"Supporting Fourth Grade Reading Students Using Retrospective Miscue An" by Michelle Davis

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation


Educational Studies


College of Education

First Advisor

Lucy Spence

Second Advisor

Diane DeFord


Despite extensive research on Response to Intervention and Retrospective Miscue Analysis, students in fourth and fifth grade are still reading below grade level. This case study investigated how Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA) implemented during Response to Intervention (RTI) assists students in learning to apply new reading strategies that increase comprehension. Over a twelve week period, data were collected in four contexts. First, orally administered pre/post-Burke Reading Inventory. Secondly, computer generated STAR assessment for screening and progress monitoring. Thirdly, one-on-one Dominie. Finally, audio recording of student read aloud, retelling and follow-up discussion. Students’ responses on pre-Burke Inventory indicated students think reading is being able to say all the words. Screening results placed students at second and early third-grade instructional reading levels. Dominie results were somewhat similar. These initial recorded readings showed students unable to retell what they read and unable to answer questions about the text. As students engaged in recording their reading and discussions with the teacher, they learned strategies to monitor and problem-solve during reading to better understand and remember what they read. Students were more than willing to use the iPad for recording and to independently listen to listen to their reading. By the end of the twelve-week period, students were applying strategies learned during their recorded readings and conferences with the teacher, and retellings became more complete. Follow-up Burke Reading Inventory indicated that students were more focused on understanding what they were reading. While words were still important, they were more interested in the meanings of words to help them understand the text they were reading. STAR and Dominie assessments both indicated students improved in reading comprehension levels and were at or near grade level by the end of the study.


© 2015, Michelle Davis
