Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Statewide Scale-up of Group Prenatal Care in South Carolina, Kristin M. Van De Griend
Framing Death: Politics, Meaning, and the Strategic Communication of Organ Donation Messages in South Carolina, Jeremy T. VanderKnyff
Regulation of Stress Response and Innate Immunity by DSRNA-Binding Proteins PACT and TRBP, Lauren S. Vaughn
Factors Contributing to Interannual Variability in the Abundance of Bay Anchovy (Anchoa Mitchilli) Larvae, Steven B. Vega Jr.
Longitudinal Study of the Effectiveness of the South Carolina Medicaid Policy for the Application of Fluoride Varnish for Children Age Three and Under, Christine N. Veschusio
Surface Modification of Nanodiamond and Its Incorporation in Nanodiamond/Peek Nanocomposites, Zahidul Wahab
Fast Methods for Variable-Coefficient Peridynamic and Non-Local Diffusion Models, Che Wang
Three Essays on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, He Wang
Three Essays in Finance, Liying Wang
In Situ IR Spectroscopic Investigation of Noble Metal Catalysts Related to the Reduction of Automotive Exhaust Emissions, Zhiyong Wang
Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Association with Health Risks Among African American Adults, Tatiana Y. Warren-Jones
The Relationship between Religiousness and Intimate Partner Violence Risk and Protective Factors, Peter Warren
Unexpected and Interrupted Transitions Among Newly Licensed Registered Nurses: Perspectives of Nurse Managers and Preceptors, Sheri S. Webster
Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy and Gestational Weight Gain in South Carolinian Mothers, 2009-2011, LaQuenta Latreese Weldon
A Taste For Things: Sensory Rhetoric Beyond The Human, Justine Beatrice Wells
Patient and Provider Perceptions of Weight Gain, Physical Activity, and Nutrition in Pregnancy, Kara M. Whitaker
Variant Reclassification in Cancer Genetic Testing: Are Genetic Counselors Prepared? A Review of Current Practices, Niamh Gemma White
Design of Experiments Analysis of Non-Standard Inputs for the Optimization of Friction Stir Welding, Ryan Widejko
Novel Sustainable Polymers Derived from Renewable Rosin and Fatty Acids, Perry Wilbon
Exploring How the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death is Discussed in Families with a Diagnosis of a SADS Condition, Kristin Anne Wiley
InN NEMS and Heterojunction Devices For Sensing Applications, Alina Wilson
Cameron Decomposition Applied to Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Signature Detection, Sean Wininger
Making La Ciudad Blanca: Race, Region, and Reconstruction in Nation Building Bolivia, Caleb Wittum
A Comparison of the Factor Structure of the Short Form Liberal Feminist Attitude and Ideology Scale (LFAIS) for Women and Men in a University Survey, V. Diane Woodbrown
Two-Dimensional Transient Spectroscopy Measuring Heterogeneity in Electronic and Rotational Dynamics, Haorui Wu
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Take Action: Making Goals Happen Curriculum, Kelly Wulf
Exploring the Association between Network, Cognitive, Structural Social Capital and the Risk of Clinical Depression in Taiwan, Yun-Hsuan Wu
Frailty, Famine, and Plague: Crisis Mortality in Medieval London, Samantha Lee Yaussy
Modeling and Computations of Cellular Dynamics Using Complex-fluid Models, Jia Zhao
Bayesian Semi- and Non-parametric Analysis for Spatially Correlated Survival Data, Haiming Zhou
Propagated image Segmentation Using Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation based Methods, Youjie Zhou
Thin Film Based Biocompatible Sensors for Physiological Monitoring, Yihao Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Isolation of Natural Nrf2 Activators from American Ginseng, Akrm Abdalrahman
Ultrasonics Transduction in Metallic and Composite Structures for Structural Health Monitoring Using Extensional and Shear Horizontal Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Ayman Kamal Abdelrahman
Numerical Modeling of Free Surface Flows Using Depth Averaged and 3D Models, Khaled Mamdouh Mohamed Abdo
Development of a Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for CO2 Capture from Flue Gas Using Solid Amine Sorbents, Anahita Abdollahi Govar
Before They Were Red Shirts: The Rifle Clubs of Columbia, South Carolina, Andrew Abeyounis
Molecular Mechanisms of Gap Junction Regulation by the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase WWP1, Measho Hagos Abreha
Classification of Low Velocity Impactors Using Spiral Sensing of Acousto-Ultrasonic Waves, Chijioke Agbasi
Hepatitis B, C Virus and HIV Co-infection Among Reported Female Cases in South Carolina, 2004 - 2011: An Epidemiological Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes, Afiba Manza-Azele Agovi
On the electrovacuum solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell system in General Relativity, Nelson Camilo Posada Aguirre
Applications of Electromagnetic Principles in the Design and Development of Proximity Wireless Sensors, Md Nazmul Alam
The Effect of Winning Football and League Affiliation on Academic Achievement in the SouthEastern Conference (SEC) Does Winning Football and Conference Improve Student Related Academic Indicators ?, A. Wayne Alexander II
Genes Mediating Cardiac Remodeling During Pregnancy and the Early Post-Partum-Period in Mice, Esam Aljrbi
Grand Prix: A Trainer's Guide to Show Ring Success, Lauren Rebecca Allen
Metformin Arrests Growth and Induces Apoptosis of Neuroblastoma Cells, Nadia Al-Sammarraie
Practical Concurrency Support for Web Service Transactions, Emad Alsuwat
Collaborative Costume Design, April Emily Andrew
Determinants of Cross-Country Differences in the Equity Risk Premium: A Cross-Sectional Analysis, William John Arant
The Effects of SNMP-2 Gene Expression on Mating Discrimination in Male Drosophila Melanogaster, Kristen Taylor Ashourian
Impact of Multi-Hospital System Organizational Structure on Financial Performance and Quality of Care in Rural Hospitals, George Raul Audi
Cost Avoidance Analysis of Military Aircraft Components Utilizing Condition-Based Maintenance Practices, Erin Ballentine
Insular Serbia and Globalization, Alexander Luis Barnes
When Do Political Ideologies Affect Brand Extension Evaluation? The Role of Analytic Versus Holistic Mindsets, Cristobal Barra
Conflicted Union: Culture, Economics and European Union Media Policy, Daphney Pernola Barr
Bluefield, Jennifer Sharain Bartell
BIBIMBAP: Identity Construction in Korean Third Culture Kids During Higher Education, Megan I. Beard
Pioneering Women of Southern Education: A Comparative Study of Northern and Southern School Founders, Sharon Ferguson Beasley
The Non-Existence of a Covering System with all Moduli Distinct, Large and Square-Free, Melissa Kate Bechard
The Effects of Exercise Training on Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Women, Katie Marie Becofsky
Beating Down the Fear: The Civil Sphere and Political Change in South Carolina, 1940-1962, Sid Bedingfield
The Emergence of U.S. Hospital-Based Doula Programs, Violet Dawn Beets
Theoretical Investigation of the Catalytic, Liquid-Phase Hydrodeoxygenation of Organic Acids and Esters, Sina Behtash
Cellular and Biochemical Effects of Sparstolonin B on Endothelial Cells to Inhibit Angiogenesis, Marwa Belhaj
Evaluating the Effects of a Strengths-Based, Professional Development Intervention on Adolescents’ Academic, Social, and Emotional Outcomes, Jason Michael Bird
How School Leadership Develops Parental Involvement Strategies with Social Capital in Four South Carolina Middle Schools, Anthony Neil Boatwright
The Development of a Performance Progression for Science Teachers' Implementation of Model-Based Teaching, Christopher Bogiages
Adultification in Juvenile Corrections: A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Officers, Riane Miller Bolin
Perception of Police in Public Housing Communities, Taylor Brickley
The Effects of Sharing the Consequences of Tax Evasion and Regret Salience on Taxpayer Compliance, William Douglas Brink
Examining the Influence of Healthy Eating Identity on Shopping Behaviors, Jordan Brittingham
Best Practice for Antipsychotic Medication Management in Community Dwelling Older Adults with Schizophrenia, Estelle Marie Brown
Leadership Perspectives on International Education For Public School Students in South Carolina: Two Case Studies, Frederick Eugene Brown
Sea Island Cascades: An Analysis of Principals' and Teachers' Perceptions of Factors Related to The Overrepresentation of African American Males Identified as Having an Emotional Disability, Jacinta Maria Bryant
Geographic Disparities in Cancer Mortality to Incidence Ratios, Kyle Buck
The Association between the Social Context of Mealtime, Children's Diet, Caregiver's Experiences with Discrimination and Household Food Insecurity, Michael Patrick Burke
Local Mechanical Fields in Interface Percolated Nanocomposites, Brian James Burrows
A Quantitative Analysis of White-Tailed Deer Harvest Across States and Counties, Rebecca Lynne Cain
Network Analysis and Cluster Detection Using Markov Theory, John William Campbell
Building Sanity: The Rise and Fall of Architectural Treatment at the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, Kimberly Jean Campbell
Implementation and Evaluation of Fuel Creep Using Advanced Light-Water Reactor Materials in FRAPCON 3.5, Spencer Carroll
Neighborhood Disorganization and Police Decision-Making in the New York City Police Department, Allison Carter
Product and Consumer Characteristics as Moderators of Consumer Response to Sustainable Products, Kealy Carter
The Poetic Works of Charlotte Smith: Philosophy, Sympathy, and Forging Community, Jessica Danielle Castillo
The Contribution of Status Lineages in the Rise of the State: A New Theory of State Formation, Yamilette Chacon
Oldtimers & Newcomers in Collective Action, Stefanie R. Chamberlain
Hydroflux Synthesis: A New and Effective Technique for Exploratory Crystal Growth, Michael William Chance
A Three-Dimensional in Vitromodel of Atherogenesis, Pin Hsuan Chang
Role of Micro RNA 148/152 Family in Cancer Progression, Anusha Chaparala