"Best Practice for Antipsychotic Medication Management in Community Dwe" by Estelle Marie Brown

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


College of Nursing


Nursing Practice

First Advisor

Beverly Baliko


Schizophrenia, aging, and medication factors combine to present a very complex clinical presentation in caring for the elderly population with schizophrenia. The aging body displays a slowing of physiological processes, which alters the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications prescribed. Multiple comorbid health factors and the medications recommended for treatment may become detrimental to the overall body health, causing more problems for the older individual. This evidence based practice project reviewed literature and evidence to focus on the question, "In community dwelling older adults with schizophrenia, what is best practice for antipsychotic medication management?" The literature search resulted in classifying 16 articles as relevant to medication management in older adults with schizophrenia. The results of this project were limited by the paucity of available quality research material on the subject. Few studies were inclusive of the 65-years and older population. However, the literature analysis resulted in several recommendations to guide decision-making and promote the safe incorporation of antipsychotic medications in the plan of care to treat schizophrenia in older patients. These may be used by Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners in the clinical reasoning process.


© 2014, Estelle Marie Brown

Included in

Nursing Commons
