Theses/Dissertations from 2016
G.I. Joe v. Jim Crow: Legal Battles Over Off-Base School Segregation Of Military Children In The American South, 1962-1964, Randall George Owens
How The European Union’s Criteria For Membership Move Public Opinion, Douglas Page
Depression among African American Midlife Women: Delineating the Role of Stress, Heather Page
Investigation Of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices For Radiation Detection Applications, Rahmi Orhon Pak
Divine Ideas for Metaphysical Realism, Michelle Lynn Panchuk
Exploring The Relationship Between Church Level Predictors Of Status And Obesity Risk In African American Women Of Faith, Kinjal Pandya
The Cultural Politics Of Affective Bureaucracy In Service Delivery To North Korean Refugees In South Korea, Seo Yeon Park
Polyphenols As Natural, Dual-Action Therapeutics For Alzheimer's Disease, Kayla M. Pate
Surface Chemistry And Transport Properties Of II-VI Semiconductor Nanowires, Pravin Paudel
The Unwritten Rules About Breaking The Rules: Collective Frames And The Legitimation Of Contested Practices Within Consumption Communities, Nicholas J. Pendarvis
Modeling and Loss Analysis of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices, Kang Peng
Miniaturized RF Components With A Novel Tunable Engineered Substrate For Wireless Communication Systems, Yujia Peng
The Effect of Arsenic on Type 2 Diabetes and Inflammation, Kayla Penta
The Impact Of The Choice Of The Item Response Theory Model Used In The Analysis Of Student Response Data From Statewide Educational Assessments, Maureen O’Gorman Petkewich
Radioactive Dixie: A History of Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste in the American South, 1950-1990, Caroline Rose Peyton
Ashley's Sister, Christina Phillips
Physics Based Modeling Of Guided Waves For Detection And Characterization Of Structural Damage In NDE and SHM, Banibrata Poddar
A Culture Of Commodification: Hemispheric And Intercolonial Migrations In The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, 1660-1807, Neal D. Polhemus
The Guitar and Hausmusik in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries, Jeremy Polley
Deciphering The Interacting Regions And Functions Of The RAD51D-Nono Protein Complex During DNA Damage Response, Latarsha Porcher
Demand And Supply Factors Affecting Maternal Healthcare Utilization Pattern In Nigeria, Dumbiri Joy Powell
On Becoming An Ecologically Conscious Social Worker: Exploring Professional Identities That Include A Response To The Environmental Crisis, Meredith C. F. Powers
From Near and Far: Utilization of In-Situ and Remotely Sensed Satellite Data From NASA and NOAA, Jessica Rochelle Price Sutton
Dosimetry, Activation, and Robotic Instrumentation Damage Modeling of the Holtec HI-STORM 100 Spent Nuclear Fuel System, C. Ryan Priest
Becoming South: Postmodern Southern Distinction, Melody Knight Pritchard
Investigation of Succinated Protein Turnover by Autophagy, Lydia Proctor
Development Of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Processor CO2 Capture From Flue Gas, Md. Atikur Rahman
Measuring Strategic Communications, Jeffrey A. Ranta
The Classical And The Christian: Tennyson's Grief And Spiritual Shift From "The Lotos-Eaters" To "Ulysses", Carleen Lara Miller Ratcliffe
Wireless Channel Modeling For Networks On Chips, William Rayess
Efficacious Uncertainty in Two Animal Texts: The Lives of Animals by J. M. Coetzee and "The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow)" By Jacques Derrida, Kristofer Jon Reed
Sounding Appalachian: /ai/ Monophthongization, Rising Pitch Accents, and Rootedness, Paul E. Reed
Bound Bodies: Book Use And The Early Modern Reader, 1450-1660, Emily Rendek
Development Of A Luminescent Polymer Sensor Array For The Discrimination Of Carboxylates And Further Improvements In A Solvent Programmable Polymer, William J. Richardson
Tarred and Floral: Femininity, Race, and the Abject in Bayou, Chalice Ritter
Developmental Trajectories of Working Memory From Age 6 Through 25 Years, Kristin L. Roberts
Healthcare Utilization And Expenditure Patterns Among Older Adults With Functional And Medical Decline, Ashley Shields Robertson
Physical Property Control In Core/Shell Inorganic Nanostructures For Fluorescence And Magnetic Targeting Applications, Stephen K. Roberts
Organizational Strategy Under Institutional Pluralism: A Latent Variable Analysis Of Institutional Effects On Organizational Behavior In The United States Pharmaceutical Industry, Thomas Christopher Robinson
Comparative Analysis Of Current Control Methods For Modular Multilevel Converters, Jordan D. Rogers
Examining The Effect Of Feminist Self-Labeling And Feminist Perspectives On Young Adults' Self-Efficacy, Tiffany L. Rogers
Enabling Studies to Optimize Biomaterials for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction, Eva Adriana Romito
Structural, Functional, And Behavioral Alterations To The Dopamine System In The Female HIV-1 Transgenic Rat, Robert Francis Roscoe Jr.
Paul Jacobs, Elliott Carter, And An Overview Of Selected Stylistic Aspects Of Night Fantasies, Alan Michael Rudell
The Influence Of Romantic Poetry On The Career And Music Of Nicolas Medtner, Denise Rudell
The Informational and Emotional Support Needs of Grandparents of Children with Pompe Disease, Natasha Lousie Rudy
The Prepared Flute: A Survey of its History, Techniques, and Repertoire, Stacey Lee Russell
Revealing Malicious Contents Hidden In The Internet, Muhammad Nazmus Sakib
Synthesis And Utility Of Bis-Urea Macrocycles As Nanoreactors And As Ligands For Metal Organic Materials, Sahan R. Salpage
Rational Design and Synthesis of Pt/Silica-Alumina Metal-Acid Bifunctional Catalysts, Jadid Ettaz Samad
Progesterone-Only Oral Contraceptive Pill, Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, and Stroke, Marsha Ema Samson
Neural And Behavioral Correlates of Planning During Vocal Motor Control, Stacey Jean Sangtian
Modern Estimation Problems in Group Testing, Md Shamim Sarker
Hume’s Practical Conciliation Of Science And Skepticism, Nathan I. Sasser
Exploratory Analysis Of PTSD Severity And Objective Measures Of Physical Activity Among Combat Veterans, Danny O. Sauceda
Promoting Progress to Assist Youth with Disordered Eating in School Mental Health, Bryn Elizabeth Schiele
Enhancing Parent-Child Communication and Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Through Mobile Technology: A Randomized Trial, Danielle E. Schoffman
Help-Seeking And Intimate Partner Violence Re-Victimization Of Sexual Minority And Heterosexual College Students, Andrew T. Schramm
A Phenomenological Examination Of How Student Army Veterans Describe Influencing Factors On Their Post-Service College Application, Aubrey L. Sejuit
Rediscovering Camden: The Preservation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield, Gary Sellick
The Influence of Fine Particulate Matter on Inflammatory Bowel Disease In South Carolina: An Ecological Analysis, Joshua Eric Sellner
Assessing individual transit vulnerability to nuisance flooding in the Charleston, SC area, Sumathee Selvaraj
Cdk8 and Cdk19 as Novel Regulators of BMP4 Induced EMT in Cancer, Anne Elizabeth Serrao
Elementary Special Education Resource Teachers’ Practices And Perceptions Of Curriculum-Based Measurement, Susan Brooks Seymour
Use Of Biochar-Ultrafiltration Membrane Processes For Removal Of Humic Acid, Vaibhavi Shankar
Mechanical Characterization of SICF-SICM Nuclear Fuel Cladding by a Novel Hydraulic Internal Pressurization Method, Kirill Shapovalov
Electrochemical Reduction Of Carbon Dioxide On Carbon Nanostructures: Defect Structures & Electrocatalytic Activity, Pranav Parag Sharma
An Investigation Of Mannequins’ Effect On Consumer Attitude And Intention, Hannah Shealy
Quantum Dot Metrics for Preparative Chemistry and Fluorescence Applications, Yi Shen
Who Are They ? A Case Study of Community Health Worker (CHW) Programs in Primary Health Care, Constance Renee Williams Shepard
The Repeated Name Penalty and the Overt Pronoun Penalty in Japanese, Shinichi Shoji
Some Extremal And Structural Problems In Graph Theory, Taylor Mitchell Short
How Technology Supported Teacher Behaviors Impact Student Outcomes: Results from a 1:1 Computing Initiative, James Siddall
The Influence of Wait Time Units on Patience in Intertemporal Choice, Rafay A. Siddiqui
Re-contacting Cancer Genetic Counseling Patients: Expectations of Patients and Physicians, Zoe Elizabeth Siegel
Applications Of Impedance Identification To Electric Ship System Control And Power Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation, Jonathan Siegers
The Last Gentlemen: Southern Conservative Superfluity and the Work of William Alexander Percy, Walker Percy, and Peter Taylor, William Matthew Simmons
Undocumented Students in Higher Education: How Liminal Legality Influences the College Experience, Michelle Simon
Multi-Symptom Management in Hospice Patients during End-of-Life Transition, Ashley N. B. Sirianni
Metafiction In Mourning: The Intersections Of Gender Performance And Postdictatorial Memory In Novels By Luisa Valenzuela, Clarice Lispector, And Diamela Eltit, Jennifer L. Slobodian
Finding Sanctuary In Sisterhood: A Middle School Literacy Group Critically Analyzes Race, Gender, And Size, Dywanna E. Smith
Examining Infant Health Outcomes Impacted By South Carolina's Regionalized System of Perinatal Care, Michael Grady Smith
Small Mud and Sand Filled Paleochannels Offshore Charleston, SC, Erin Smoak
The Relationship between Peer-Self Concept and Academic Self-Concept in Elementary Students: A Person-Oriented Perspective, Catherine Jorgensen Snyder
Reflections On The Current State Of Healthcare Transition for Young Adult Women With Turner Syndrome: Strategies For Facilitating Autonomy and Self-Management, Molly Elizabeth Snyder
Ultrathin Microporous Metal Oxide Coatings: Preparation by Molecular Layer Deposition, Characterization And Application, Zhuonan Song
Geospatial Modeling And Assessment Of The Environmentally Sensitive Lands In The Midwestern U.S., William M. SooHoo
Interactions Between HIV-1 TAT and Tumor Suppressor P53, Kristen Lane Spotts
Base Rates Of Cognitive And Academic Weaknesses, Allison L. Stafford
The Civil, Silent, and savage in Ishiguro's The Buried Giant, Alexander J. Steele
Enslaved Labor In The Gang and Task Systems: A Case Study In Comparative Bioarchaeology Of Commingled Remains, William D. Stevens
Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion In The Plane, Nicholas Michael Stiffler
Writing Practice: Invention And Pedagogy In Composition, Nathaniel Street
Influence of Thyroid Disorders On Pregnancy Outcomes, Brittany Sullivan
Chebyshev Inversion of the Radon Transform, Jared Cameron Szi
Modeling Embankment Breach Due To Overtopping, Ali Asghari Tabrizi
Mathematical Modeling Of Transport And Corrosion Phenomenon Inside High Temperature Molten Salt Systems, Bahareh Alsadat Tavakoli Mehrabadi