Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Classification Of Natural Phytoplankton Populations With Fluorescence Excitation-Based Imaging Multivariate Optical Computing, Shawna Kathleen Tazik
A History Of The Plagal-Amen Cadence, Jason Terry
Influence Of Built Environment On Physical Activity Outcomes Among African Americans In Community-Based Obesity Intervention Studies, Amanda Sue Thomas
Exclusive π− Electroproduction off the Neutron in Deuterium in the Resonance Region, Ye Tian
Understanding Conceptualizations and Structural Environment for Improving Pre-Pregnancy Planning for Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Harare, Zimbabwe, Chiwoneso Beverley Tinago
Enhancing The Efficacy Of Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors By Genetic Modulation Or Pharmacological Inhibition Of Bone Marrow Derived Cells In The Tumor Stroma, Nikeya LaShanna Tisdale
Bayesian Semiparametric Quantile Regression for Clustered Data, Xin Tong
Empowering The Enemy: The Cold War And The East-West Battle For Information Superiority, 1945 - 1969, Stan Trembach
Measurement of New Observables from the π + π - Electroproduction off the Proton, Arjun Trivedi
Frequency of Colonoscopy Surveillance in Average-Risk Adults Relative to Guideline Recommendations, Meng-Han Tsai
Articulating the Balance of Power: Comparing the Relative Weights of Human Capital Resources and Organizational Capabilities, Michael D. Ulrich
Three Essays On Institutional Sensemaking Of Political Connectedness, Tolga Ulusemre
In the Belly of the Whale: Archive and Access in Melville’s Moby-Dick, Garrett Urban
Characterization Of 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate Reductoisomerase (Dxr) From Vibrio Vulnificus, Nikita K. Ussin
Ultra-High Temperature Full Field Deformation Measurements Of Materials Subjected To Thermo-Mechanical Loading: A DIC Based Study, Guillemo A. Valeri Paoli
Decorative Turkey Callmakers: Artists or Craftsmen, Lauren E. Virgo
The “Forgotten Man” of Washington: the Pershing Memorial and the Battle over Military Memorialization, Andrew S. Walgren
Uncertainty Quantification In Computational Catalysis, Eric Alan Walker
Semiparametric Estimation Methods For Complex Accelerated Failure Time Model, Yinding Wang
Regression Models for Count Data Based on the Double Poisson Distribution, Rebecca Wardrop
The Undiagnosed Patient and The Diagnostic Odyssey: Current Genetic Counseling Practices and Perspectives, Amelia Cordell Wardyn
Creating and Implementing Community-Based Performance Programs: A Guide for the Applied Studio Teacher, Lauren Watkins
Most Recommended Choral Music: A Survey Of High School State Choral Festival Repertoire Lists, James B. Watson
Factors Influencing The Collagen Fiber Angle Distribution in The Mouse Aorta, Shana Roach Watson
The Reflected-Shifted-Truncated-Gamma Distribution for Negatively Skewed Survival Data with Application to Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome, Sophia D. Waymyers
Information Heterogeneity and Economic Voting: A Cross-National Analysis, Chia-yin Wei
Contextualizing Classroom Behavior In Low-Income Children With High Behavioral Self-Regulation Relative To Peers, Hall Sprott West
Development of a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Cycle for CO2 Capture From Flue Gas Using a 4-Bed PSA Apparatus, Joshua White
Nothing is the Matter with Kansas: White Southern Exceptionalism in American Politics, Paul White Jr.
Three Dimensional Thermobaric Modeling of A Gas Hydrate System, Amanda Quigley Williams
The Influence of ADHD Symptoms and Social Impairment on Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in 8- to 10-year-old Children, Danielle Brooke Willis
Cut Purses and Poisoned Paintings: Resisting Gender Objectification, Meredith N. Will
Proslavery Thinking In Antebellum South Carolina: Higher Education, Transatlantic Encounters, And The Life Of The Mind, Jamie Diane Wilson
Chlor-Amidine, A Novel PAD Inhibitor, As An Effective Drug For The Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis And Prevention Of Colorectal Cancer, Erin Witalison
Yiddish and Relation To The German Dialects, Bryan Witmore
The Role of Epidermal Stem/Progenitor-Like Cells In HPV-Mediated Pre-Neoplastic Transformation, Yvon L. Woappi
The Choral Music of Keaton Lee Scott With A Conductor’s Analysis Of Requiem, Damion Womack
Solving Atomic Structures using Statistical Mechanical Searches on X-ray Scattering Derived Potential Energy Surfaces, Christopher James Wright
Understanding The Call of Social Justice Advocacy: A Phenomenological Study of High School Counselors, Leonis S. Wright
Frailty Probit Models for Clustered Interval-Censored Failure Time Data, Haifeng Wu
Registration and Clustering of Functional Observations, Zizhen Wu
Understanding The Activity Of Model Catalyst Surfaces: Ultrahigh Vacuum And Atmospheric Pressure Studies, Kangmin Xie
Spatio-Temporal Analysis Of The Occupational Fatal Victimization Of Law Enforcement Officers In The US, Xueyi Xing
The Impact Of Deinstitutionalization On Murders Of Law Enforcement Officers, Xueyi Xing
Modeling of Structural Relaxation By A Variable-Order Fractional Differential Equation, Su Yang
Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Panel Count Data and Interval-Censored Failure Time Data, Bin Yao
Techno Economical Analysis of Solid Oxide Iron-Air Redox Battery for Power Generation and Energy Storage, Farzana Yasmeen
Colonialism Unraveling: Race, Religion, And National Belonging In Santo Domingo During The Age Of Revolutions, Charlton W. Yingling
Race, Place, And Access To Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder In South Carolina, Marissa E. Yingling
The Roots Of Perspective In The American Context: News Media Discourse And Stakeholder Perspectives About The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Nicholas Younginer
Conduct Problems and Student Engagement in the Classroom: Parenting Practices, Lauryn A. Young
Renewable Bio-Based Intermediates, Monomers And Polymeric Materials From Plant Oils, Liang Yuan
Numerical Modeling Of Heat Transfer And Material Flow During Friction Extrusion Process, Hongsheng Zhang
Public Perceptions Of Genetically Modified Food On Social Media: A Content Analysis Of Youtube Comments On Videos, Nanlan Zhang
Sample Size Calculation For PH Mixture Cure Model, Yihong Zhan
A Hierarchical Framework for Phylogenetic and Ancestral Genome Reconstruction on Whole Genome Data, Lingxi Zhou
Remembering Salinger's Franny And Zooey Through Pari And The Royal Tenenbaums, Taraneh Zohadi
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Teacher Perception of Promoting Student Engagement Among Culturally Diverse Students Through the Use of Culturally Relevant Strategies, Ivey Pearl Addison
Global Methylation of DNA Among Spartina Alterniflora Clones Differing in Age at North Inlet, SC, Trenton Agrelius
Bio-Inspired Design of Mechanical Band Pass Sensor with the Ability to Scavenge Energy, Md Riaz Uddin Ahmed
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Environmental and Policy Assessment – Measurement Issues and Implications, Rahma Jamea Yousef Ajja
Evaluating Changes in Patient Anxiety Regarding Classic Cancer Genetic Testing Versus Expanded Multiplex Cancer Genetic Testing, Andrew Todd Alfonso
An Integrative Model of Muslim Students' Religiosity and Travelling Behavior to Gaming Destinations, Dawood Sulaiman Al Jahwari
A Survey of the Career of Baritone, Josef Metternich: Artist and Teacher, Diana Carol Amos
Vocational Readiness: The Effect of Pre-Prison and Incarceration-Based Trauma on Cognitive Appraisals and Self-Perceptions of Incarcerated Women, Joi Dykes Anderson
An Exploration of the Genetic Counselor-Patient Relationship Following a Life-limiting Prenatal Diagnosis, Sabrina Anderson
Exploring Communication Patterns in the Discussion of Maternal PKU Syndrome Between Parents and Daughters, Hannah Beth Andrews
Mobile Home Resident Perspectives on Preparedness, Protective Action, and Evacuation for Tornado Hazards, Kevin D. Ash
Extensive Genome Rearrangements of Caulobacter K31 and Genomic Diversity of type B3 Bacteriophages of Caulobacter Crescentus, Kurt Taylor Ash
Environmental Exposures And Childhood Pulmonary Function, Pallavi Prakash Balte
Defining the Effects of GDF-2 on TGFB Signaling in Tumorigenic Epithelial Cells, Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay
Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Among Frontline Staff and Patient Satisfaction: Evidence from Community Health Centers in South Carolina, Ashley Lynn Barnes
Examining the Sensitivity of Surface Chlorophyll to Upwelling Events of Variable Frequency in the California Current System, John Thomas Bartlett
Gestalt Principles in Ligeti’s Piano Etude “Desordre”, David William Batchelor
Telling a Different Narrative: Exploring the Values and Challenges of Performing Enslaved Community Members’ Stories at U.S. Southern Plantation Museums, Stefanie Kate Benjamin
Hypertension Health Behavior Change and Older Adults: the effect of an Appreciative Education Approach, Mary Katherine Benya
MAP Kinase Signaling in Plant Responses to Biotic Stress, Carlton James Bequette
Post-Fall Decision Making Among Older Women Living in Continuing Care Retirement Communities: A Mixed Methods Study, Caroline D. Bergeron
"Very Many More Men than Women": A Study of the Social Implications of Diagnostics at the South Carolina State Hospital, Clara Elizabeth Bertagnolli
HIV-1 and Cocaine: Motivation and Synaptic Function, Sarah J. Bertrand
eCPAT: Development and Testing of Mobile Technology to Engage Youth in Active Living Policy, Systems, and Environmental Health Promotion Efforts, Gina M. Besenyi
Brand Positioning Map and Analysis Using Web Scraping and Advertisement Analysis, Surya Bhatt
Association between Electronic Prescribing among Ambulatory Care Providers and Adverse Drug Event Hospitalizations in Older Adults, Grishma Patel Bhavsar
The Syntax-Space Effect, Timothy W. Boiteau
Of Wilderness, Forest, and Garden: An Eco-Theory of Genre in Middle English Literature, Barbara L. Bolt
The Effects of Elevated Circulating Levels of Lipocalin 2 on Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer, John Gerard Bonapart