Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Relationships Between Law Enforcement Officer-Involved Vehicle Collisions And Other Police Behaviors, John Andrew Hansen
Novel Block Copolymer Architectures for Lithography-Relevant Self-Assembly, Jeffery Hakim Hayat
Evaluating the “Family-Centered” Approach of Pediatric Multidisciplinary Down Syndrome Clinics: A Parents’ Perspective, Devon A. Haynes
Industrial Robot Acceptance: Effects of Workforce Demographics and Establishing a Culture of Acceptance within Manufacturing Industry, Melissa M. Henderson
Mindfulness And Cognitive Aging, Elise J. Herndon
The Role of Ovarian Function in the Progression of Cachexia in the APCMIN/+ Mouse, Kimbell Louise Hetzler
Caring, Advocacy, and Collaboration: A Study of Teacher Empowerment, Effectiveness, and Career Satisfaction, Sylvia Satterfield Hodge
Situationism and the Promise of Virtue Ethics, Richard Barclay Holmes
Design and Development of a Ventilation Chamber for Testing Efficacy of Tracheal Stents, Caroline N. Horton
Testing An Ecological Model Of Parent Involvement In Head Start: A Replication Study, Rebecca C. Horwitz
A Work in Process: The Diligence Behind the Art, Marc Hurst
Material Considerations for Development of 3D Printed Bronchial and Tracheal Stents, Nidah M. Hussain
Chemical Processes Governing The Equilibrium Between Organic and Inorganic Carbon: Probing The Mechanisms of Iron Catalyzed Reactive Oxygen Species Production, Joy Kelechi Ihekweazu
Community Development and Development in Communities: Challenges to the Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Ordinance, Max Adriel Imberman
Confluence of Density Currents Over an Erodible Bed, Hassan Ismail
III-V Nitride Based Microcantilever Heaters for Unique Multimodal Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds at Low Temperature, Ifat Jahangir
U.S. Collegiate Athletics: International Student Athletes Recruiting Process, Evelyn S. Jara
Neutrino and Antineutrino Induced Meson Production, Libo Jiang
Middle School Students' Perceptions of Fairness and Trust in Assessment Scenarios, Corinne Elaine Jimenez
Development of Highly Active and Stable Hybrid Cathode Catalyst for PEMFCs, Won Suk Jung
H. Villa-Lobos' Concerto Para Piano E Orquestra N. 4: A Stylistic Analysis, Vicente Della Tonia Junior
The Trialectics Of Transnational Migrant Women’s Literature In The Writing Of Edwidge Danticat And Julia Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn Karash-Eastman
Spatial Analysis and Correlates of Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking among College Students in the United States, Frederick Richard Kates
What Do We Know About Technical Assistance? Enhancing the Science and Practice of Technical Assistance via a Research Synthesis, Jason S. Katz
Group Social Skills Interventions for Children with Aspergers: The Effects of Parent-Guided Social Skills Software, Ryan M. Kelly
A Qualitative Study of the Massage Therapy Foundation's Best Practices Symposium: Clarifying Definitions and Creating a Framework for Practice, Ann Blair Kennedy
Support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Adolescent Access to Condoms and Contraceptions in South Carolina, Sarah H. Kershner
Selective Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Site Hy Zeolite-supported Rhodium Complexes and their use as Catalysts for Ethylene Hydrogenation and Dimerization, Konstantin Khivantsev
Inquiry-Based Teaching in the College Classroom: The Nontraditional Student, Daniel A. Kiernan
Representation of Affect from FMRI Data as a Function of Stimulus Modality And Judgment Task, Jongwan Kim
Olivier Messiaen’s COULEURS DE LA CITÉ CÉLESTE: A Conductor’s Guide, Michael Thomas King
The Moderating Role of Karma in the Relationship Between Other-Gain vs. Self-Gain Appeal Frames and Charitable Giving, Katina Kulow
The Sensory Environments of Civil War Prisons, Evan A. Kutzler
Institutional Adaptation and Drought Management in the Carolinas, Kirsten Lackstrom
Avoiding Doubled Words in Strings of Symbols, Michael Lane
A Survey of the Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithm as Applied to a Multicellular System, Michael Richard Laughlin
Factors Influencing Level of Implementation of Physical Activity Interventions in Youth-Serving Organizations, Yuen Yan Lau
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Parents of a Child or Children Diagnosed with Deafness, David Patrick Leach
Preservice Physical Education Teacher’s Value Orientations across the Student Teaching Semester, Heesu Lee
Frank Martin's Arranged Works for Flute: Sonata Da Chiesa and Deuxieme Ballade, Jessica Dixon Leeth
Supramolecular Coordination Networks of s- and f-Block Metals Featuring the 1,8-Naphthalimide Tecton, Andrew Paul Leitner
Promoting HPV Vaccination for Male Young Adults: Effects of Social Influence, Wan Chi Leung
The Interplay Between Personality And Structure: How Do Actors With Differing Social Values Behave In Economic Exchange?, Patricia Danielle Lewis
The Political Economy of Property Rights In China: Local Officials, Incentive Structure, And Private Enterprises, Ingrid Yingxia Li
The Subjective Warrant for Teaching Physical Education in South Carolina, Matthew Blake Lineberger
Bottomfeeders, William Linn
Community-Level Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life Among Older Adults, Yu-Hsiu Lin
Statistical Power in Meta-Analysis, Jin Liu
Student Conduct Codes at Religious Affiliated Institutions: Fostering Growth, Emily Longshore
Wavelet Analysis of Periodic Error in Heterodyne Interferometry, Chao Lu
Interpregnancy Weight Change and Adverse Maternal Outcomes, Chelsea Lynes
Low-Dose Stimulant Treatment During Periadolescence in a FASD Model: Interactions Among the Catecholamines, Victoria Macht
Examination of the Association of Receipt of Opioid Therapy and Lung Cancer Patient Survival Rates among South Carolina Medicaid Recipients, Jametta Sade Magwood
Experimental Study of Longitudinal Sorting of Particles Differing in Size and Density, Nabila Mahjabeen
Experimental Study of Longitudinal Sorting of Particles Differing in Size and Density, Nabila Mahjabeen
Neural Correlates of Verb Argument Structure Processing, Svetlana Malyutina
Defect Characterization of 4H-SIC by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and Influence of Defects on Device Performance, Mohammad Abdul Mannan
Impact of Formulation and Processing Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Magadiite/Elastomer Composites, Yating Mao
Proxy Development and Application for Reconstructing the Surface Ocean Carbonate System, Brittney J. Marshall
H. Leslie Adams' Twenty-Six Etudes for Solo Piano: A Performance and Stylistic Analysis, Aaron Balthazar Mathews
Decision-Making Processes of Judges in Family Court: An Investigation of Salient Features Relating to Termination of Parental Rights Hearings, Jennifer G. May
Revival of the Fittest: A Return to Writer Subjectivity in Composition, Ashley McClary
Using Geographical Information Systems to Investigate Access to School Mental Heath Services, Heather L. McDaniel
The Social Determinants of Success: The Effect of Status, Framing, and Group Membership on Test Scores, Jennifer L. McLeer
Exploring Racial Literacy in Middle Level Teacher Preparation: a Case Study, Deborah H. McMurtrie
The Essence of Alternative Education: A Phenomenological STudy of the Lived Experiences of At-Risk Secondary Alternative School Students, LaTunya Glenn Means
Profiles of African American College Students’ Risky Behaviors: General and Culturally-Specific Stress and Social Support as Factors of Risk and Resilience?, Isha Walwina Metzger
Unacknowledged Victims: Love between Women in the Narrative of the Holocaust. An Analysis of Memoirs, Novels, Film and Public Memorials, Isabel Meusen
Building Capacity Through the Use of a Strategic Prevention Framework System In Communities, Duncan Meyers
Redneckaissance: Honey Boo Boo, Tumblr, and the Stereotype of Poor White Trash, Ashley F. Miller
Bacterial Communication and its Role as a Target for Nanoparticle-Based Antimicrobial Therapy, Kristen Publicover Miller
Assessing The Magnitude and Impact of Seawater/Pore Water Exchange in Salt Marsh Systems, Carrie Lee Milliken
Knowing in America: The Enlightenment, Science, and the Early Republic, Timothy K. Minella
Integration of Impulse-Variability Theory and the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Children's Multijoint Ballistic Skill Performance, Sergio Lupe Molina
On the Trade Winds of Faith: Puritan Networks in the Making of an Atlantic World, Rachel L. Monroy
Making the Irrational Rational: Nietzsche and the Problem of Knowledge in Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Brendan Mooney
Invective Drag: Talking Dirty in Catullus, Cicero, Horace, and Ovid, Casey Catherine Moore
Investigating Construct Validity of the Cyber--Peer Experiences Questionnaire, Kendall Moore
Molecules and Metals in the Distant Universe: Sub-MM and Optical Spectroscopy of Quasar Absorbers, Sean Stephen Morrison
Empirical Connections Between the Construct of Value, the Quality of Stability, and the Construct of Regret, William Samuel Morris Jr.
The King’s Cabinet Splintered: The Impact of Digital Mediation on The Kings Cabinet Opened, Travis A. Mullen
Impact of Ocean Acidification on Aphotic Biogeochemical Production of Reactive Oxygen Species, Sarah Ann Murphy
Tropes of Blood, Body And The Ground of The Law: Becoming, Being And Beyond Wife On The Early Modern Stage, Emily Faye Murray
Modification of Nanoparticles for Designed Interfaces, Tony Lee Neely, Jr.
Comparing the Geography of Environmental Justice Guidelines, Fish Consumption Waterbodies, and Land Use/Land Cover in South Carolina, Matthew James Neet
Do Discipline Style and Parenting Self-Efficacy Interact to Predict Observed Child Behavior? Outcomes from a Representative Sample of Mothers with Young Chilren, Emily Noel Neger
By Word of Mouth: A Qualitative Approach to Understanding the Integration of Preventive Dental Health in Primary Care Settings, Joni D. Nelson
Institutional Resilience Along The Mississippi Gulf Coast in The Context of Pre- And Post-Hurricane Katrina, Khai Hoan Nguyen