"Conflicted Union: Culture, Economics and European Union Media Policy" by Daphney Pernola Barr

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


School of Journalism and Mass Communications

First Advisor

August E. Grant


The constant tension between internal market development and cultural preservation remain within European Union audiovisual media services regulatory policy. While market harmonization and liberalization are key to developing a formidable European media market, the preservation of and promotion of ‘European-ness’ depends upon the protection of cultural diversity, a necessity for a confederation of 27 sovereign nation-states with distinct cultures and languages. It may not currently be possible to reconcile the intrinsic duality of audiovisual media through EU regulatory policy mechanisms. However, a regulatory policy clearly that addresses the potential of cultural harmonization/economic liberalization conflict, that explicitly connects the EU’s audiovisual media cultural considerations to the cultural aspects of the European project may enable policy makers to abandon notions of “balancing” the cultural and economic, and accept the reality of the inevitable trade-off between culture and economics. This policy research study examines relevant EU policy directives to help policymakers achieve this goal.


© 2014, Daphney Pernola Barr
