Theses/Dissertations from 2015
In the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Dialogic Approach to Police Legitimacy, Justin Nix
Criminology on Crimes Against Humanity: A North Korean Case Study, Megan Alyssa Novak
Negotiating The Interconnections of Sociality, Identity, Fan Activism And Connectivity Within The Twilight Community, Amy A. O’Brien
Physical Activity and Breast Cancer in South Carolina, Chisom Onyeuku
The Influence of Academic and Social Self-Concept on College Student Withdrawal, Elizabeth Orehovec
Antecedents of Adolescents' Hope: Personality, Parental Attachment, and Stressful Life Events, Kristin L. Otis
Carl Friedrich Zelter’s Kantate Auf Den Tod Friedrichs: An Historical Overview, Conductor’s Guide, And Modern Edition, Dustin C. Ousley
The Role of Intermembrane Space Redox Factors In Glutathione Metabolism And Intracellular Redox Equilibrium, Hatice Kubra Ozer
The Relationship of The Mediterranean Diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Style Diet With Cardiometabolic Health, Yong-Moon Park
Addressing Disparity: one Unique School’s Efforts to Provide Holistic Education in a low-income, Black Community, Allison Anne Parsons
Tipping the Balance of Double-Strand Break Repair in Cells Modeling Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, Andrew Robert Patrick
The Influence of Self-Reported Degree of Masculinity/Femininity on Condom Use Among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Deep South, Elizabeth D. Peeler
Correlations Between White Matter Integrity, Structural Connectivity, And Upper and Lower Extremity Motor Function in Individuals With Chronic Stroke, Denise M. Peters
Dissolved and Particulate Phosphorus Distributions and Elemental Stoichiometry Throughout the Chukchi Sea, Meryssa Piper
Maternal Obesity, Gestational Weight Gain And Offspring’s Asthma, Kristen Polinski
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Fatness Effect on Submaximal Systolic Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prognosis among Young Adults, Vivek Kumar Prasad
Detrital Zircon Analysis of the Taza-Guercif Basin and the Adjacent Rif and Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco and X-Ray Fluorescence Chemofacies Analysis of the Maness Shale of East Texas, Jonathan Richard Pratt
Goal Achievement in Young Adults with Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism, Melissa Racobaldo
High-Content Screening in Zebrafish Embryos Identifies Abamectin as a Potent Neurotoxicant, Tara Diane Raftery
Teachers’ Observations of 2-Year-Old Children’s Musical Vocalizations Elicited by Purposeful Silence Techniques, Kathryn Ward Reardon
Reliability of Subjective Well-Being Measures in Middle School Students, Hannah Reckhart
Patient And Provider Characteristics And Practice Patterns of Primary Care Physicians Of Weight-Related Counseling, Kolby T. Redd
Economic Losses and Extreme Tornado Events, Rachel Reeves
The Domestic Adoption of International Human Rights Law: the Roles of Regional and National High Courts in Latin America, Rebecca Ann Reid
The Association of Gender, Age, and Coping with Internalizing Symptoms in Youth with Sickle Cell Disease, Laura Reinman
Anxiety and Autism Symptomology On Social Skills in Young Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, Debra L. Reisinger
The Effects of Environmental Consciousness and Menu Information on Consumers’ Perceptions of Restaurant Image and Purchase Behavior Related to Local Foods, Daniel A.G. Remar
Sleep Extension and Stable Sleep Schedules in Older Adults, Alexandria M. Reynolds
Quantification of the Effect of Tool Geometric Features on Aspects of Friction Stir Welding, Md. Reza-E-Rabby
Intercode Advanced Fuels and Cladding Comparison Using BISON, FRAPCON, and FEMAXI Fuel Performance Codes, Aaren Rice
Nurses Utilizing the V.O.I.C.E.S. HIV Prevention Intervention in the Black Church Community, Jason Richard
Development of Computer Simulation Model for Urban Region Using Xp-Swmm in Savannah, Georgia, Matthew Dale Ricks
Species Responses to Climate Change and Environmental Heterogeneity: a Multi-Focal Approach, Megan Riley
Randomized Control Study of Neurofeedback With College Students With ADHD, Alycia M. Roberts
Academic/Success Coaching: A Description of an Emerging Field in Higher Education, Claire E. Robinson
The Role of Effortful Control And Cortisol In The Emergence of ADHD, ASD, And Anxiety In Boys With FXS, Marissa L. Robinson
Investigation of Modular Multilevel Converter Performance under Non-Ideal Distribution System Conditions, Rostan Rodrigues
La Reconstrucción De Significado En Doña Perfecta De Galdós, Benjamin D. Rodriguez
Women in Hypermasculine Environments: An Analysis of Gender Dynamics in the Heavy Metal Subculture, Anna Sheree Rogers
Three Essays in Banking: Corporate Governance, Internationalization, and Government Bailouts, Raluca A. Roman
Toward the Combinatorial Limit Theory of free Words, Danny Rorabaugh
The Relationship Between the Faculty's Perception of the Principal's Instructional Leadership Behavior and Principal Personality Characteristic, W. Burke Royster Jr.
TREAT, Leeanna Rubin
Counterfeiters, Brandon Rushton
Engineered 3D Microenvironments to Direct Osteogenic Differentiation and Modulate Inflammation, Katherine Elizabeth Rutledge
Examining the Impact of Offshoring and Level of Preparer Judgment on the Audit Review Process, Kristen Kelli Saunders
Crabgrass Piety: The Rise of Megachurches and the Suburban Social Religion, 1960-2000, Nathan Joseph Saunders
Dietary Patterns and Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness in African-American and European-American Men, Lara Ryan Schneider
The Meaning of Place Recovery on The Mississippi Gulf Coast, Ronald L. Schumann, III
Survival: A Teach for America Memoir, Christopher Neal Schumerth
Destination Hong Kong: Negotiating Locality in Hong Kong Novels 1945-1966, Xianmin Shen
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Growth Curves: A Method to Improve Prostate Cancer Screening, Azza Shoaibi
Establishing the Microcrustacean Daphnia as a Model System for Research on Aging, Charles Andrew Shumpert
Cannabinoid-mediated Epigenetic Regulation of Immune Functions, Jessica Margaret Sido
The Effect of 3D Collagen Scaffolds on Regulating Cellular Responses, Chad Simmons
Authentic Relationship Management to Heighten Control Mutuality in Social Media, Diana Catherine Sisson
Ammonium Concentrations Above a Louisiana Sugarcane Field, Wesley Robert Skeeter
Exploring Listwise Deletion and Multilevel Multiple Imputation in Linear Two-Level Organizational Models, Whitney Flemming Smiley
Trees, Partitions, and Other Combinatorial Structures, Heather Christina Smith
Working Memory in Children with Neurocognitive Effects from Sickle Cell Disease: Contributions of the Central Executive And Processing Efficiency, Kelsey Erin Smith
Eye Movements of Individuals with Aphasia During Reading and Scene Viewing, Kimberly G. Smith
Novel Drug 2-benzoyl-3-phenyl 6,7-dichloroquinoxaline 1,4-dioxide Induces Colon Cancer Cell Apoptosis Through HIF-1α Pathway, Alexander-Jacques Theodore Sougiannis
Patterns of Selection Amongst Dengue Virus Serotypes and Efficacy of Computational Epitope Prediction Applications, April Christina Hall South
H.P. Lovecraft & The French Connection: Translation, Pulps and Literary History, Todd David Spaulding
Tactical Encounters:Material Rhetoric and the Politics of Tactical Media, Anthony Michael Stagliano
“Tal Vez Sueña De Estas Cosas/ Maybe He Dreams Of These Things:” Envisioning Possibilities for Multilingual Learners in the Culturally Responsive Rural Classroom, Evelyn Spradley Stockdale
And Have Not Mercy, I Am Waiting: Conscious Inaction as Postcolonial Resistance in Patrick Kavanagh's "The Great Hunger" and Derek Walcott's "The Fortunate Traveller", Christopher Lowell Stuck
Campus Knowledge of eSports, Kenny Sugishita
Complexity in Overmarsh Circulation, Jessica Chassereau Sullivan
Technology Development and Characterization of AIInN/GaN HEMTs for High Power Application, Mahbuba Sultana
Dual-Band Non-Stationary Channel Modeling for the Air-Ground Channel, Ruoyu Sun
Changing Cigarette Consumption Patterns and their Relationship to Tobacco Control Policies in a Population of Low-Intensity Smokers, Santosha Kamala Swayampakala
Cluster Analysis with Batch Effect, Yifan Tang
Exploring Birthparent’s Experiences of Creating an Adoption Plan for Their Children with Special Needs, Sanjukta Tawde
A Qualitative Study of Street Smarts Among African American Male High School Dropouts: Implications for School Counselors, Charlette Taylor
Self-Determination Theory and Wellness Tourism: How Do Wellness Facilities Contribute to Wellbeing?, Karen I. Thal
Characterization of the SufC ATPase during Fe-S Cluster Assembly by the Suf Pathway in Escherichia coli, Khaleh Mykel Thomas
General Strain Theory and Bullying Victimization: Do Parental Support and Control Alleviate the Negative Effects of Bullying, Jonathon Thompson
Investigating the Decision-Making of Response to Intervention (RtI) Teams Within the School Setting, Scott M. Thur
Guided Wave Based Integrated Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation, Zhenhua Tian
Creating The Self: Women Artists In Twentieth-Century Fiction, Bethany Dailey Tisdale
Behavioral And Heart-Defined Attention in Infants at High Genetic Risk for Autism, Bridgette L. Tonnsen
Sustainable Polymeric Materials Derived from Novel Soybean Based Monomers and Polymers: From Synthesis to Applications, Nathan Trenor
The Role of Self-Efficacy in Mediating the Effect of Physical Activity on Adolescent Depression, Nevelyn N. Trumpeter
Graphene Based Heterojunctions for Nano-Electronic and Sensing Applications, Md A. Uddin
A Multiphysics Modeling of Solid Oxide Metal-Air Redox Battery, Md Ahsan Uddin
Assessment of Classifiers for Potential Voice-Enabled Transportation Apps, Md Majbah Uddin
Predictive Methods for End of Life Prognosis in Composites, Vamsee Vadlamudi
The Lonely Empire, Andrew Valencia