Faculty Publications | Information Science, School of | University of South Carolina


Submissions from 2024


Comparing the Health Information Practices of Sapphic People by Age Group and Generation, Vanessa Lynn Kitzie

Submissions from 2023


"What Is a Wave But 1000 Drops Working Together?": The Role of Public Libraries in Addressing LGBTQIA+ Health Information Disparities, Vanessa Lynn Kitzie, A. Nick Vera, Valerie Lookingbill, and Travis L. Wagner


Co-creation of a Training For Community Health Workers to Enhance Skills in Serving LGBTQIA+ Communities, Vanessa Kitzie, Julie Smithwick, Carmen Blanco, M. Greg Green, and Sarah Covington-Kolb


“What Is a Wave but 1000 Drops Working Together?”: The Role of Public Libraries in Addressing LGBTQIA+ Health Information Disparities, Vanessa Kitzie, Alexander N. Vera, Valerie Lookingbill, and Travis L. Wagner


Queer Mediated Practices as a Method to Center and Sustain Critical Health and Media Literacies, Alexander N. Vera, Vanessa Kitzie, and Travis L. Wagner

Submissions from 2022


Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into Research, Monica Colon-Aguirre and Kawanna Bright


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the LIS Education and Practice Sectors: Creating Accessible Learning Environments and Informing Social Justice through Universal Design, Clayton A. Copeland and Kim M. Thompson


Understanding the Information Creation Practices of LGBTQIA+ Community Health Workers, Vanessa Kitzie and Travis N. Wager


“Nothing to do but be borne and steered”: Unpacking Feminist Scripts in Elana Arnold’s Damsel, Jenna Spiering and Nicole Ann Amato


Including Latinx Communities in Academic Libraries: A Theoretical Approach to Information Access, Andrew A. Wakelee and Kim M. Thompson

Submissions from 2021


The Leading Neighborhood-Level Predictors of Drug Overdose: A Mixed Machine Learning and Spatial Approach, Parisa Bozorgi, Dwayne E. Porter, Jan M. Eberth, Jeannie P. Eidson, and Amir Karami


Encouraging Interdisciplinarity: The Impact of Assignment Requirements on Students’ Use of Interdisciplinary Sources in an LIS Research Methods Course, Kawanna Bright and Monica Colon-Aguirre


Still Struggling to Breathe: Another Conversation on Libraries and Communities in Crisis, Monica Colon-Aguirre and Nicole A. Cooke


“Killing It From the Inside”: Acknowledging and Valuing Black, Indigenous, and People of Color as LIS Faculty, Nicole A. Cooke and Monica Colon-Aguirre


Outsiders‐within‐Library and Information Science: Reprioritizing the Marginalized in Critical Sociocultural Work, Nicole A. Cooke and Vanessa L. Kitzie


Tales From Three Countries and One Academia: Academic Faculty in the Time of the Pandemic, Keren Dali, Nadia Caidi, Kim M. Thompson, and Jane Garner


Active Learning in Technical Services Education, Brian Dobreski, Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb, Athena Salaba, and Karen Snow


What is the Purpose of Librarianship and How Can We Teach This?, Bill Edgar, Rene Burress, YooJin Ha, and Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb


Knowledge Work in the Library: Practices, Environments, and Competencies, Darin S. Freeburg


The Ticket You Get Punched”: The Divide Between Academic and Public Librarianship and the MLIS, Darin S. Freeburg and A. Nick Vera


Journey for Justice: Helping Teens Visualize the Civil Rights Movement through Primary Sources and Graphic Novels, Karen Gavigan


A Contextualization of Editorial Misconduct in the Library and Information Science Academic Information Ecosystem, Lucy Santos Green and Melissa P. Johnston


A Contextualization of Editorial Misconduct in the Library and Information Science Academic Information Ecosystem, Lucy Santos Green and Mellissa Johnston


Supporting STEM Education in the School Library with Digital Tools, Lucy Santos Green, Mellissa Johnston, Amanda Jones, and Erica Thompson


Analysis of Social Media Discussions on (#)Diet by Blue, Red, and Swing States in the U.S, Amir Karami, A. A. Dahl, J. G. Shaw, S. P. Valappil, G. Turner-McGrievy, H. Kharrazi, and P. Bozorgi


Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?, Amir Karami, R. R. Kadari, L. Panati, H. Bheemreddy, and B. Bozorgi


Automatic Categorization of LGBT User Profiles on Twitter with Machine Learning, Amir Karami, M. Lundy, F. Webb, H. R. Boyajieff, M. Zhu, and D. Lee


A Systematic Literature Review of Sexual Harassment Studies with Text Mining, Amir Karami, Melek Yildiz Spinel, C. Nicole White, Kayla Ford, and Suzanne Swan


COVID-19 Vaccine and Social Media in the U.S.: Exploring Emotions and Discussions on Twitter, Amir Karami, Michael Zhu, Bailey Goldschmidt, Hannah R. Boyajieff, and Mahdi M. Najafabadi


“I’ve Already Googled It, and I Can’t Understand It”: User’s Perceptions of Virtual Reference and Social Question-Answering Sites, Vanessa Kitzie, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, and Marie L. Radford


Advancing Information Practices Theoretical Discourses Centered on Marginality, Community, and Embodiment: Learning from the Experiences of LGBTQIA+ Communities, Vanessa L. Kitzie, Travis L. Wagner, Valerie Lookingbill, and Nicolas Vera


Discursive power and resistance in the information worlds maps of LGBTQIA+ community leaders, Vanessa Kitzie, Travis L. Wagner, and Alexander N. Vera


ALISE School Library Special Interest Group (SIG) Session: Crafting Resilience in K-12 and Beyond, Jennifer Luetkemeyer, Rebecca Morris, Maria Cahill, Jeffrey DiScala, Jennifer Moore, Lesley Farmer, Melissa Johnston, and Lucy Santos Green


Jumping Hurdles: ‘Hurdle Wording’ and Hiring for Diversity and Inclusion, Rebecca Muir, Asim Qayyum, and Kim M. Thompson


Review: Introduction to Knowledge Organization, Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb


Voices of Strength: A Survey of Librarians Working with Chronic Illnesses or Conditions, Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb


Never Waste a Crisis: Digital Inclusion for Sustainable Development in the Context of the COVID Pandemic, Amanda Reed and Kim M. Thompson


Framing of and Attention to COVID-19 on Twitter: Thematic Analysis of Hashtags, Iman Tahamtan, Devendra Potnis, Ehsan Mohammadi, Laura E. Miller, and Vandana Singh


Making the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mindset Indispensable in the LIS Classroom Through Design, Content, Communication, and Assessment, Kim M. Thompson and Clayton A. Copeland


Learning from Pandemic Mode to Create a Sustainable Digital Future: Using a Tripartite Model of Information Access and Digital Inclusion with a Richland Library Case Study, Kim M. Thompson and Amanda Reed


‘Access necessitates being seen’: Queer Visibility and Intersectional Embodiment within the Health Information Practices of Queer Community Leaders, Travis L. Wagner and Vanessa Kitzie


Transgender and Non-binary Individuals and ICT-driven Information Practices in Response to Trans-exclusionary Healthcare Systems: A Qualitative Study, Travis L. Wagner, Vanessa L. Kitzie, and Valerie Lookingbill


Including Latinx Communities in Academic Libraries: A Theoretical Approach to Information Access, Andrew Wakelee and Kim M. Thompson

Submissions from 2020


Standing Out in the Academic LIS Job Market: An Interactive Panel Not Just for Doctoral Students, Naresh Kumar Agarwal, Kyong Eun Oh, Rachel D. Williams, Darin S. Freeburg, Howard Rosenbaum, and Barbara H. Kwasnik


Social Media and COVID-19: Can Social Distancing be Quantified Without Measuring Human Movements?, Mackenzie Anderson, Amir Karami, and Parisa Bozorgi


Governed by Circumstances as They May Arise: A Short Reflection on The Knowledge School and its Context, Jennifer Weil Arns


“It's Hard to See How These Would be Harmful to Kids”: Public Library Staff Perceptions of Child Development and Drag Queen Storytimes, Sarah Barriage, Vanessa Kitzie, Diana Floegel, and Shannon M. Oltmann


Interdisciplinarity in Students’ Research Papers: The Impact of Assignment Requirements on Students’ Use of Interdisciplinary Sources in an LIS Research Methods Course, Kawanna Bright and Monica Colon-Aguirre


Preparing Librarians to Research in an Interdisciplinary and Interconnected World, Kawanna Bright, Krystyna Matusiak, Monica Colon-Aguirre, Rajesh Singh, and Jenny Bossaller


Redesigning Assignments to Dissuade Plagiarism in a Research Course, Monica Colon-Aguirre


Persona Profiles of Latinx Living in Boston: Applications for Information Organizations, Mónica Colón-Aguirre and J. Ceja Alcalá


Racism and Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching, Monica Colon-Aguirre, Nicole A. Cooke, and Amelia Gibson


An Exploratory Survey Measuring Burnout Among Academic Librarians in the Southeast of the United States, Mónica Colón-Aguirre and K. Webb


Critical Library Instruction as a Pedagogical Tool, Nicole A. Cooke


Librarians Could be Jailed and Fined Under a Proposed Censorship Law, Nicole A. Cooke


Reading Is Only a Step on the Path to Anti-Racism, Nicole A. Cooke


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Digital Legacies, Nicole A. Cooke


Turning Antiracist Knowledge and Education into Action, Nicole A. Cooke


What It Means to Decolonize the Library, Nicole A. Cooke


It Starts at Home: Infusing Radical Empathy into Graduate Education, Nicole A. Cooke, Kellee E. Warren, Molly Brown, and Athena Jackson


Everyone, Everywhere, Every Time, Clayton A. Copeland PhD


Universal Design Created Equity and Inclusion: Moving from Theory to Practice, Clayton A. Copeland, Brady Cross, and Kim M. Thompson


What About Librarianship in LIS Curricula?, Bill Edgar, YooJin Ha, Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb, and Jessica Jordan


Values, Risks, and Power Influencing Librarians' Decisions to Host Drag Queen Storytime, Diana Floegel, Sarah Barriage, Vanessa Kitzie, and Shannon Oltmann


An Information-Based Approach to Organizational Change Management., Darin S. Freeburg


Complex Systems and How Complex Non-Profits can Harness the Flow of Information, Darin S. Freeburg


Helping LIS Faculty Know What it’s Like to Work in a Library, Darin S. Freeburg


Supporting Refugees by Facilitating the Innovation of Nonprofit Resettlement Agencies: A Case Study, Darin S. Freeburg


Struggling to Breathe: COVID-19, Protest, and the LIS Response, Amelia N. Gibson, Renate Chancellor, Nicole A. Cooke, Sarah Park Dahlen, Beth Patin, and Yasmeen Shorish


Twitter and Research: A Systematic Literature Review Through Text Mining, Amir Karami, Morgan Lundy, Frank Webb, and Yogesh K. Dwivedi


Twitter Speaks: A Case of National Disaster Situational Awareness, Amir Karami, Vishal Shah, Reza Vaezi, and Amit Bansal


Space Identification of Sexual Harassment Reports with Text Mining, Amir Karami, Suzanne Swan, and Marcos F. Moraes


Analyzing Health Tweets of LGB and Transgender Individuals, Amir Karami and Frank Webb


“When someone sees me, I am nothing of the norm”: Examining the Discursive Role Power Plays in Shaping LGBTQ+ Health Information Practices, Vanessa L. Kitzie, Travis L. Wagner, and A. Nick Vera


Using the World Café Methodology to Support Community-centric Research and Practice in Library and Information Science, Vanessa Kitzie, Jocelyn Pettigrew, Travis L. Wagner, and Nick Vera


“In the Beginning, It Was Little Whispers...Now, We’re Almost a Roar”: Conceptualizing a Model for Community and Self in LGBTQ+ Health Information Practices, Vanessa Kitzie, Travis L. Wagner, and Alexander N. Vera


Novel Courses for the Professional Development of Graduate Students: Results and Reflection, Michael A. Matthews, Gina M. Kunz, Kevin Brock, and Darin S. Freeburg


Who Shares Health and Medical Scholarly Articles on Facebook?, Ehsan Mohammadi, Nilofar Barahmand, and Mike Thelwall


Which Health and Biomedical Topics Generate the Most Facebook Interest and the Strongest Citation Relationships?, Ehsan Mohammadi, Karl B. Gregory, Mike Thelwall, and Nilofar Barahmand


Exploring Research Trends in Big Data Across Disciplines: A Text Mining Analysis, Ehsan Mohammadi and Amir Karami


Seasonal Characterization of Diet Discussions on Reddit, Victoria Money, Amir Karami, Brie Turner-McGrievy, and Hadi Kharrazi


The Diversity We Seek: A Document Analysis of Diversity and Inclusion in the Australian Library and Information Sector Job Advertisements, Rebecca Muir, Kim M. Thompson, and Asim Qayyum


Factors of Digital Inclusion Among Women: Revisiting India and Extending to Chile and Australia for Additional Analysis, Anindita Paul and Kim M. Thompson


“People Are Reading Your Work,": Scholarly Identity and Social Networking Sites, Marie L. Radford, Vanessa Kitzie, Stephanie Mikitish, Diana Floegel, Gary P. Radford, and Lynn Silipigni Connaway


Review: Organizing Library Collections, Susan R. Rathbun-Grubb


Rethinking Curation in School Libraries and School Library Education: Critical, Conceptual, Collaborative, Jenna Spiering and Kate Lechtenberg


Sexual Assault and Trauma: Young Adult Literature Tackling Tough Topics, Jenna Spiering, Kate Lechtenberg, and Nicole Ann Amato


Inclusive Considerations for Optimal Online Learning in Times of Disasters and Crises, Kim M. Thompson and Clayton A. Copeland


“Library and Information Science” Literature in Web of Science: What a Decade Tells Us About Scholarly Collaboration in the Field (2007-2016), Kim M. Thompson, Kasey Garrison, Carolina Santelices-Werchez, Paulina Arellano-Rojas, and Danilo Reyes-Lillo


Disaster Health Information Access and Public Libraries’ Situation-Specific Information: What Public Librarians and Library Users Said, Feili Tu-Keefner, J. Liu, D. Lyons, A. Hobbs, J. C. Smith, and M. Corbo


Dietary Pattern Recognition on Twitter:A Case Example of Before, During, and After Four Natural Disasters, Gabrielle M. Turner-McGrievy, Amir Karami, Courtney Monroe, and Heather M. Brandt


Is Authorship Sufficient for Today’s Collaborative Research? A Call for Contributor Roles, Nicole A. Vasilevsky, Ehsan Mohammadi, Mohammad Hosseini, Samantha Teplitzky, Violeta Ilik, Juliane Schneider, Barbara Kern, Julien Colomb, Scott C. Edmunds, Karen Gutzman, Daniel S. Himmelstein, Marijane White, Britton Smith, Lisa O'Keefe, Melissa Haendel, and Kristi L. Holmes

Submissions from 2019


The Latinx Literacy in Libraries and Archives Project, Janet C. Alcala, Rebecca Davis, Monica Colon-Aguirre, and Danna L. Cisneros


Do You Really Want a Diverse Program?, Mónica Colón-Aguirre


LatinXs Finding InformaXion in Boston (LatinXs Buscando InformaXion en Boston), Monica Colon-Aguirre and Janet Ceja Alcalá


A Comparative Study of Perceptions and Use of Google Scholar and Academic Library Discovery Systems, Mónica Colón-Aguirre and K. E. Oh


Are We Burned Out Yet? Librarians Experiencing Burnout in their Careers, Monica Colon-Aguirre and Kathryn Webb


Leading with Love and Hospitality: Applying a Radical Pedagogy to LIS, Nicole A. Cooke


White Kids Need Diverse Books, Too, Nicole A. Cooke


Diversity, Accessing Ability, and LIS Education Practices, Clayton A. Copeland and Kim M. Thompson