for Marginalized Youth, Brittany A. Garvin
Optical Second Harmonic Generation in the BaTiO3 Phase on Magnetically Aligned Multiferroic Nanofibers, Katia Gasperi
Counterfeiting and Power in Invisible Man and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Matthew Gassan
Resurrectio Mortuorum: Plato’s Use of Ἀνάγκη in the Dialogues, Joshua B. Gehling
They Held Their Fists Up: The Myth of the Violent Black Panther and the Making of the Angola 3, Holly Genovese
Foundations of Memory: Effects of Organizations on the Preservation and Interpretation of the Slave Forts and Castles of Ghana, Britney Danielle Ghee
Drilled Shaft Skin Resistance Design in the Cooper Marl, William J. Gieser
Historical Violence and Modernist Form in Zoe Wicomb's David's Story, Kaelie Rianne Giffel
Exploring Culturally Relevant Teaching: Lessons from a Middle School Classroom, Kristen H. Gillaspy
A Botanical Survey of Native and Non-Native Species Along the Three Rivers Greenway in Columbia, South Carolina, Rebecca L. Givens
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Environmental Enrichment-Induced Neuroprotection in Vulnerability to Nicotine Addiction, Adrian Michael Gomez
Figure and Flora, Caleigh Eveleth Goold
The Fancy Trade and the Commodification of Rape in the Sexual Economy of 19th Century U.S. Slavery, Tiye A. Gordon
Application of Lubricants in the AH-64D Helicopter Gearboxes for Improvement of Condition-based Maintenance Practices, Kareem Moustafa Gouda
Potential Range Expansion of the Invasive Lionfish in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Brian Grieve
Absolving the Sin: Redemptive Feminine Figures in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue" and John Milton's Paradise Lost, Rory Griffiths
Absolving the Sin: Redemptive Feminine Figures in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue" and John Milton's Paradise Lost, Rory Griffiths
Applications of Organic Probes for Imaging and Analysis of Different Cancer Cell Models, Hong Guan
"This Is a Little Beauty": Preserving the Legacy of the Columbia Cottage, Kayla Boyer Halberg
Refinement and Pilot Testing Social Networks for Encouraging Healthy Behaviors: The Social Pounds Off Digitally (Social POD) Study, Sarah B. Hales
An Evidence-Based Approach to Prepare Interdisciplinary Team Members for Implementation of the ABCDE Bundle, Jessica Murner Hamilton
Two Pieces for Bassoon by Dan Welcher: a Guide to Performance and Analysis, Including a Survey of Welcher’s Chamber Music with Bassoon, Reed Aaron Hanna